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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser engraved C6 hosts

Aug 30, 2008
So I was curious about getting the laser engraved logos on the side of the blank C6 shells i buy, and it turns out it's only an extra 10 cents per host!

So what would you all like to see on them?
I'll probably go for both sides ( so $0.20 per host)

I don't really want to go with anything related to me or the website, because nobody wants a host with "Mohgasm" printed on the side.

I was thinking of making it a laser warning label maybe?
I could split them up, get some made for 405nm, 445nm,635,650, ect..
I'm not sure of the minimum font size or characters. But I think it would be cool if we could print the classic laser warning on the handle.

It only comes in white text though.

Anyone else have some idea? I'll be ordering a new batch of hosts here pretty soon, i'm down to about 20 at the moment.

I think "Danger Laser Radiation" would look neat. Can you do logos/pictures, or text only?
Maybe this ?

We could put some warning txt below the Laser Pointer Forum line

or this :

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How about the chrome mudflap girl that truckers have on their big rigs. Instant chick magnent. "Pow! Check out this laser!"
I want this on my C6:

Yes should be great! But where is the Poll?
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A laserpointerforums logo or laser radiation in some kind of cool font would be epic :)
Well, I don't have any right to throw LPF's logo & name on the hosts, i do love the idea though.
That would have to be done with Avery's permission. We could setup a donation thing for each one sold or something.

The LPF logo would take up one side. So on the other side, How about something similiar to this? Maybe redesign the laser dot.

Though everything has to be done in white.

Or we could do the beam on one side, and danger on the other

The two images are just a warning sticker split up. The side that can be print on the hosts are thin and long, so we won't be able to fit an entire laser warning on it.


  • beam.jpg
    44.1 KB · Views: 441
  • danger.jpg
    44.1 KB · Views: 429
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What is the minimum order for laser engraving ? If it is low enough I may think of a personal logo. :)
I'm not sure i'll have to ask. He just told me 10 cents per side and I got excited and came over here lol
