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FrozenGate by Avery

OEM Laser Systems protective eyewear...

Mar 4, 2008
I recieved my Laser Protective eyewear today from OEM Laser Systems....thought i would share....


I ordered a custom configuration to help protect from three main wavelengths:

Red ---- 635nm with an OD = 1.5+
Green -- 532nm with an OD = 2.5+
Ifra-red -- 808nm with an OD = 4+


Total VLT(Visible Light Transfer) = 13%  (really not as dark as i had feared!) ....they are about as dark as an average pair of sunglasses...and VERY comfortable....
The frame style i chose is #35 and has a great range of adjustment to fit your face perfectly!!....



Visibility is very nice during burning and lenthy laser viewing which is great for video and photography....especially in low light conditions where the naked eye would be stressed normally....all in all i recommend these Glasses to anyone interested in protecting their vision with high quality eyewear from a medical-field grade manufacturer who really have created a superior product.... I have tried a few "cheaper" pairs and can state with confidence that these really do feel and fit nicer than any others i wore... :)

Thank you OEM Laser systems and FrothyChimp for the help!


Thanks for posting the pix Jack. They look like nice shades.

I went to the OEM site and their eye-wear section is quite the mish-mash. I assume you had to call them directly to order the custom configuration in that particular frame, which really begs the question, "how much did you fork out for those spiffy goggles?" (If you don't mind me asking, of course...) ;)

Actually....i dealt directly with FrothyChimp who did the specifics for me....all i told him was what lasers i had and what i was doing with them 8-)

.....the price for these particular specs was: $162.70 shipped!....and worth EVERY penny!!
Thanks Jack for the nice words. It is appreciated. Enjoy

CC, you are correct, the OEM website covers mainly the high OD goggles required in industry, the military, and universities. We are in the process of creating a means of locating a particular set of glasses more efficiently. What is on the site is only a small percentage of the glasses and goggles we have available. If anyone is looking for something specific, just send us an email and someone will reply with a quote that matches your requirements.
That's a great price for custom specs though. When I saw the $260+ goggles on the site I feared the worst. :P

So Frothy, as you can see from my sig, I've pretty well spanned the visible spectrum with my collection. Is it possible to make a pair of goggles that would give acceptable protection from 405nm to 850nm yet still let in enough light to see with? Jack seems pleased with his VLT of 13%, so would that be possible with a more broadband coating? (I'm really more concerned with protection in the 532nm, 650nm and 800nm+ ranges due to the higher powers of my reds and greens and the spurious IR the greens generate.) Would mixing coatings with lower OD ratings for the rest of the spectrum help increase the VLT overall, or is there no way to tweak them so specifically?

Frame 35 looks like a lot my Bollé MTB lenses so I'd be interested at that price.

Cheers, CC
Those are some fuckin sweet goggles. I'd definitely pay 150+ for a broad-spectrum pair of goggles like that.
Hey Boost, question about your glasses.

I need to get a pair and I was looking at these myself. I see you have lasers around the same power as me. How well do these seem to work when dealing with focusing the beams, and can you still see the beam spots well or does it cause distortion?
I also would be interested in this same set up as CC wants so maybe we should start a GB for some really good safety glasses :)

I can deal with the price Jack paid but less would be better :D

That's a great price for custom specs though. When I saw the $260+ goggles on the site I feared the worst. :P

So Frothy, as you can see from my sig, I've pretty well spanned the visible spectrum with my collection. Is it possible to make a pair of goggles that would give acceptable protection from 405nm to 850nm yet still let in enough light to see with? Jack seems pleased with his VLT of 13%, so would that be possible with a more broadband coating? (I'm really more concerned with protection in the 532nm, 650nm and 800nm+ ranges due to the higher powers of my reds and greens and the spurious IR the greens generate.) Would mixing coatings with lower OD ratings for the rest of the spectrum help increase the VLT overall, or is there no way to tweak them so specifically?

Frame 35 looks like a lot my Bollé MTB lenses so I'd be interested at that price.

Cheers, CC
