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Laser on planes?

Feb 12, 2010
Im flying down to GA for the weekend soon to see my buddy at school and i want to bring a couple of lasers to show him because like most of my friends hes amazed at these things :D But i was planning on bringing my 1.6 W 445nm and a smaller 100 mW 532nm. Im not checking a bag so i just have a carry on backpack. I plan on taking the batteries out and leaving them in a separate part of the bag. I dont think there will be an issue with TSA but idk they are nuts. does anybody know if i can bring these lasers onto an aircraft?

but anselm thank you for the links i just skimmed through them quick and i know what to do
I recently flew to Costa Rica with two lasers in my carry-on packpack. Lasers were in one backpack pocket and batteries were in the other pocket. US TSA didn't so much as give them a second glance when they went through the X-ray machine. Costa Rican security, doing a 100% hand search of all carry-on luggage, pulled the 200mW greenie out and asked "What is this?" My reply "It's just a laser pointer" was satisfactory, and away I went. No problem.
I recently flew to Costa Rica with two lasers in my carry-on packpack. Lasers were in one backpack pocket and batteries were in the other pocket. US TSA didn't so much as give them a second glance when they went through the X-ray machine. Costa Rican security, doing a 100% hand search of all carry-on luggage, pulled the 200mW greenie out and asked "What is this?" My reply "It's just a laser pointer" was satisfactory, and away I went. No problem.

Thats because you're white, LMFAO. I'd like to see what happens when a Muslim walks through with that in his carry on. :whistle:
