- Joined
- Apr 2, 2009
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UPDATE!!THE Ti Pens are here!!!!
-looking GOOD too. Waiting for camera battery to re-charge.:tired: Pics will be posted in this thread on last page.
EDIT UPDATE..... JETLASERS and Gray have dropped the price of several Titanium Lasers-(BTW the only ones of thier Kind.) Each is now $20 less than the previous GB price AND all those(4) who are PATIENTLY awaiting thier Ti pens from GB#3 are getting a $20 rebate!!
This can be used to cover your shipping costs the balance left wii be re-paid to all via PP gift. !!
See post # 198.....:na::beer::angel:
!:yh:ALL PAYMENTS ARE IN!!!-THANKS YA'LL- Tracking #s via PM asap.--:wave:
Jan 20 update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOX ONE (of two) IS ON THE WAY!! It contains our tailcps,keys and extra goodies. BOX#2 should be in the wings soon.
Get your USPS MOs today and PM me for my home addy-all others who insist on PP must use 'payment for goods'- and send ASAP via my PP.(not as a gift & say nothing about lasers PLZ):tsk:
The sooner this is all done the sooner we see our lasers!!!:san:
Not too late to add you to the GB but that needs to be done ASAP- like TODAY!!!:thinking:
I only like to ship to your confirmed PP home address- all others must PM me if this is not OK.
Same deal as the other two.
UPDATE 12/25-(Happy Holidays- to ALL)
The 'maybe' list is filling- room for a few more plus 2 alternates -last minute stuff happens so two (or more) backups are a good idea. AND Gray may even allow a few more than the max of 15 lasers- he is nice like that. We may extend the time to pay by a few days once the GB is closed.
Combined shipping will be done to any wanting more than one laser. So that makes it an even better deal.
PP charges NO fees to move money between your bank and your PP acct. So please have your GB funds in your PP acct.
This can take up to 3 days so plz do it NOW.
PP fees cost Gray about $9 for each 300$ laser-anyone wanting to be nice to him can go the your local USPO and buy a MO for around 2$ and mail it to me. It must be made out to me. You will not have the buyer protection that PP offers but you do not need it. I asssure you that neither Gray nor myself will let you down. Check the reps and feedbacks. My Ebay accts have 100% positive FBs. I am and always have been in the phonebook. The only laser with issues was replaced by me 6 days from the day of delivery. -- BEFORE the problem one was returned!! All JETLASERS come with a 1 year warranty.
A few have asked if I want the laser PP funds sent as a 'gift'---- but I want no hassels with PP so, thanks, but no thanks-- I DO however want the shipping cost to be sent as 'personal' /paymnet owed.(no fee to gray and me)
Lastly- I cannot tell you the exact day that this GB will close, so plz, just be patient and be ready.
Have a safe and joyous day!!!!...<`V`>---hak
PM me to get onto the the first list. To be known as the 'Maybe' list. Continental USA and Canada only please. All others must contact Gray for possible GB needs.
Once Gray has comfirmed the availability and GB price you will move to the 'For Sure' List AFTER you forward the PM from Gray to me. To avoid any confusion I request the message from Gray be forwarded in its entirety.
Sending me the Payments for the laser cost will commence one the limit number of 15 lasers is reached.
Early payments will not speed things up.
Late payments WILL slow the process down- so be ready. If you any reason anyone wishes to opt out notification of this is expected ASAP.
The last list will be the 'Those Paid' list.
Each buyer pays actual shipping costs. This amount will be announced asap. It will be paid to me AFTER I have the package here in Texas via PP as a gift/personal payment owed. The PP payment to me for your lasers will be sent to JETLASERS via (my) BANK transfer. It should be sent as purchase of goods. USPS money orders will make my day and will only cost you a little over 1$.
THE 'MAYBE LIST'---so far
1) ARYTHNA- 405nm PL-C800mW at $290
no chargerPAID!!!:thanks:
2) HAKZAW1- 405nm PL-C--800mW-$290 no charger/ key removablePAID
3) 3)jedrock--405nm-800mW-PL-C--$290:san:key NOT removable.no chargerPAID!!!
4) BOBBY SHAFTOE-800 mW 405nm PL-C. No charger needed. Key not removable--$290 SENDING A USPS MO-PAID!! :beer:THANKS ROD
-532nm -Ti-Pen250mW-- $280 IN THE MAIL-PAID-THNX Rod
6)sharoff-PL-C 405nm 800mW at $290 w/key removable- no charger:wave
7)[Whodunit13579]--a PL-C 445n
800mW $290.:na
? key removable?)PAYING NOW-thanks andrew
8)sharoff-650nm:gun: 200mW Ti Pen--$185-PAYING NOWthanks
9)csshih--300mW-532nm PL-C -------$380 no charger..:drool:already PAID!! thx Craig
10)CDHDC 800mW 405nm PL-C key removable-no charger $ 290.:angel: PAID!!thnx corbin
11) jedirock- 250mW 532nm Ti pen. $280.PAID!! Thanks,Michael
12) RichZ-800mW- 405nm- PL-C- no charger- key removable-290$PAID-thnx Rich
MSwizzle--200-540nm Laser Glass/Goggles-49$--GB price 23$)
20)Abolfazi-diffraction gratings (some)?$- free re-shipping to replace roken--sending soon.
MrBackpack- needs glasses too 23$ plus Shipping
Analogue wants 8 difraction gratings- @ $ 6= $48 plus shipping.
eyeware only. The other two are alternates. Subtract $10 if you dont want a charger.
If you need a JETLASERS charger for 18650 batts I have a few extras You can add $10 to your shipping payment and it will be sent with your laser. All non-PL-C units will come with the approperate chargers. Extra Diff Grates also can be added at 6$ each.( MY COST)
HERE is the link to see all offered by JETLASERS and the regular prices.
Green Laser Pointer,Jetlaser Brand,Trustable & High Quality - Jetlasers.org
HERE are most of what is available and the GB prices(shipping is added later)
GRAY has GB pricing for all lasers from JETLASERS except those NOT available ATM. You must PM him for any not on this list. T Y
BTW- if you dont want the charger you can deduct $10 from your cost.
IMO extra goggles/glasses can always be used for my friends eyes.
PL-C 445nm/532nm/405nm/473NM
Wavelength(nm) Output(mW) USD
other 532 mW PL-C are available-PM gray
445 500mW 240$
445 800mW 290$
405 500mW 250$
405 800mW 300$
473 30mW 610$
473 50mW 750$
Titanium laser pointer pens
Wavelength(nm) Output(mW) USD
405nm 150mW $180
405nm 200mW $240--ALL BLURAY
405nm 250mW $290
532nm 100mW $185
532nm 150mW $215--- ALL DPSS GREEN
532nm 200mW $245
532nm 250mW $280
635nm 20mW $165-closer to yellow
---two shades RED
650nm 200mW $185-darker red color
Glass large diffraction gratings- $6 each
JETLASERS eyeware-nice case- good most all nms--23$
all above prices are for the GB ONLY
HERE are some cool videos made with JETLASERS.
Jack_kuo's Channel at Metacafe
IF you do not know JETLASERS you have some reading to do. IMO
at thier site and the tons of reviews and the photos in the Reviews forum.
I highly recommed the PL-C models-all take the powerful 18650 battery(NOT included).
All have very long duty cycles.
I have the 532nm 250 (overspec 50+mWs) and the 650nm 250- peaks at 384mWs of cool redness!
Protective eyeware and charges are included free.
We get free diffraction gratings too.
If you wish to be able to remove the circular safety key in the 'on' position this must be conveyed to me with your price quote. No charge for this. I make flush fit pins for the tailcap kill so there is no need to have this disabled.
See and read the previous GBs and the many reviews on PL-Cs BEFORE you PM Gray or myself with questions. USA and Canada buyers only.
All others contact Gray.
I ship all at the same time- flatrate Med box. 500$/or$250 insurance- sig required upon delivery- at your door 2/3 biz days from getting here in Texas. This cost is about 19$.
So expect a total shipping cost between 26$ and 33$.
Each buyer will get the tracking numbers via Email-- DO NOT post those on the forum please. The day I open the box you will receive a LPM photo of YOUR laser via email.(unless your takes a battery that I do not have) If for any reason you change your mind you have one day to state so and you will get a refund less your equal share of the China to Texas shipping costs.( 7$ to 14$) First GB it was $7-
as we split the order to lessen customs probs the 2nd GB cost us 14$ each.
Gray paid more than half of the express shipping - they only took 6 days to arrive.
GB- shipping and payment question should be sent to me via PM.
Availbility and GB pricing questions - plx ask Gray.
NO EARLY shipping or substitutions.
all updates will be posted here.
Gray has been extremely accomidating in regards to our requests but I ask please that NO ONE take advantage of Gray's kindness by asking for any more 'special treatment' then we are already getting. Back in GB #1, one member who did a review on a free sample laser expected a better price than the great one already being offered to all in the GB. I also ask that any debate on this with me needs to be done via PM.
I have been asked about sending $$ instant Payment via PP- usually you need to have the funds in PP not just in your bank- if it comes as an 'e-check' that will take too long to clear my ACCT., so move your $$ from your bank to PP NOW. PP does not charge a fee to do this and it can take 3 to 4 days.
Please remember many will be waiting and wanting thier lasers quickly and I must transfer the $$ from PP to my bank AND then transfer the $$ AGAIN to Gray- before Gray can ship to me. Delays will occur if we do not all do our parts to make this happen fast. TY

EDIT UPDATE..... JETLASERS and Gray have dropped the price of several Titanium Lasers-(BTW the only ones of thier Kind.) Each is now $20 less than the previous GB price AND all those(4) who are PATIENTLY awaiting thier Ti pens from GB#3 are getting a $20 rebate!!
This can be used to cover your shipping costs the balance left wii be re-paid to all via PP gift. !!
See post # 198.....:na::beer::angel:

Jan 20 update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOX ONE (of two) IS ON THE WAY!! It contains our tailcps,keys and extra goodies. BOX#2 should be in the wings soon.
Get your USPS MOs today and PM me for my home addy-all others who insist on PP must use 'payment for goods'- and send ASAP via my PP.(not as a gift & say nothing about lasers PLZ):tsk:
The sooner this is all done the sooner we see our lasers!!!:san:
Not too late to add you to the GB but that needs to be done ASAP- like TODAY!!!:thinking:
I only like to ship to your confirmed PP home address- all others must PM me if this is not OK.

Same deal as the other two.
UPDATE 12/25-(Happy Holidays- to ALL)
The 'maybe' list is filling- room for a few more plus 2 alternates -last minute stuff happens so two (or more) backups are a good idea. AND Gray may even allow a few more than the max of 15 lasers- he is nice like that. We may extend the time to pay by a few days once the GB is closed.
Combined shipping will be done to any wanting more than one laser. So that makes it an even better deal.
PP charges NO fees to move money between your bank and your PP acct. So please have your GB funds in your PP acct.
This can take up to 3 days so plz do it NOW.
PP fees cost Gray about $9 for each 300$ laser-anyone wanting to be nice to him can go the your local USPO and buy a MO for around 2$ and mail it to me. It must be made out to me. You will not have the buyer protection that PP offers but you do not need it. I asssure you that neither Gray nor myself will let you down. Check the reps and feedbacks. My Ebay accts have 100% positive FBs. I am and always have been in the phonebook. The only laser with issues was replaced by me 6 days from the day of delivery. -- BEFORE the problem one was returned!! All JETLASERS come with a 1 year warranty.
A few have asked if I want the laser PP funds sent as a 'gift'---- but I want no hassels with PP so, thanks, but no thanks-- I DO however want the shipping cost to be sent as 'personal' /paymnet owed.(no fee to gray and me)
Lastly- I cannot tell you the exact day that this GB will close, so plz, just be patient and be ready.
Have a safe and joyous day!!!!...<`V`>---hak
PM me to get onto the the first list. To be known as the 'Maybe' list. Continental USA and Canada only please. All others must contact Gray for possible GB needs.
Once Gray has comfirmed the availability and GB price you will move to the 'For Sure' List AFTER you forward the PM from Gray to me. To avoid any confusion I request the message from Gray be forwarded in its entirety.
Sending me the Payments for the laser cost will commence one the limit number of 15 lasers is reached.
Early payments will not speed things up.
Late payments WILL slow the process down- so be ready. If you any reason anyone wishes to opt out notification of this is expected ASAP.
The last list will be the 'Those Paid' list.
Each buyer pays actual shipping costs. This amount will be announced asap. It will be paid to me AFTER I have the package here in Texas via PP as a gift/personal payment owed. The PP payment to me for your lasers will be sent to JETLASERS via (my) BANK transfer. It should be sent as purchase of goods. USPS money orders will make my day and will only cost you a little over 1$.
THE 'MAYBE LIST'---so far
1) ARYTHNA- 405nm PL-C800mW at $290

2) HAKZAW1- 405nm PL-C--800mW-$290 no charger/ key removablePAID

3) 3)jedrock--405nm-800mW-PL-C--$290:san:key NOT removable.no chargerPAID!!!
4) BOBBY SHAFTOE-800 mW 405nm PL-C. No charger needed. Key not removable--$290 SENDING A USPS MO-PAID!! :beer:THANKS ROD

6)sharoff-PL-C 405nm 800mW at $290 w/key removable- no charger:wave

7)[Whodunit13579]--a PL-C 445n
800mW $290.:na

8)sharoff-650nm:gun: 200mW Ti Pen--$185-PAYING NOWthanks
9)csshih--300mW-532nm PL-C -------$380 no charger..:drool:already PAID!! thx Craig
10)CDHDC 800mW 405nm PL-C key removable-no charger $ 290.:angel: PAID!!thnx corbin
11) jedirock- 250mW 532nm Ti pen. $280.PAID!! Thanks,Michael
12) RichZ-800mW- 405nm- PL-C- no charger- key removable-290$PAID-thnx Rich
MSwizzle--200-540nm Laser Glass/Goggles-49$--GB price 23$)
20)Abolfazi-diffraction gratings (some)?$- free re-shipping to replace roken--sending soon.
MrBackpack- needs glasses too 23$ plus Shipping
Analogue wants 8 difraction gratings- @ $ 6= $48 plus shipping.
eyeware only. The other two are alternates. Subtract $10 if you dont want a charger.

If you need a JETLASERS charger for 18650 batts I have a few extras You can add $10 to your shipping payment and it will be sent with your laser. All non-PL-C units will come with the approperate chargers. Extra Diff Grates also can be added at 6$ each.( MY COST)
HERE is the link to see all offered by JETLASERS and the regular prices.
Green Laser Pointer,Jetlaser Brand,Trustable & High Quality - Jetlasers.org
HERE are most of what is available and the GB prices(shipping is added later)
GRAY has GB pricing for all lasers from JETLASERS except those NOT available ATM. You must PM him for any not on this list. T Y
BTW- if you dont want the charger you can deduct $10 from your cost.
IMO extra goggles/glasses can always be used for my friends eyes.
PL-C 445nm/532nm/405nm/473NM
Wavelength(nm) Output(mW) USD
other 532 mW PL-C are available-PM gray
445 500mW 240$
445 800mW 290$
405 500mW 250$
405 800mW 300$
473 30mW 610$
473 50mW 750$
Titanium laser pointer pens
Wavelength(nm) Output(mW) USD
405nm 150mW $180
405nm 200mW $240--ALL BLURAY
405nm 250mW $290
532nm 100mW $185
532nm 150mW $215--- ALL DPSS GREEN
532nm 200mW $245
532nm 250mW $280
635nm 20mW $165-closer to yellow
---two shades RED
650nm 200mW $185-darker red color
Glass large diffraction gratings- $6 each
JETLASERS eyeware-nice case- good most all nms--23$
all above prices are for the GB ONLY
HERE are some cool videos made with JETLASERS.
Jack_kuo's Channel at Metacafe
IF you do not know JETLASERS you have some reading to do. IMO
at thier site and the tons of reviews and the photos in the Reviews forum.
I highly recommed the PL-C models-all take the powerful 18650 battery(NOT included).
All have very long duty cycles.
I have the 532nm 250 (overspec 50+mWs) and the 650nm 250- peaks at 384mWs of cool redness!
Protective eyeware and charges are included free.
We get free diffraction gratings too.
If you wish to be able to remove the circular safety key in the 'on' position this must be conveyed to me with your price quote. No charge for this. I make flush fit pins for the tailcap kill so there is no need to have this disabled.
See and read the previous GBs and the many reviews on PL-Cs BEFORE you PM Gray or myself with questions. USA and Canada buyers only.
All others contact Gray.
I ship all at the same time- flatrate Med box. 500$/or$250 insurance- sig required upon delivery- at your door 2/3 biz days from getting here in Texas. This cost is about 19$.
So expect a total shipping cost between 26$ and 33$.
Each buyer will get the tracking numbers via Email-- DO NOT post those on the forum please. The day I open the box you will receive a LPM photo of YOUR laser via email.(unless your takes a battery that I do not have) If for any reason you change your mind you have one day to state so and you will get a refund less your equal share of the China to Texas shipping costs.( 7$ to 14$) First GB it was $7-
as we split the order to lessen customs probs the 2nd GB cost us 14$ each.
Gray paid more than half of the express shipping - they only took 6 days to arrive.
GB- shipping and payment question should be sent to me via PM.
Availbility and GB pricing questions - plx ask Gray.
NO EARLY shipping or substitutions.
all updates will be posted here.
Gray has been extremely accomidating in regards to our requests but I ask please that NO ONE take advantage of Gray's kindness by asking for any more 'special treatment' then we are already getting. Back in GB #1, one member who did a review on a free sample laser expected a better price than the great one already being offered to all in the GB. I also ask that any debate on this with me needs to be done via PM.
I have been asked about sending $$ instant Payment via PP- usually you need to have the funds in PP not just in your bank- if it comes as an 'e-check' that will take too long to clear my ACCT., so move your $$ from your bank to PP NOW. PP does not charge a fee to do this and it can take 3 to 4 days.
Please remember many will be waiting and wanting thier lasers quickly and I must transfer the $$ from PP to my bank AND then transfer the $$ AGAIN to Gray- before Gray can ship to me. Delays will occur if we do not all do our parts to make this happen fast. TY
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