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FrozenGate by Avery

Automatic Banning... Neg Rep Criteria???

Sep 20, 2008
Hey guys...

I would like your input on an Idea I just got from seeing some members
getting a little out of hand and obnoxious of the Forum in the last week...

What if a member that received more than XX Neg Reps.. then that member
should be eligible to get a mandatory 3 months vacation....

I have never seen a Member with -20 or more reps get the Neg Reps
because they were so helpful to the Forum Community...

Since we don't have Moderators... I feel this is a good way to vote
Ya or Na.....

We would need to figure out at what level of Neg Reps this should take

All input is welcome.... Don't be shy... state your thoughts...
(I could be wrong... maybe this is not what the Forum even wants..:confused:)


This actually sounds like a really good idea. The only problem is that if lets jut say you dont like me for xyz reason.. you pm your little buddies to gang up on me and neg rep me.. then im toast, no matter what reason. there needs to be other checks and balances.

Neg rep should definitely be a factor.

Maybe you should think about this a bit more and get a more bullet proof plan. But I think our on to something
actually, if you get 50 negatives it doesn't matter if it was a conspiracy (ehem ehem) or not it means that most of the people here don't want you here, so bye bye :D
Agreed... the Admin should always have the last word...

But it would be a wake up call to help the Admin...
Right now there is no limit.... I remember a "member" on the
old Forum with over 100 Neg Rep points before he was finally
banned (and we all know who that was)..

@GrenMachine... even right now if enough different members
(buddies or not) ask the Admin to ban a member... it will happen..

For that afflicted member... it will come as a surprise... but if he sees
his Reps declining he may make an effort to get with the program..
b/c he now has a gauge to watch...

One problem with this is that sometimes, when a member crashes and burns (a la BlueFusion or Jake21) PM's and "in forum" postings are the only way to make contact with the offender. A banned member is an incommunicado member.

Since a neg rep only takes half the givers rep power from the receiver, it would take a huge amount of ganging up to get a person to -50 rep, or ganging up by veterans, especially if that member had EVER posted anything worthy of positive rep.
Even though several people have caused trouble on the forum (Arenared and Jake21/22 are the most recent to spring to mind), Wes is still the only one to my knowledge ever having reached below -10 rep on the new forum.. and he is actually a LOT below that. He has only just reached below -50 now.

I think it's a great idea. It should be easy for even quite an annoying and worthless member to stay above a -50 limit so it would only affect real PITAs who had not been banned by c0ld personally yet.

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@Daguin... Good point....

Knowing this "Ban" is coming... Members who are transacting could ask for E-Mail
addys to continue communicating..

I don't think I've done a deal here without having an E-Mail to fall back on..
And other friends of the banned members usually have a Phone number or

@greenmacine... if you are responding to my last post...
Yes... if enough members ask to ban another member it will happen...
even if the member has 1000 +Reps...

A number hasn't been decided.... maybe -30 is enough... that is 60 + Rep Powers...

Right yes i understand. What i was refering to was that to get someone to lets say -30 and they have 1000 for example. How many neg reps will it take to get him /her to -30.

This is like a tax plan, where the rich would hardly feel it and the poor would be in debt.

(i couldnt think of a better analogy)

There has to be another supplemental criteria i would think.
One problem with this is that sometimes, when a member crashes and burns (a la BlueFusion or Jake21) PM's and "in forum" postings are the only way to make contact with the offender. A banned member is an incommunicado member.


I was gonna say yes to this... and then I read dagod's post...
One problem with this is that sometimes, when a member crashes and burns (a la BlueFusion or Jake21) PM's and "in forum" postings are the only way to make contact with the offender. A banned member is an incommunicado member.


On the other hand, none of those members came close to negative points.
To reach the level where other people need to contact you for their money/builds while your rep is crashing, you will already have received so much positive rep from previous transactions that it is virtually impossible to get into the negatives.

Right yes i understand. What i was refering to was that to get someone to lets say -30 and they have 1000 for example. How many neg reps will it take to get him /her to -30.

This is like a tax plan, where the rich would hardly feel it and the poor would be in debt.

(i couldnt think of a better analogy)

There has to be another supplemental criteria i would think.

Using your numbers...It would take 2060 Rep Powers to drop this member
to -30 Rep Points....

You're missing the point.... Even a member with 2000 rep points can be banned
by enough members asking the Admin to do so.. (with a reason of course)...

The members that have accumulated large numbers of Rep points have done so
by working for them over time.... Those rep points come from the members here...

This is just another way to put a gauge/meter on the disruptive free running non
compliant members...
Do you honestly think that a member that has been on the forum for over
a year and a half with -54 rep points has contributed to the Forum in a positive
The numbers speak for themselves....

Oh crap... I just looked at your Rep points... You're still safe...:D

BTW... the rep system is not like taxes... your neighbors are not the ones
that are taxing you...

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1... Is this a major problem here? Seems to be a few "members".
2... Let's not make this forum like some others we have read about.
3... Ignor the idiots. Do NOT make a return post. Do not feed the animals.

1... Is this a major problem here? Seems to be a few "members".
2... Let's not make this forum like some others we have read about.
3... Ignor the idiots. Do NOT make a return post. Do not feed the animals.


:bowdown:Mike is da man :bowdown:
lets follow his lead
