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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Military coup in Turkey.

Jul 10, 2015
Are you all watching the news?
Our Muslim ally Turkey has a military coup under way.
They are sitting on nukes too, I knew things were going to go bad in the end of 2016, I hope this settles down fast.

I was just watching SCG and this Turkey coup hit the news, this may settle down fast, lets hope so.

Hey, what's the chance you have refined ISIS oil in your car right now?

This video is 5 months old but gives some insight.

Seems like we're caught between a rock and a hard place.

Question? Are our choices coming down to economic collapse or war?
Is taking in Syrian refugees part of a bigger plan along with disarming the American public?
Is the 3rd option something worse than an economic collapse or global war?
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May 14, 2013
I have been listening to coverage of this for several hours now. There is a small chance this could be catastrophic on a biblical scale. This could lead to civil war in Turkey, if that happens then ISIS and the Kurds might decide to take advantage of this, you don't want to think about the results of that. :eek:

To answer your 3 questions, the first answer is YES.
My second answer would be probably.
The 3rd I have opinions about but I will keep it to myself for now.

And about the nukes, it was just reported there are 90 NATO nukes in Turkey, I don't know if they are all ours or not.

Sep 5, 2013
This is scary stuff, I don't like it. I'm currently at work for another 2 hours but will definitely catch up on the news as soon as I get home!

What a shame at how's we've progressed :(

Jul 10, 2015
The coup is failed, but this is not necessarily good.

Hardline Islamic influence is growing stronger, Turkey albeit a NATO ally is headed in a bad direction. This could very well make our job of fighting ISIS harder.
May 14, 2013
The coup is failed, but this is not necessarily good.

Hardline Islamic influence is growing stronger, Turkey albeit a NATO ally is headed in a bad direction. This could very well make our job of fighting ISIS harder.

I don't believe we are currently doing much to fight ISIS anyway but a few other countries are. ISIS is preparing for the fall of the Caliphate, they are conducting classic asymmetrical warfare. The Caliphate may fall, but a new one will rise, they just need the right leader to come along. One day they will even invade Europe as they did so long ago. The horrors we have seen so far are only the beginning.

Jul 10, 2015
You are correct Sir, we are doing very little, actually much of our military weapon support moves through Qatar to ISIS.

Turkey has been the moderate Muslims since the end of WWII, but the democratic and secular rule of law is being eroded by the current government.

Erdogan is not a good man, he is bringing back a Hardline Islamic dictatorship.

Turkey will now likely break down into two countries and ISIS will soon take over much of it.

The coup was an attempt by part of the military to keep the democratic rule of law, but that is not the direction Turkey is headed, this is not good.
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May 14, 2013
I also think Turkey's military is greatly weakened now. 200 now confirmed dead and over 1000 wounded or injured, and almost 3000 members of Turkey's armed forces have been arrested, many will no doubt be tried and executed. I think they have lost most of their experienced officers and will have low morale for quite some time.

I also think we should pull the nukes out of Turkey, we are threatening the Russians enough, we don't need those nukes there.

Jul 10, 2015
Russia is investing in Cuba, rebuilding bases.

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Feb 22, 2008
There's been suggestions that Erdogan started the coup himself - Sort of his own Reichstag fire - a way to clear out dissenters and give himself more power.
Jul 10, 2015
There's been suggestions that Erdogan started the coup himself - Sort of his own Reichstag fire - a way to clear out dissenters and give himself more power.

I also heard that theory, either way his path forward is as a hardline Islamic dictator, the coup was said to be organized with an encrypted app, but even if Erdogan started the coup in disguise to weed out dissidents he still has the same end goal and it's not democracy.

NOTE: 7/16/16 US halts airstrikes against ISIS due to Turkey denying US the use of Turkish airspace.
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Aug 16, 2007
I think it's fairly likely Erdogan set up this coup attemt himself. If it was the whole military taking control they would have succeeded with ease. Erdogan was conveniently away and called upon the people to protest the coupe using facetime of all things.

It could have been a shit test to see what army officers were actually loyal to him, and/or to get a public demonstration of loyalty.

Erdogan has all traits of being an islamic dictator, and is susptected to have familty ties that profit from ISIS (such as buying their crude oil). I reckon he is in a bit of a pickle now as ISIS keeps losing territory and power, and his ties to it may very well be expose d once it's dismantled completely.

The whole ISIS situation has taken eyes of what's going on inside turkey. Erdogan wants to build an islamic republic out of the country, but it's constitution forbids this explicitly and requires secularity.

I would not be surprised if this (mock?) coup will be used to make some changes to the constitution of turkey, sneaking in some things that reduce the secularity aspect.
Jul 10, 2015
Yep, he's already been making changes to their judiciary.
The US is shut out of Turkish airspace so we have stopped bombing ISIS.
We should have finished the job in Iraq, now we are looking at a long ordeal.
May 14, 2013
Russia is investing in Cuba, rebuilding bases.

That report talks about increasing trade with Argentina and Brazil and the building of a nuclear plant in Argentina. I don't know if this is worth mentioning here, but I expect that many of you don't know it but there are currently 5 countries that operate nuclear powered submarines, the U.S., Russia, the U.K., France, and China. Two other countries have programs underway to develope their own nuclear powered submarines, that is Argentina and Brazil. I wonder if Russia would help them with this kind of military technology or not.

Jul 10, 2015
Iran is my big concern, they will spread it to all the Islamic States.......that sure would give us a good reason to go back in, you know we just put up a big surveillance satellite with all the latest super sensitive sensors.

Maybe we want Iran to spread it around so we can occupy the oil fields and keep them this time, how could we leave them alone after something like that.

Think about it, 150 Billion and a contract that they can have it legit in 10 years, either Barry has sabotaged us of given Iran the rope to hang itself along with the entire Muslim sandbox, Americans won't be crying about the children of Iraq after LA gets nuked.

Dangerous game you say, well our political elites have some very nice super bunkers, besides the 1st one will get set off in Israel, then we can take it all with nano bots, mini drones, maybe even some engineered biologicals, the Muslim population is too large, we need a reason to clean them out like cockroaches with poison and after Israel then ......God please not Atlanta go boom the public will be onboard.

911 was tiny, watch what happens next but before the big booms we will have our hearts hardened with lots of domestic events, it's just a game to the super elite, big government and big money will dance hand in hand on our graves while we argue over which puppet to elect.

150 Billion and permission to have it outright in 10 years, is the whole world blind?
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Aug 16, 2007
Isreal has it's far amount of experience in this field, and will fend for itself if no outside help comes to it's rescue.

I hope it will not come to it, but realstically Iran as WW-2 type nukes at best, while Isreal has fully functional hydrogen bombs available. Officially the answer is that isreal will not comment on it's nuclear capability, but realistically it's there and it's strong.

One thing to realize is that not all nuclear weapons are comparable. The sort that iran has is comparable to what the us had in ww2. Whilst devastating at the time and therefor being game changers, such weapons are not that impressive by todays terms. Lacking a reliable delivery mechanism makes things more difficult, especially as these weapons need to be set off at altitude for maximum impact.

Isreal is very good at shooting things out of the sky. So far it has mostly been improvised rockets, but the systems the have in place could also down a basic missile carrying a nuclear load from iran.
May 14, 2013
Isreal has it's far amount of experience in this field, and will fend for itself if no outside help comes to it's rescue.

I hope it will not come to it, but realstically Iran as WW-2 type nukes at best, while Isreal has fully functional hydrogen bombs available. Officially the answer is that isreal will not comment on it's nuclear capability, but realistically it's there and it's strong.

One thing to realize is that not all nuclear weapons are comparable. The sort that iran has is comparable to what the us had in ww2. Whilst devastating at the time and therefor being game changers, such weapons are not that impressive by todays terms. Lacking a reliable delivery mechanism makes things more difficult, especially as these weapons need to be set off at altitude for maximum impact.

Isreal is very good at shooting things out of the sky. So far it has mostly been improvised rockets, but the systems the have in place could also down a basic missile carrying a nuclear load from iran.

I disagree with this, today technology can spread faster than you think. For quite some time now there have been reports that Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran have been sharing both missile and nuclear technology. Perhaps it's all BS and fear mongering, let's hope so because Pakistan has nukes they can put on missiles, and North Korea is developing them if they haven't already. I would also remind you that a delivery system does not have to be a missile or advanced aircraft, it can also be a truck, a ship, or a submarine. Sometime back there was evidence that North Korea may have loaded nukes on submarines, the Russians were so concerned about this that they shared sattelite data with the U.S.

