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FrozenGate by Avery

Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 300mW FireDragon 532nm


Dec 7, 2010
Update - for anyone who doesn't want to read all the replies / posts - we're realized that the JetLasers groupbuy Hakzaw is running has a much better deal on a similar high-powered 635nm. So consider the GB proposal below on-hold until I hear back from DD. If they can improve their pricing substantially, then this can still move forward. If not, we'll either look at finding a different laser to do a GB, or not run the GB.

Bottom line - for less money, you can get a similar style 635, with the same or higher power, from a more established source (JetLasers)

It's no secret that I've been critical of DinoDirect's business policies. It's also no secret that I've been pretty positive about the last three lasers I've purchased from them, and their "certified power" line in general.

This may seem like a contradiction perhaps. Their last attempt at a "group-buy" (sponsored if I'm not mistaken) was met with fairly substantial criticism by LPF members, including myself. Given my own criticism of Dino's approach last time, nobody was more surprised than I, when DinoDirect extended an invitation to me to help them do it better next time around.

I gave a lot of thought to the request, and came to the conclusion that it was pretty gutsy of them to ask for my help, given how critical I had been. I also came to the conclusion that it was a pretty good and responsible way for them to legitimately improve the way they interacted with our community. On that note, I decided I would give them a hand. In my first response to their invitation, I made it clear that I would only help them organize a "proper groupbuy" if they agreed to some baseline commitments. My conditions to Dino were:

1) We would have to find a laser that was interesting and unique. (no generic cheap 445s)

2) They would need to establish how many purchasers were necessary in order for the group-buy to move forward.

3) They would have to guarantee the output power. Or a range of 10% +/-.

4) They would have to be open and upfront about what their warranty was.

5) Once we decided on a laser, I would purchase one myself first, measure the output, take my own pictures, photograph the beam, comment on the build quality, etc. I would pay for the laser like everyone else. Although it would be great if I could pay the wholesale cost, or something reduced from the regular site price, or at least the groupbuy price (even though it would be prior to the groupbuy happening) if possible.

At any rate, there was a little bit of back and forth in the process of trying to find an interesting laser to propose. I suggested their 473s initially, but it turned out that their markup was very small on those, and the discount even in a groupbuy would have been fairly tiny. I essentially came back with a few high powered greens (532s) and a high powered red (635). It took some time at each step of the way, because Dino would need a few days to check internally to see what they could do on the various items. I also delayed a bit this week before posting this thread on account of a hectic weekend. But in the end, here's the suggestion that seemed to be the best mix of Unique + Decent Ability to Discount:

The Proposal - SECOND TRY!

Firedragon-III 532nm 300mW Flashlight Style Elite Green Laser Pointer Kit (Certified Power Guaranteed) - DinoDirect.com


It's a 300mw 532nm FireDragon - Power Certified. The normal price is $176.99. When I say "normal" I mean the typical price you'd actually pay if you went to buy it on their site (I'm ignoring entirely the whole "original price" claim, because everyone knows that is just an arbitrary value)

- If there are 10 people willing to purchase this laser, DinoDirect can get the per-unit price down to $149.
- One departure from a normal groupbuy scenario would remain, and that would be that these units would still be shipped to you individually, and you would pay Dino directly.
- The groupbuy structure is retained by virtue of the fact that only once we had 10 committed buyers, would Dino release the coupon code to me, to disseminate to those 10 (or more) buyers. The total technical details of this aren't entirely clear to me, but the crucial part is that this would be a legitimate group buy in the sense that it won't run without 10 buyers. It's not just a "discounted laser", it's actually a bulk purchase.

My thoughts:
- I own one of the DD FireDragon 300mW units (slightly different host) and I've been really happy with it.
- $149 for 300mW of 532nm is a good deal, and it's a nice host.

What now?
- Input from the forum.
- Are there 10 people interested in this?
- Was this a good choice of laser to propose?
- Are people comfortable with the procedure/process suggested?
- Discuss :)


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Re: Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 635nm (not a typo) 200 to 2

Well.. I like the idea, and I definitely think this would be good for dino. However am I correct in saying we can get the PL-C 635nm from the jetlasers GB for $310 with a 200-300mW output? If so I think I would personally be more apt to go for the jetlaser, which have seemed to make everyone happy.

I will say that its good to see you taking the time to work with them on forming an actual GB. But I feel like more people would trust the CNI based PL-C model, but you'll have to see what the others say.

Good choice with 635nm and the format doesn't bother me.

P.S if you do buy one I would send it off to the LED_Musem for a spectral analysis.. I like that he can do that and I'm sure he would enjoy the opportunity to test one.

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Re: Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 635nm (not a typo) 200 to 2

Well.. I like the idea, and I definitely think this would be good for dino. However am I correct in saying we can get the PL-C 635nm from the jetlasers GB for $310 with a 200-300mW output? If so I think I would personally be more apt to go for the jetlaser, which have seemed to make everyone happy.

I will say that its good to see you taking the time to work with them on forming an actual GB. But I feel like more people would trust the CNI based PL-C model, but you'll have to see what the others say.

You're dead on. It's funny, I searched around the net to find a similar alternative - but the only place I didn't search? Another group-buy thread in the exact same forum. There's an embarrassing oversight. I just looked up the price of a 200mW to 300mW laser in 635nm through that groupbuy, and it was:

PL-C (Red/orange)

635nm GB retail
200-300mw 310$
400-500mW 440$

Let's leave it at that for now. The JetLasers alternative effectively seals the deal for myself as well. So I'm going to pull back, look at some alternatives on the Dino site again (including some of my earlier suggestions to them), and see what other lasers might be better alternatives.
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Re: Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 635nm (not a typo) 200 to 2

Do you know what diode is inside? They say around 2.25 mrad divergence, so it may be one similar to these 635nm c-mounts on EBay. I would rather get a HL63133DG myself instead, as they are singlemode and practically same divergence as a regular red.
Re: Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 635nm (not a typo) 200 to 2

Looks like a decent laser, why was this under the video reviews though?

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Re: Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 635nm (not a typo) 200 to 2

I will make a new thread --thnks rhd for starting this =--we should all benefit.

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Re: Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 635nm (not a typo) 200 to 2

It couldn't be an HL63133DG inside - something I say from experience, knowing that those really can't peak above 200mW after lens.

I'm assuming it's a C-Mount. That said, Hakzaws price is better than Dinos. So I think we'll either look for a different DD laser to do a groupbuy with, or see if they can get their price lower.
Re: Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 635nm (not a typo) 200 to 2

The JETLASERS 635nm´s are a way better deal.
Re: Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 635nm (not a typo) 200 to 2

You know what's funny... this thread is actually responsible for putting me down for the next jetlaser group buy:p (Possibly this one, I'm still on the fence.)

Quality and price aside, I think there is also the matter of trust to consider. Jetlasers has much better quality control, and dino isn't known for their post sale services.

That said, if dino met all of the requirements listed... and offered a good deal on a good laser, I'd give it a shot.
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Re: Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 635nm (not a typo) 200 to 2

The JETLASERS 635nm´s are a way better deal.

You know what's funny... this thread is actually responsible for putting me down for the next jetlaser group buy:p (Possibly this one, I'm still on the fence.)

Quality and price aside, I think there is also the matter of trust to consider. Jetlasers has much better quality control, and dino isn't known for their post sale services.

That said, if dino met all of the requirements listed... and offered a good deal on a good laser, I'd give it a shot.

Agreed ^ 100%

In fact, the very first thing I did when this thread brought the JL GB to my attention, was PM Hakzaw to express my interest in grabbing a JetLaser 635 :)

I've already fired and update back to Dino to see what they say, but there's no way this GB will run if they don't do something substantial on price.
Re: Feeler: Doing an organized groupbuy with DinoDirect - 635nm (not a typo) 200 to 2

we have to say, thanks RHD and everyone, we will go on until we can provide our members an amaizing laser, as for the price, we will consider and maybe another choice:)

Second try at finding a good laser for a groupbuy. This time around - a 300mW FireDragon 532nm, for $149 at groupbuy.

What does everyone think?

Second try at finding a good laser for a groupbuy. This time around - a 300mW FireDragon 532nm, for $149 at groupbuy.

What does everyone think?

I´m SURE that the lasers are going to be up-to spec (overspec), but when looking at mine, divergence/beam diameter could be A LOT better.
Considering they had the laser up for sale for $126 not so long ago, $149 does not seem like that great of a price.

Not to mention that they keep bumping the price on it.

The 500mW for $200-250 would be much more appealing.
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