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FrozenGate by Avery

IN MY EYE reke 07 445nm 200mw

Jul 8, 2012
This is not a review but a misadventure.:cryyy:

In October 2011, I bought on dinodirect a REKE 07 445nm 200mw.
LaserMan 200mW 445nm Star Party Auto Sound DMX512 Single Blue Stage Laser Projector Reke-07 - US DinoDirect.com
when I turn on the laser projector , the laser module was uncentered.
I disassemble it to fix the module then the mirror moved. At this moment the beam hit my eye .:banghead:

here are some animations


what do you think of the animation???




How is it possible that a laser show make a dot ???:banghead:

I bought recently a LPM and so I powerchecked the laser show


I went to see an ophthalmologist, I burnt the retina in my right eye.
don't forget to use the Safety Goggles

That's because of what happened that I knew LPF and because of my passion and my addiction to lasers

When I cover my left eye, I see this
I viewed this picture about 70cm away from my monitor

and this picture about 2m50

the spot is white translucent but I don't see it when my eyes are open
Well it is really bad news. I usually use safety goggles, but sometimes I get hot (living in the tropics) and the goggles start to get all foggy, so I have to take them off, I got a hit from a green 200mw in my eye as well. Well that was the last time I ever had a laser on without my goggles, If they get foggy than I just turn off the laser, clean the goggles, and then turn it back on.... I mean it is not fun to get your eyes damaged.
I not blind , it doesn't bother me in day to day life, but sometimes I softly see the spot which warn me against the laser :spank:
Well thank got it was just 200mw imagine what could have happend with a 3W laser... This things are DANGEROUS... I have them all in a suitcase in my safe.
Really sorry to hear about the damage to your vision, but your post brings up a question, 'how does a laser show projector throw a dot?'

I have a couple of similar toys, one of which would alternate betwen patterns and dot when the 'sound activated' feature was turned on. It turns out the unit had been made for 220 volts instead of 110. It would sorta work on 110 but worked much better when the internal jumpers and switches were in the correct position for my line voltage.
Does that use stepper motors? Either that or there's quite a serious ground loop/interference going on there. Might also just be the cheap scanners too.
From the animations my guess is that it uses steppers like my cheapo toys use. That would explain the 'dot' pattern as well; steppers stall.
^^^^ Yeah, that's exactly what my elcheapo R/G/Y toy would do until I changed the internal jumpers from 220 volts to 110.
