At work I looked directly into a laser that was being calibrated. No goggles. It was a solid state Nd:YV04, wavelength 354.7 nm. It is a class IV when being worked on, which it was. Boss said it was no big deal, but I now have chronic headaches, and chronic dry eye. I mean, my eyes feel like they are
going to burst! I don't know anything about lasers and was hoping someone could direct me to some help. I have been to several opthamalogists, but I don't think they have much experience with this sort of laser exposure. It's been 4 months and my eyes are so dry. I now have to put eye drops in all the time, and yet my boss said there was no danger? I would love to believe that, but I never had eye problems before.
going to burst! I don't know anything about lasers and was hoping someone could direct me to some help. I have been to several opthamalogists, but I don't think they have much experience with this sort of laser exposure. It's been 4 months and my eyes are so dry. I now have to put eye drops in all the time, and yet my boss said there was no danger? I would love to believe that, but I never had eye problems before.