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CLOSED * GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

I won't run the GB (as I was flamed here a year or so ago with a sled GB and I did not respond in 3 hours).
However, as I posted on the other thread, I can sell NOIR LaserShilds. I can sell them a little lower than the GB price of $68.XX, however, no need for 25 pcs minimum. I think we will meet the 25 pcs anyway, but MOX/ Match is OK
YLW is fine for 1watt of 405 (OD6) , and 445 (OD5).
It's overkill for ARG at OD7 unless you are running 100watts.
so if someone does the GB and send me an order, I'd be happy to get the units and pass the savings. I just don't want to run the GB.

Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

The KRYs have a good rating, and don't block nearly all the light like the ARGs. People should also get an ML-7 if they ever intend on buying a green or lower-powered red. I love how they block the IR in addition to the green. I don't trust them for 445nm, but they're fine for 405nm.
Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

The KRYs have a good rating, and don't block nearly all the light like the ARGs. People should also get an ML-7 if they ever intend on buying a green or lower-powered red. I love how they block the IR in addition to the green. I don't trust them for 445nm, but they're fine for 405nm.

That's backwards. The KRY is 10% and the ARG is 48% VLT.

The ML7 is fine for low-power green that may or may not be IR-filtered, but I wouldn't use it for anything over 200mW because OD 2.5 isn't going to cut it.
Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

That's backwards. The KRY is 10% and the ARG is 48% VLT.

Oh I was talking about OD rating, not VLT.

The ML7 is fine for low-power green that may or may not be IR-filtered, but I wouldn't use it for anything over 200mW because OD 2.5 isn't going to cut it.

I don't know where you're getting that figure. OD 2.5 will protect you up to about a watt of power (1W * 10^-2.5). It may not be "comfortable" staring at the 3mW that does make it through, but it's still within safe limits (< 5mW).
Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

For anyone who isn't informed about optical density, Wikipedia is your friend. What that formula says is that an OD of 1 will let 10% of the light of that wavelength through. An OD of 2 will let 1% of the light of that wavelength through. OD 3 lets .1% through.

edit: Don't listen to my math. :)
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Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

I think I would be down for a pair of ARGs if this ever goes through.
Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

For anyone who isn't informed about optical density, Wikipedia is your friend. What that formula says is that an OD of 1 will let 10% of the light of that wavelength through. An OD of 2 will let 1% of the light of that wavelength through. OD 3 lets .1% through.

Minimum OD you need to use for a laser= Power of laser in mW/50. That way, you won't be subjected to more than the "safe" 5mW of light.
I see... in that case, does anybody have a pair of OD 20 goggles up for sale? :anyone:


Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

I believe it is log(mW/50), but I may be wrong.

Edit: I tried it also with log(mW/5) and I still got a weird answer, I know MarioMaster told me once, but I can't remember for the life of me :thinking:
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Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

Use the equation:

OD = -log10(I/I_0)​

where I is the output light, and I_0 the input light through the filter.

So if you want something < 5mW for a 1W laser

OD = -log10(0.005W / 1W) = 2.30​

How to determine how much power will go through your goggle?

I = I_0 * 10^(-OD)​

So, as I said before, OD2.5 is sufficient for 1W of power.
Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

5mW is only safe because you'll blink within 1/4 of a second when exposed. Safety goggles should be spec'd to reduce to 1mW or less as that is the safe level for prolonged exposure. In that case, the formula is a simple log base 10 of the mW to find the OD you need.

You can use what you want, under-spec'd or not, bit you would not catch me with ML7's for a >200mW green laser, especially if it's not IR filtered.
Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

5mW is only safe because you'll blink within 1/4 of a second when exposed. Safety goggles should be spec'd to reduce to 1mW or less as that is the safe level for prolonged exposure. In that case, the formula is a simple log base 10 of the mW to find the OD you need.

Why would you even have prolonged exposure at those levels? Are you staring directly into the beam or a specular reflection for a long time?

These are safety goggles, not alignment goggles that you might have to optically adjust lasers for prolonged periods (and who would use the full power for that anyway?). Safety goggles are designed for providing you protection from direct hits, because in the general case it will be a rare incident that a beam ever directly enters your eyes, and diffuse/indirect lighting is usually far less than the direct beam.

You can use what you want, under-spec'd or not, bit you would not catch me with ML7's for a >200mW green laser, especially if it's not IR filtered.

Give me a break. You're carrying some major illusions about what these safety goggles are supposed to spec'ed for. Also, the IR filtering on the ML7s at OD 4.5 would also be more than sufficient--even for you--filtering even a 2W pump diode below 0.1mW.
Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

Use the equation:

OD = -log10(I/I_0)​

where I is the output light, and I_0 the input light through the filter.

So if you want something < 5mW for a 1W laser

OD = -log10(0.005W / 1W) = 2.30​

How to determine how much power will go through your goggle?

I = I_0 * 10^(-OD)​

So, as I said before, OD2.5 is sufficient for 1W of power.
Why would you even have prolonged exposure at those levels? Are you staring directly into the beam or a specular reflection for a long time?

These are safety goggles, not alignment goggles that you might have to optically adjust lasers for prolonged periods (and who would use the full power for that anyway?). Safety goggles are designed for providing you protection from direct hits, because in the general case it will be a rare incident that a beam ever directly enters your eyes, and diffuse/indirect lighting is usually far less than the direct beam.

Give me a break. You're carrying some major illusions about what these safety goggles are supposed to spec'ed for. Also, the IR filtering on the ML7s at OD 4.5 would also be more than sufficient--even for you--filtering even a 2W pump diode below 0.1mW.

Believe me, if I could, I would. Excellent posts.

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Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

Is this GB still going on?

If so, I may be interested. I need a good pair of 445nm safety glasses.
Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

I'm so bad at math... I can't believe I passed a calculus class only a month ago. :eek:

By the way, you don't have to post just to tell the world in large print that you repped someone. If they helped you, just rep them. It's just a pet peeve of mine.
Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear

I can sell NOIR LaserShilds. I can sell them a little lower than the GB price of $68.XX, however, no need for 25 pcs minimum.
Sounds great! :D
What size order would you need for a price of <$68?
At NOIRlaser.com I see KRY & YLW listed for $130, ARG $100. Would the discount be based on the list price e.g. ARG cheaper then YLW?

Is this GB still going on?

If so, I may be interested. I need a good pair of 445nm safety glasses.

Still going on, the details haven't been worked out yet but I've kept track of who has shown interest. 10 so far.


Since this is a couple pages now I think we should have the status in the first post if your willing. I'm going to put a status message in my first post for the time being & will remove if you edit yours.
Or if you don't want to be bothered keeping your post updated perhaps toss in a link to my post?
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Re: GB for OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear


Since this is a couple pages now I think we should have the status in the first post if your willing. I'm going to put a status message in my first post for the time being & will remove if you edit yours.
Or if you don't want to be bothered keeping your post updated perhaps toss in a link to my post?

I'd be happy to keep the status updated. I'll do it right now! I'm definately interested...but am undecided as to what goggles to get.
