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SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

Apr 2, 2009
SHIPPING!!& DELIVERY ASAP UPDATE!!Laserprojector group buy # 4 Time to send PAYMENTS

OUR PJs are in Ohio
some could be delivered TUESDAY or SOONER
time to check tracking twice a day-

is closed

SUMMARY OF ORDER yet to be shipped.

3 buyers LK 3D
coherant patrick
bowTie Jeff
Hwang Sun LI

1buyer LK SD2 1500
1 buyer LK PD2
Brucemir Bruce


CAN get you on this list.
You will be paying LK direct AFTER
I place your late order/


tracking numbers asap

A) LK 3D -- (was $ 268=free dhl Express included upgrade)
1) Tmack-PAID and delivered-sent tony mine so he could do a review
3) Bowtieguy--Jeff PAID TODAY USPS MO.
4) HWang21-PAID thank you
5) brucemir-Pump up the volume-upgraded
6) Coherent Thought PAID Thanks Patrick
7)are there anymore for the LK 3D? $248- last call,.
TOTal 3 PCs LK 3D

__LK PD2 rgb 500mW efx wheel/pc ilda $515 (best seller)________________
1) herunotsurugi- paid and delivered bundle deal hand delivered TY PC!
2) =Brucemir Paid for upgrade
3) Dan 2 LK PD 2 (needed it NOW so delivered to UK)PAID
4) WendyLou PAID!! WOOT my first gb witha lady aboard~~
5) another UK guy-SLYOUNG!(*& WOOT check that review!!! ??
6) Lonepine soon!! ( TY my brother!!) working towards a LKRGB5
he already has a LKSD 850mW

1) bmholbro upgraded LKSD 1500mW combined-660$ PAID TODAY usps mo TY Brian
TOTal -pc LKSD2

LK SD+_1500mW upgrade 660$
6) bmholbro- MO on the way-LK SD 1500mW $660 MO sent -PAID

(thanks Brian

3 buyers LK 3D
coherant patrick
bowTie Jeff
Hwang Sun LI

1buyer LK SD2 1500
1 buyer LK PD2
Brucemir Bruce



other arangements to pay late are possible
PM asap

last call

I is still possible to order and pay a day late but you willl bear the cost to western union your payment to Laserking /Linna

free CONUS shipping free upgrade from Fed(up with)Ex.

PM AND gmail me too- we cant wait for you..tic toc



all the below has been here a while= anything new is above.

So we need one or two more solid buyers-minimum of five needed and extra time to mod these for us- not sure how long the modding will take but LK cannot do this until AFTER we pay.

I will continue to work closely with Linna- customer service does NOT end at delivery-- ask James- of Jeff- any issue will be addressed- like the past three Lk GBs-(36 pcs) no projector will be shipped until it passes all the testing that Linna performs herself. Minor issues happen during shippment no matter what carrier is used- the track record for gbs 1-2 &# is 2 needed minor alignment- one needing a replacement green module- part shipped free arrived VERY fast.
Unlike other companies:tsk: the QC is NOT done by the buyer.

**&&&&&&&&%%%%%$$########(((((( >(*u*)<

The first three were great- lots of returning buyers.
These do take a lot of work and even when they go as planned
I am not getting any younger.
BESIDES one of the purposes of doing GBs is to let some knoabout new products, companies and to get basically free advertizing
So after this one I feel like most should know about LaserKing and Company Rep Miss Linna.

so I hope this one will have something for everybody.
To make things simple as as smooth as possible i have broken it down to actually three GBs.

FIRST a projector that will get all not already hooked on PJs is a good low cost entry level man-toy.
The LK 3D- if you don't like this one .. I don't know what will please you.

It is all you need- nothing more(really) to buy and easy to use.
You may want to get a DMX controller but I don't really see the point.

The LED well lit window on the back allows several modes-
'auto' will take you thru all the different patterns & to see one over it take about 7 minutes AND even then it does not at all look repetitious.

As I have not seen inside how this is is done is still a mystery to me.
One other mode is sound response- you can choose 9 different levels to custom tune to the volume -- I have yet to see any one of these truly move 100% with the music - but the Lk-3D does as good or better than most.

the specs.
combined output of 320 mW and IIRC the red IS 638nm.
the scanners inside are NOT steppers but real galvos.
It has both a power switch and a key lock on back.
the other mode is remote control-this is very cool
you can pause anything you want- you can turn off ny two colors to leave
just one.

pressing different buttons makes the pattern stay the same- finding one you like and while the colors will change the basic pattern does not.

these sell before the fee you must pay to send your money to China iat about $286-(with Fed Ex shipping included.)so the bank or western union fees can run around 30/45$ or more- and shipping from china even on a small projector is not cheap-

SO the GB price at $248 total with upgraded free DHL Express the benefit of this GB is a real one. Aside from around 72 hour shipping DHL has always gotten me my MANY boxes delivered in great shape and NEVER opened or inspected.

Although I have not yet measured I am fairly sure the LK-3D may be a laser that is eye safe- the laser does NOT ever stop. except on pause.

.. thus it is not 'static' also as people tend to move some that too makes these beams safer. Having gone thru at least two diffraction grating means that at no time do we see any of the RG 0r B- in a single spot -
The human eye is about 7 mm where the light enters- the blink/turn away response is considered to be . 25 seconds=- add all these together and I think there is little or no danger of exceeding the MPE ( Max. Permissible Exposure) so not likely at ALL to burn skin nor set anything on fire.

I will do my best to confirm all this soon.

WE need a minimum order of 10 pcs to get the best deal.

pics and vids coming - while you will like them you cannot fully appreciate this mini PJ until seen in person and in a dark area.

GB #4 part two

this one is for the most popular of the LKs from the first three GBs
with more than 30 PJs ordered and successfully delivered.

Almost no issues so far and what there was have been taken care of asap.

The LK PD2.0 is rated at 500mW but several report a combined power of more than 600 mW- the red is again the upgraded 638nm- the scanners look to be true 20K-

But some will ask why

Except for totally complaint and varianced 500mW RGBs this one does cost more than any other - the REKE 500 RGB when gotten at the sale time and using the bonus coupon was delivered free for only 209$ - well that was a good price for a crappy projector and aside from 500 and RGB there is no resemblance between the two.

The free shipping was the first to go and the price went way up and never came back down where it was.

There is what I believe a unique special efx wheel inside these that does things that are very cool and for man.. never been seen before.

DO you enjoy LUMIA? ;-)

the LK PD 2.0 makes two ..one is static and the colors change the other is a moving lumia.

One others efx are rotating diffraction gratings like we see with the LK 3D.
the 'throw' is extremely wide.

then , maybe best , is a 3D lenticular lens that rotates nice and really caught the attention of the Pros at the laser show forums-

Plug in ILda and the wheel goes away- By using a OK laser show soft ware like I-Show you can do a lot BUT to really unlock the full potential the best ...while still being affordable.. is Pangolin's Quick Show and it's DAC the Flash Back 3-- another good choice at about the same cost is Dr Lava's LSX-

AFAIK you can use the efx wheel with your choice of laser show software by adding a DMX controller.

I can set you up with either soft ware- and if you REALLY want to try to use I-Show let me lend you mine- I have done this a few times already and I-Show is a great selling tool for- QS and LSX.

here is my listing- two have sold already- All pics were made by me and none were taken with software - so what you see is waht you can expect to get and MORE!

Amazing 7 Color Laser Projector with Special Effects ILDA PC DMX | eBay
ALSO in this buy AND at the same price is the LK SD it has a combined output of 850mW and again the red is the preferred 638nm.
This one comes with a loaded SD card to use and of course, there is a SD card slot on the back. You can learn hoe=w to load your own images and share them with other LK SD owners-

Both have ILDA/PC for 'IN' and also 'Thru' so you can run more than one from the same controller. they MUSY however all be tow or three colors and all must be either analog or ttl- i dont think QS works very well if you try to mix.

Both also have a MUCH better LED mode window -easy to use and see in the dark and NOT the tiny hard to use dip switches.

Both have key lock and power switch. Both have a good warranty. And a sale rep that stands behind it and actually knows a LOT about what she is selling. Linna has full command of the English language and can make decisions pretty much on her own.

last offer..

For those really serious about laser shows-

Instead of each going to their bank to wire money to China I do it all at the same time for ONE Bank Transfer FEE.

I will make all the trips to my bank to deposit the check and USPS MOs

I will wire our $$-

I will send Linna all addresses and phone numbers for DHL

If done by each the total cost for bank transfer or Western union would add up. Plus the time each buyer would spend and the gas cost.

Once the money is there Linna will test every projector to be sure ALL ARE working perfectly... only then will they be shipped. If you think that this is SOP you are VERY wrong - read the fine print ...warranty work on most any laser item from China will make the buyer pay for BOTH shipings- AFAIK only Gray at JETLASERS repays his buyer for cost to return .. also depending upon the item AixiZ can be more than fair in regards to warranty work.

Think about it-- will a buyer want to pay a lot for second and third shipping? more likely they will attempt to do their own repairs.

and thereby void the warranty-so why spend money making sure all are good BEFORE shipping? The only reason is the one that Linna has- a great rep ( & one she wants to keep) and customers who come back for more. THAT is the bottom line. LK will not continually re-invent themselves like Dino Direct has-- IIRC LK is in their 8th year - thus very likely to be around using the same name for some time to come.

I wish ATM I could give you the exact cost for this analog PJ but the details are being worked out .

All I can add here right now is, if you want to do the 'bundle' of PJ and Pangolin QS that will cost you an additional 498$(& 10$ to ship CONUS) -AND it will ship from AixiZ Laser and myself here in TEXAS.

LSX can be gotten as well & several versions with the choice of more than one DAC. And add -on extras like the Laser cam.

I have met with Dr Lava and seen some amazing creations by LSX owners like Vet --'Swamidog' and i have experienced the LSX laser cam... wow that thing is awesome. ... and as much as i love my QS I cannot deny that I would really like to eventually own both

SO stay tuned ---sub this thread at the top under 'tools' or just post here and you will get emails telling you something new is going on.

EACH of these three GBs will be independent... when any are full ONLY THEN I call for your $$ (please do not send before being asked) and then will I have any idea when we can expect delivery.

I would rather not mix these nor allow any other LK projectors nor DJ LED lights. AND LK DOES have some very cool ones- ask about them in a PM & I will help you get what you want --
here are some pics of the LK RGB analog .. more coming soon.
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

I can definately recomend the LK-pd2:)
Hi hak:) need to know which dmx controller to buy that won't cost a fortune but will work.

Hope things are going well for you. Got away from the forums for awhile due to health and work exhaustion and then my father had quintuple bypass surgery last week. Snapped out of the humdrums while in the waiting room during his surgery and posted a long tutorial (Pman special) that I had already completed weeks earlier but just didn't have the energy to post. Gave me something to do during the lom g wait.
Anyways, more active now that things have settled out some.
Need to encourage more members to branch out to the projector end of things. I've shocked everyone who's seen it and that's just in the auto modes. Haven't messed with making the mic more sensitive yet.


Any more gives??
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

There is definitely some interest here from me, but here are my candid concerns at this point...

1. I have already committed to a significant purchase in another group buy, so those funds are spoken for at this point. I see where you are holding this open until there is enough interest before requesting payment, so perhaps that is not an issue since it may be some time before you have enough commits to make an order.

2. I don't have any interest (at least now) in collecting projectors like I do handhelds... meaning, I would rather spend a little more and get one that has some extra feature/function than get a starter unit as cheap as possible and then want to buy a new one in 6 or 8 months that does more or has better lasers/scanners/etc. I don't really know anything about this brand/manufacturer other than forum folks like hak saying it's good. What other options are there? and how does the street price typically compare for a similarly functional unit?

3. I still don't clearly understand the relationship between projector and software. hak did an awesome job lining out the current software options, but does each software manufacturer have it's own DAC (like Pangolin) or do most rely on an open standard interface so you can mix and match without additional capitol expense?

I'm going to follow this thread and hopefully learn a bit more in the mean time about LazerKing and competing products, but my interest is definitely peaked here for a unit. We'll see how the GB proceeds.

Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

My best wishes Pman for your dad- i still owe you some mini modules red and will throw in a 1/3rpm motor and a nice oiece of limia glass- I amd running a giveaway- IIRC 7 or so spots left at $50 max is two
winner pays actual shiping around 25$

2nd and 3rd get lumia kits and the last (of 13) gets their 50$ back,
BUT PLEASE people dont use the R word- as that is considered to be on-line gambling
so use r4ffl3 or giveaway but not the R word- danger here is small

BUT at PP it can be BAD- should that word be put in 'notes to seller' we both would find out PP accts locked down-

I saw it happen at another laser forum that ran them all the time to raise funds for the forum-

Money back -no questions if not happy.
Pango has a nice forum, super support and a video tutorial that will have you making sweet laser shows right from the bo

RGB TTL is seven colors .. 8 if you count black(safest laser in the world)

All interested parties are asked to PM me- all questions will be answered by PM.

thanks for reading my thread--hak
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

Fixed to giveaways. I completely forgot:oops: My apologies, I know better as this has come up over and over again. Can't understand how I pulled a blank mind on that...

I don't understand all that either clayton and I am confused about what I would need to buy also as far as a DMX 512 controller that has enough channels to fully control the unit. Bought an interface to usb for hookup to computer but it appears to be faulty right out of the box because I couldn't get the software to work on 3 different computers to make the unit handshake.
This is the unit I bought:
Amazon.com: USB to DMX Interface Adapter DMX512 Satge Lighting Controller Suport MAC: Musical Instruments
The stupid light on it is supposed to either blink or change color when you install their installation software and I tried with 3 different operating systems so I'm pretty frustrated about it.
The PD2 unit itself is a pretty amazing unit on its own as the auto modes work well.
You can download the Pangolin software and request a license to play with it on your computer only which I did but haven't gotten around to messing with yet.
My biggest issue at the moment is getting a working USB to DMX interface for PC. What interface do you have Hak? Get the feeling you are using the one that comes with Pangolin.... Want to delve into the unit more but I feel a bit lost at this point since I don't have an interface. If you could lend me wehatever I would need to delve into all this further I would GREATLY apreciate it Len!
I'm putting myself in a bit of lockdown mode for spending for awhile as I have my daughters college money to save up for her last semester in January and I just had to pay school tax.

I will say that you were the first person I thought of when Hak was having another GB seeing that you've hit the laser trail hard since joining like I did Clayton. It's hard to explain how "cool" something like this is especially since I've never heard of anyone owning a real unit like these before. These are NOT toys. Pointing a laser around is really something but this is a whole different ballgame.
I didn't know what I was getting into when Hak mentioned to me about the projectors but I also knew that my friend has never steered me wrong either and he was right about the unit. Only thing that bugs me some is how insensitive they all seem to be to sound activation but I've learned that none of them are very good at changing with the music anyways so it ended up not being a big deal in the long run. I may yet modify things to increase the sensitivity but it's kind of come down to I don't care that much about that feature anymore.
Will say that there's way more than enough power in these units for home use. VERY bright. Can't say how tempted I have been to bring it outside for a moment but I'm very paranoid about getting in trouble with it. Rarely ever bring any of my units outside as it is.
What is a Lumia kit Len? Is that something to add to a unit that doesn't already have it so it can do what the PD2 does?
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

I am not sure what the Lumia bit in the projector consists of, but the "kit" Len has to offer for piddling around with is a small motor with an extremely low rotation speed you can mount various glass on to project some very cool animated patterns on another surface via laser light. Len has some bulbs that go with these that he has hand drilled the base to exactly fit the motor mount and it makes a nice kit to do Lumia at home. I don't want to derail this thread, but you can see pics over at this other thread I started about Len's kit: http://laserpointerforums.com/f48/lumia-version-1-0-a-85159.html

What is a Lumia kit Len? Is that something to add to a unit that doesn't already have it so it can do what the PD2 does?

I believe Len had answered my questions about sourcing a complete system via PM, so I'm a tentative yes on this GB. It seems that between his longstanding relationship with LaserKing and AixiZ, his pricing will not be beat anywhere around.

I'm looking at Pangolin Quickshow plus DAC and either the LK-PD2 or LK-SD. I need to read up on differences a bit (other than laser power, of course).

Thanks, Len, for your patience with my ignorance, buddy! You're the man!

Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

I'll check it out Clayton.
That's great that you got to hang with Len. What projectors did you get to see operate? I wish there were way more information out there on the units. Information seems really hard to come by. Their site needs videos and side by side comparisons.
I basically went by Lens advice as the PD2 has a lot of "tricks" up its sleeve. Would really like to see this and the sd side by side.
I'm an information hound and it just seems like there's so little out there on this stuff which has been a bit frustrating.

Wonder if it's a thing for ex-Nukes to have the beard/mustache combo like us... Grew them day after getting out in 96':)
Anyways, I can at least vouch for the PD2 in auto mode as it is great which turns into amazing once you throw in some fog especially when you are on the receiving end.
I have 0 regrets on my purchase. Need to see what it can do with software though badly. Hoping Len will be able to help me out with this. Clayton, if I were you, I'd go to one of Lens cookouts;)
Forgetting all the laser stuff, I personally apreciate what Len does for other people outside of all this stuff. He earned my respect very soon after I joined far more from that than anything else.


Len, can you possibly explain more what the difference between the PD2 and the sd is other than the sd has a bit more power and can directly read an sd card? Feel stupid asking this but does the sd have built in effects wheels like the PD and can it create the same affects as the PD?
Thanks again my friend.

I can take some pics of the inside of my PD2 and post them.




Also, I had bought 3 little condenser mics from radio shack and soldered a couple wires to the back pins of the mic that is inside the unit so that I can make it much more sentitive if I want by using multiples in parallel. My issue with actually mounting them is that I need to drill some holes and I don't know what this means warranty wise. Will say that the soldering was a bit edgy without cutting any of the tie-wraps. Ended up cutting a point on an old soldering iron to get on those joints. Could mount them practically anywhere including in all different places since the units reaction time on these units isn't like right on a beat (always seems a tad late).
The part number on the mics is 270-0090. Would be easy enough to add a jack to the unit too to connect a mic seperately outside the unit. I've heard of someone else adding the jack and then just plugging in a source but it makes me wonder what it would take to overload the circuit since no-one seems to have any real info. on the circuitry. Right now none of the extra mics are connected as I try to figure out what I want to do with mounting and whether I should go ahead and do it or not.


You can see those pins in a different angle after I soldered a couple wires to them for adding more mics or a jack.



If I shouldn't post any of this here let me know Len and I'll do what you want with it.
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

best pics ever of the insides of the LK PD2
first let me say this- i have also had a hard time learning more about DMX contol and controllers one thing that did not help to to learn more was owning QS- it can do so much more than the best DMX controller can-

i am not very comfy giving advice I am unsure about-

seems most DJs know a lot more about DMX than any other group- so for me at least buying DMX is a step backwords but I still want to kow all about if for both me and all my buyers-
we do have one member who is more savvy now that I may ever be and that is Rodman- he sent me some links to a few dmx controllers that were up for auction at feebay and since are very likely gone- I did learn that buying a good used one is better than a brand new crappy one. and this I am pretty sure about there is a nice controller form Akia the ACP 40 -

I have one but have yet to connect and use. I got it because Pangolin had developed an interface to use with their new software BEYOND- which for now works with the FB3 DAC and BEYOND is an upgraded QS with lots of way-cool features including 3D creation- so the Akia to me made sense while it may not to others- with it I can assign 40 keys to play cues and frames with a touch of the finger - Lasershows are generally done in one of two ways - preprogrammed to match the music being played this take s lots of talent especially if you want to do original stuff as opposed to using all the we get with QS/Beyond --

so this requires talent - the other requires as much and some may say more talent and that is live show- with practice a good operator can 'play along' with any music
on the fly -and if its music he know this can be quite good IF its music he knows very well or has played to it before the results are awesome. QS/BEYOND is a big part of this- you can move all the cues and frames needed for a song onto a workspce and save it- next time a song is played the operator can pull that workspace back up and thus no need to go thru the many catagories and many hundreds of frames, cues and short animations. YOU ac also dwnld all the lyrics and save them- they help finding the right stuff and when to cue it- you can put some or all the lyrics up on the screen- this can be quite awesome with a song Like QUEENS 'RAPSODY' Quick Text is an awesome tool- personally karoke is way too hokey-- but when the entire audience is singing that is a whole nother ball game.

The most talented only work with their OWN original stuff like Masterpj -hes got serious talents- if you are hot stuff like Mike Dunn you can create complete song 'modules' and end entire albums sell them to the less talented or those with little time do make thier own-

so you can buy one 6 min song for 200 to 500 $ and laser part is then yours to do as you please- what no one(laser show creators) can do is sell you the audio- you buy that from a place like I tunes and import it onto your worlkspace then sync it to a show you bought like form Mike Dunn or from another or your own.(to help you understand search 'Mike Dunn Laser' look through his offerings and click on some to see a sample- he is some kind of Master to be able to do all theseand do them so well- look an sample ' 'Tom Sawyer' by rush.

One more thing about QS- once you own it all updates are free for life[ if you ant to go extremely PRO you get credit for upgrading to a even cooler soft like 'Live Pro'
AND after you register the s/n from your FB3 a day or so later you have access to many dozens of complete songs from all kinds of sources amy Pango owners add to this as a way of sharing- you are free to watch all these and enjoy them -- but what you CANNOT do us use then for profit - I think you can grasp that= Some guys , if asked may allow this. I would think it just a common courtesy to give credit in you show using Quick Text that is super simple.

I the access to the Pangolin Show Portal alone IMHO may be worth the cost of the Soft and the FB3- there are some Mike Dunn shows there. and many many more-

So to back track- if I am correct my akai cpa 40 is a DMX controller and a good one FOR ME to have since I own both QS and BEYOND, I was watching these on ebay prices varied greatly some brand new some good condition used a few with a missing slider knobs etc ( no real huge issue) but then I saw a new one offered and the BIN price was good IMO- I saved it and went to ask some buddies about what they thought -

I returned a short time(like an hour) later and it was sold BUT the seller had another and it went up- so i fell prey to my buyers impulse and was about to click 'BUY' when somebody beat me-

I felt this had TOO much significance and was happening for a good reason- they seller put up his third and last akia and I jumped on it- so far no time to learn or use it but it will not spoil- I have not seen many new ones at that price and the seller replied to my Q that he may not get any more- TBA I dont even remember what I paid but it was a very fair price and brand new. I realize the above may have answered very few Qs and prolly created more. --

about the sound response or lack of-- i have read that this is much improved with a in-jack (aux in-) and forget the tiny mic all together. AFAIK maybe its as simple as soldering the two wires from the mic onto the rca jack but I could very well be wrong.

IIRC it was Bionic Badger who mentioned adding the audio in jack or maybe it was Hemlock Mike.

I really wanted to get a thread/tutorial on how these jacks can be added- as its a PITA to need to either place the PJ very close to the sound source OR to need a louder volume that what is wanted.

TO Claytons Q about choosing between the LK PD2 and the LK SD - somwhat just like the sound response mic I am no expert on the SD card reader but I am sure we cannot load aduio just images and how we control these to plat when we want is another subject I need to get up to speed ( I know what you are thinking.. what biz does hak have hawking wares he is so ignorant ABOUT- no argument from me on that)- if I HAD to get rid of one and only had the two I would keep the LKPD - as the extra 350 mW is not all that noticeable and so far the SD cards have not been all that cool- the one that comes with DOES have a crapload of images and short animations mostly 'borrowed' ; from QS and only very slightly changed-

RODman knows how to load these blank cards and also sent me one that so Far I have not spent much time with.

the SELEM event for me takes more effort every year.

Staying over a day and taking the LSO course was very tiring also- when I left after the exam I knew i either passed by a close margin or failed by one and I was correct- two wrong answers too many- that seemed to be the shortest two hour exam EVER- until the instructor went over the answers I was sure i failed- so much so that I handed in my answers with ten whole minutes left- bad move- just two corrections and I would be done so now I will need to take the exam again and that is another 100$ that ATM I do not have.
the short course if taken after SELEM is one day and 445$ the 'regular course is three days and is 1500$ so I have no room to bitch much except at myself.

sorry for going off topic

I will give a link to Pmans super photos to friend cypragon and electrofreak and a few others that should be helpful also Greg 'Bungy'is very savvy an dalso owns both PJs so he can be very helpful Jeffthe00 is a smart dood too kows much about alignment along with mariomaster.

TG for LPF --

I cant even imagine getting along totally on my own.

I suggest joining the lasershow forum just for the ability to see the pics there and use thier search and wiki stuff. I have been told to not say this but I will at the risk of another banning- some members there are also members here but dont drop in so often- I had about 100 questions I wanted to ask guys at SELEM and maybe got ten asked and answered.

three days is at least two days too short- next year it may be a longer event-there is talk of adding a day one one end or the other or both the biggest hassle is for me getting there and back two more days in an overcrowed suite is not much more $$ we squeeze five in one and pay around 23$ each per night all the fun happens at the two venues-- search 'SELEM Laser' and watch the vids at Ytube- I am actually in some of the shots.

I hope this helps a little.

'Knowledge not shared is lost'

TY Clayton for being the first to join my GB #4 parts 1,2 & 3-

If you are on the fence I will make you this offer.. buy the least expensive the LK 3D

try it on for size- drive it a few weeks ..not thrilled ? or impressed? N/P I will buy it from you. I feel confident that this little mini PJ will get many addicted to show lasers. four years ago I would have laughed if you told me that someday I would build from scratch a FULL COLOR 2.5 W projector- that will become a reality very soon i need NO other parts to get it working...

to file the paper work as a projector maker and be granted a variance and also a operators variance .. well that's another story.But IT will be done.

v/r hak
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

For those of you on the fence, get off the darn fence and buy one of these! Some of you might know I had some issues with the green on one of mine (1 of 2). Both Hakzaw and Lienna made things right. I have a very a perfectly aligned PJ now and could not be happier.
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

I'm completely with James;)
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

thanks James and Pete I try to treat all like I would like to be treated.


you never guess who is interested in our group buy?


yeah THAT Sam..

For those who don't know this laser GURU search 'Sam'sLaser'

many here have a saying..'if you know know Sam then you don't know squat(or jack)
about lasers'

Some of those that do(know who Sam is), may be surprized that Sam is not actually greatly interested in any handhelds, pointers, or even laser projectors. He told me that WL offered a free Arctic and did send him one about a year later. I think that is the only Portable laser he owns.. AFAIK the first tutorial on the harvest of the 405 PHR diode was added to Sam's Laser by Leslie Wright-- Sams friend in Scotland.

Sam's Laser is for all of us to use anytime (& even copy and publish if credit is given) & is several decades of accumulated data on every kind of laser there ever was.

I got an unmarked HeNe tube== the feebay seller had NO info for me- just with its length and diameter i was able to match it at Sam's with the proper PS and get it running. The're NO ads at Sam's place. and it does take some digging to find the info you seek... at least at first.

Just like here it is expected that each search for answers on thier own- BUT once you are SURE what you need to know is NOT at Sam's Laser you can email him and he will reply.

Sam really likes to hear about the very rare lasers or ones we cannot find much about. Its pretty hard to find a laser Sam does not, or at one time, owned-and even rarer to find a 'new' one. It almost becomes a game of-'Stump Dr. Sam'

Once he helped me to avoid buying a dead gas laser- it was listed as 'unable to test so 'as-is' ' Sam was able to 'read between the lines' and was sure the seller knew it was beyond fixing and he was 100% right- I saw the feedback left by the one who DID buy it. it was DOA just like Sam said it would be.. he also too the time to search feebay and gave me a link to a true good deal. IIRC that was in 2005 or 2006-

Try and find an error at Sam's(good luck on that).

Sam is also all about safety.

WE had Sam as a special guest at SELEM 2011 and this year too. He brings not only knowledge to SELEM but some rare lasers for us to see and even a few that can be purchased- That is where i got my yellow HeNe.--He has a ton of good stuff FS at Sam's Laser classified and he tells me each working item can be repaired by him at any time just for the cost to ship. forever--

Sam is now retired from UPenn-


I am sending Sam a link to this thread just in case he may want to buy a LK projector-so if any want to leave something here for Sam to read go for it.

He is a member of most laser forums but has little interest in FB or twitter-or most other social internet media. I love his subtle sense of humor and really enjoy talking with him in person. I had plans to do an interview with Sam at SELEM but it was hard to get time to sit with him- Seemed like others were always around so one-on-one time was not to be had. I may still ask Sam all the question I have by email.

many laser forum members know him well and its a real honor to have something placed at Sam's Laser.

I met one Forum member who has been following and reading at Sam's BEFORE it was mainly about lasers-- IIRC he said at first it was Sam's Repair.


Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

Here's the aux jack added to the PD2:) Works fine. It's a 274-0248 stereo jack from Radio Shack wired on the left and right terminals (not the ground).
This allows you to hook up practically anything now. Doesn't appear to be any overloading issues. If you wanted, you could always add a volume control inline for even more control.


Wired in with a couple of wire nuts any tye wraps for now.




By the way Len and Clayton, that lumia thing is pretty amazing. Is there a link or something behind it that explains how it works or anything?
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

NICE ! great share too.. +3 when system allows look like EVEN I can do this mod.

I notice that even the best mic does not really work fast enough to be spot on the beat of the music - I will have to look closely both before and after- as you (Pman) where not getting great results form the mic yours came with you may not see the same as I have. you did a very pro looking job on this the label is a nice touch and I like where you placed the jack too. this is such a simple fix I am quite surprized LK and other makers have not already gone that route.

Miss Linna must see this asap.

GOOD job Pman and thanks again for taking the time for your well done pics too.

I found a 50 foot 1/4th inch mic cable that will prolly work great! also there are adaptors available cheap that allow the small headphone jack usable with the older 1/4 inch and the other way around too.

TY Pman
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

You are most welcome. I try to help and share as much as I possibly can.
It took me about 1/2 hour to decide where to put the jack believe it or not. Needed to be in a place that didn't interfere with anything else so that's how I chose that location. Trust me, it is as sensitive as you could ever want it when you plug in a music source.
I've been into stereo and home theater stuff for a very long time and have tons of possible ways/adapters to hook up just about anything to that jack. Love having options.

Glad to be of help to anyone. Hardest part is soldering the 2 wires to the pins from the mic on the back of the board without accidentally touching anything else especially if you leave the tye-wraps on.


Tried a bunch of different hookups to the AUX jack and everything worked great including a regular handheld microphone set to "on" on its switch:) Surprized to see I only have one of the 1/4" to 1/8" stereo adapters.... going to have to pickup another one.
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Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

I would not worry too much about using a PJ lkke these outside-only if you beams terminate on somebodies house/windows or lf they shine towards air craft landing.

also at the power these have pretty much impossible to start a fire either.

here is a pic form a guy that has tobe a LUMIA master-awesome!


  • MikeGouldStratus10.jpg
    451.8 KB · Views: 266
Re: Laserprojector group buy # 4

Wow, that lumia is nice.
