Re: "CLOSED.!!!" GB: For The New 3.8mm Red Diodes 660nm (Sending PM's)
Ran a 635nm diode GB some time ago, never expected to have so much work
I'd recommend doing the second one in a week or 2, that way anyone in the same boat I'm in [broke] can get the money and be able to get the amount they need.
Like I mentioned to you in PM. WHen you have money PM me and I will take care of you.
I will try to not leave anyone hanging. Well not on purpose thats for sure.:beer:
Iam ordering Extra so its not a Problem for those that cant afford them now.
I can always run another GB.
Yeah sorry about that Im on European time! I wasnt being impatient, I just didnt want to risk missing the payment cos you said we only had 48 hrs to reply.
Anyway thanks for doing this, much appreciated! :beer:
Hey its no Problem. Really.

The Diffrtent time zones between everyone can get confusing.
I just ask to be patient. No one will be left behind or missed.
Lazeerer, do you know what wavelength these diodes are specifically when driven that hard? It'd be interesting to see how much higher the wavelength goes.
And is there really 650 nm diodes and 660 nm? I keep seeing the two interchanged so often I don't know if it's a mistake, or... what.
Unfortunately I do not know but when using a diffraction grating they appear to be the same spot as my LPC-826.
Yes there is 650nm diodes and 660nm diodes. Just look at my Sig.

Usually though the Higher power 650nm diodes are C -mounts with bad divergence.
What i found out is These are Diodes that where Never Released i am now told. Vapor Wear to some extent if you want to call it that. However There is Plenty so no need to worry.
This is why we have not seen them. Iam getting them through a Friend which is a Supplier too. Ive know this guy for 5 years i have been buying from him.
So when he tells me that he does not know anything about these diodes other then what he already said to me which i have posted everything he said in the other thread i believe him.
Iam actually now pretty happy i got the samples. He told me that he was just going to not bother with these diodes again.
Yeah - sorry about that Angelos. I didn't bother looking at the spreadsheet before I posted that
No worries... Time Zones is also something you have to conceder.
I asked for 2-3 but why am I not on the list? :/
May i ask you to show me your post.? I went back to look and see if i can find your post but i dont see it.
What is it 2 or 3.?

Keep an eye out for round 2. Or just buy them from me when they come in if you dont want to wait for round 2.
lotta work goes into one of these. i'm thankful to anyone who puts their time and effort into something like this for us - cheers angelos:beer:
Yes indeed. Groupbuys is not something done overnight. You have to have alot of patient both the organizer and mostly the Buyers. Some Group buys can take a long time.
People run Groupbuys so it can save everyone a few bucks or to get something that can not be bought single piece.
If someone has no Patients to wait then Groupbuys are not for them and it might be best to go buy it at full price or wait until the diodes come in and buy one then from me..
Since these diodes are not available anywhere else we all have to be patient. Even me.Rememeber i want more too.

Iam told these diodes where never to be released but there is Plenty available by him. This is why no one has seen these yet as this is the only place they can be bought and up until recent when he asked me if i wanted to buy the samples no one has ever bought these he told me. So iam happy to share with everyone>

Red is My Favorite.
I Will do my best to get everyone that wants one. I Promise.
SO all i ask is for patients.
I do have a Job, collage & other laser projects for others that is in the Mix too.
But to not keep you guys waiting i put the GB up now.
So Right now Iam Just as Grateful as everyone else to be able to get theses.
Though what Kills me i was told that he has had these 10 diode samples for 2 years now.:tinfoil: Would have been nice to gotten these then.:banghead:
I will not open Round 2 up for at least 1 more day.
SO Again. Iam gong to do a Round 2 GB shortly for these diodes for those that missed the first run.