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Should Tech_Junkie be unbanned


LPF Founder / Admin
Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Mar 17, 2006
Hi all, Tech_Junkie said he wants to be unbanned and admitted he should have been banned / etc

I honestly don't know all the details about the troubles he was causing, but I had received at least 5 complaints about him

Does anyone here think he should be unbanned



I have dealt with Techjunkie / tech troll he told me he went out of line and argued when he should of not done so
I think he deserves another chance  there is several times i have seen on here where a mod would've or could've stopped the nonsense
but we can only stretch c0ld so far its up to senior members to remind us all that we have a great forum here and remind members when they go too far

so my vote yea one more chance should be given
Yeah... unban him...  8-)

Geezz... how many chances were given to Wes... :-?
And T_J has more than enough knowledge of how to sneak back in here
but he hasn't done it as far as I know... 8-)

IMO... he didn't go any further than LaserMan532...who even brought the
argument to an unrelated thread..

I find is strange that 7 members voted and yet there are only 3 posts.. :-/

thanks for your feedback everyone=)

any questions or comments email me anytime, atarasov .... hushmail.com

lasersbee said:
Yeah... unban him...  8-)

Geezz... how many chances were given to Wes... :-?
And T_J has more than enough knowledge of how to sneak back in here
but he hasn't done it as far as I know... 8-)

IMO... he didn't go any further than LaserMan532...who even brought the
argument to an unrelated thread..

I find is strange that 7 members voted and yet there are only 3 posts.. :-/


I agree. I just hope he takes the green troll hair off his avatar.
Hey thanks for everyone's support. You guys are the best. I'll make ya proud.

And yes, the hair will go... ;)
