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Wicked Lasers S3 KRYPTON 1000mW Review

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Nov 3, 2011
Hello everyone,

so today I’m going to review my 1W Krypton from Wicked Lasers. This unit was given to me at a discount for review.


Delivery/Delivery Time:

Wrapped in a thick plastic sheet to prevent moisture and had a good amount of layers of bubble wrap to prevent damage.

Ordered on the 12/23/2011
Delivered on the 01/06/2012

Good delivery time and since I ordered during their special I got a tripod and expanded lens kit!


Although this unit was good and peaked at 1100mW and had a good average of 900mW-920mW, I had to return it because the collimating lens was at angle and so the beam was not parallel to the laser. I did not know how to fix it and it messed with the expanded lens kit. So I returned and got another unit. The delivery protection was the same.


The service for the RMA was pleasant easy to deal with, and Jeice [Wicked’s RMA representative] is always nice and has speedy responses within her hours.

Sent on: 01/13/2012
Arrived back: 02/10/2012 [Chinese New Year’s delay]

RMA’d [2]:

I contacted Wicked Support of this power issue, and like always, Jeice was really nice and already had the issue resolved. So I'm going to send this laser back and get one with better performance and tell you guys about it of course!

LPM RESULTS: The LPM used was the laserbee 2.5W USB

Test 1

Test 2

Just a little disappointed that it peaks @800mW, but still a great laser nonetheless! I’m going to see if I accidently got a really over spec 500mW unit, because my laser that I got before was going to 1.1W and averaging 900mW-920mW. If not I’m still happy!


Still bright and can’t look at it at close range, and has a nice visible beam at night.


The IR filter blocks 400nm-750nm and allows 808nm-1064nm. So if we look at the averages we see 1.7% of the laser’s power is IR which I think is awesome!

The laser beam at aperture is 3.00mm +/- 0.20mm.

The laser expands 1.33mm +/- 0.20mm for every meter traveled. I did this measurement at 6 meters and took the average.

The laser does get noticeably warm after a good 5-7 minutes of use, but it is always cold here in Oregon so it benefits the laser when it is in use.

The Expanded Lens Kit:

Comes in this magnetic flap box, it’s nice and does what it needs to do. What more could I say?

Here are the lenses at work:

Galaxy Lens:

Straight Line Lens:

Cross Lens:

The expanded lens kit does come with others but I think these are the coolest and I could not capture the focusing lens in a picture because it’s really bright. But once you have put the focusing lens on it burns like crazy.

I give Wicked 7.5/10. Wicked's customer service is outstanding. I'm dissapointed that this unit did not reach its max power like my previous and ill change it depending on how the unit comes out.

Side Note:
If there is anything I can improve on my review, please let me know.

Any questions? feel free to ask! :)

Still going to update with more information later on
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Nice review... It seems to be in line with most of the other
1000mW Kryptons at ~700-800mW...

10/10 LOL. You have to return it twice, and at the end of it all it will take ~3 months. And its still not over because your new laser hasn't arrived yet. What if its another dud?

Sorry to rain on your review, but this is typical WL all the way.

Did you have to pay for return shipping?

Thanks man! I did measure that myself.

Thanks Jerry!

The RMA orders usually get back really fast for me, about a week after it reaches their California location. And I only have to pay the shipping to their California location. Which is like $5. So its no big deal for me. And I guess I pit some faith into wicked for the 10/10 because I have done more RMA orders in the past and they stay true to their word to which issue they are going to fix.
I understand, but how to you give top props to a company that you have to keep returning defect unit?

Its no secret I'm anti WL, but I'm not trolling. The reasons I'm anti WL are the same reasons you have to keep sending lasers back, and having to pay the postage to boot. I know its short money, but if its not that much money why dont they cover the cost.

If I was buying items from a company, and had to repeatedly send back units because of defects, I would not buy from that company anymore. Much less post a 10/10 rating for the experience. I'm starting to think WL is using subliminal tactics, or something. Because I see a lot of people praising them after receiving sub par units. I honestly dont understand it.
Im actually impressed with the speed they ship!

Date Ordered: 12/02/2012
Scheduled for:

2 Days Thursday, February 16, 2012


nice review btw...

Cheers sm.
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Yeah it looks like they are finally tightening up shipping, and doing better with customer service.

Now all they need is a quality product.
Yeah it looks like they are finally tightening up shipping, and doing better with customer service.

Now all they need is a quality product.

Hahahah yeah i hope it's ok on mine, it's still a guess i think when i see so many diffrent outputs with there 3 models. (i'm well aware)

I just bought it for the host actually, and wanted to find out what all the negative comments are all about. (yeah i know there are look alikes and second hand etc..)

I just hope it's atleast 500mW..
If not, i maybe gone use the host for a diffrent wavelenght :drool:
Or just enjoy looking at it ^^.

I had to spend some pay-pal cash.
(I used there mobile phone website version wich you can use pay-pal)
Cheers sm.
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I must add to it that i ordered the 500mW version..

Will also make a review of it.

Cheers sm.
There sure have been a lot of positive purchasing experiences from WL lately. Of all the reviews posted recently I haven't seen 1 under spec (in terms of output) laser. The krypton line of lasers is awesome. My wish for future models is a beam diameter of 2mm or less.
I understand, but how to you give top props to a company that you have to keep returning defect unit?

Its no secret I'm anti WL, but I'm not trolling. The reasons I'm anti WL are the same reasons you have to keep sending lasers back, and having to pay the postage to boot. I know its short money, but if its not that much money why dont they cover the cost.

If I was buying items from a company, and had to repeatedly send back units because of defects, I would not buy from that company anymore. Much less post a 10/10 rating for the experience. I'm starting to think WL is using subliminal tactics, or something. Because I see a lot of people praising them after receiving sub par units. I honestly dont understand it.

I understand where you are coming at, but I think they are working on quality the product issue, and what I look for if the company if they are willing to fix the issue.
Isn't it called/advertised as a 1000mW laser?

I have NOT seen even one that performs up to that spec.

If YOU (Luke) advertised and sold a 1000mW laser and then sent an 800mW laser, you would have to replace or refund it wouldn't you?

You would NOT put up with one of the builders here selling a unit that was 20% under advertised spec.

I have no idea how WL is able to hoodwink buyers into thinking that 20% under spec and multiple returns is a good thing

Whether they do it quickly or not, it is still multiple RMA's and 20% under advertised spec

I must be trying too hard

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Yes Dave the way you put it then yes I would be expected to replace the laser for a 1W. If however I stated in my sales thread that the laser had an output between 800-1000mW and the buyer tested the laser to be 850mW then the lasers output would be in line with the specifications I'd posted. I sell 1 laser at a time though so I can post the exact output of each one. I wouldn't use an output range unless I was selling many of the same laser and they had varying outputs.
Yes Dave the way you put it then yes I would be expected to replace the laser for a 1W. If however I stated in my sales thread that the laser had an output between 800-1000mW and the buyer tested the laser to be 850mW then the lasers output would be in line with the specifications I'd posted. I sell 1 laser at a time though so I can post the exact output of each one. I wouldn't use an output range unless I was selling many of the same laser and they had varying outputs.

It should be advertised as an 800mW laser then. I believe that this is what you would do if you made a "run" of lasers

At a minimum then, they should get an average output for their rating, NOT use the the "hoped for" maximum output for their rating

This type of hype continues because many of their customers do not know any better and not enough customers that do know are complaining about it

I am NOT anti WL. I have owned many WL products and still have some in my collection.

I am anti hype and false advertising

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