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FrozenGate by Avery

Uvex S0360X Ultra-spec 2000 Safety Eyewear

Jul 13, 2013
Hey Everyone!


New Uvex S0360X Ultra Spec 2000 Safety Eyewear Orange Frame SCT Orange Anti Fog | eBay

I know I've been inactive over the past week, due to the holidays, BUT I did have this pair of what's referred to around here as "better than nothing" glasses arrive in the mail today. A link to them can be found at the top of this review for those interested.


Ordered: (12/16/2013)
Delivered: (12/21/2013)
Note: This is during the holiday season!


Here's how it arrived!



It came in a pretty beat up box. It looked like it was thrown around, or even used.


The glasses, out of the box, were in one of these plastic bag things.


They aren't damaged. However, they do seem to be pretty fragile. I don't imagine they would last if they landed too hard on a solid surface, or were smashed up against something.

What it Protects Against


It came with this chart, which says it protects against ---
99.9% UVA 315nm - 385nm
99.9% UVB 285nm - 315nm
99.9% UVC 200nm - 285nm

In MANY guides around LPF, people are claiming these are a good cheap pair of glasses for 445nm - 532nm wavelengths as well.

532nm Test

I received my HL 300mW 532nm laser today, and tested these glasses using it. Here are images of the results!


Notice that the beam of light is stopping at the glasses.


The weird pattern on the wall is the glasses starting to bubble up. These glasses cannot withstand constant abuse from a laser, however, again you'll see the beam stop there, as well as the dot.

Final Verdict

True to their name, these are a "better than nothing" pair of glasses. I still recommend getting a high quality pair when money allows it, but these will prevent or significantly reduce eye damage if hit in the eye. And for $8 a piece, if anything, order them as "spectator" glasses.

Note: The beam is invisible while wearing the glasses, and the dot is VERY small.

IMPORTANT: My laser is IR filtered. These glasses will not protect against IR light, and as such aren't recommended unless your laser is IR filtered.

Thanks for reading! :thanks: :beer:

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Like pointed out by a few people including myself; they say they are not for lasers since they need to be certified in order to claim that. To get certification it is expensive and they need to follow strict regulations. These are orange tint protective glasses and they can change the formula at any time they like. They may have protected against 445-532nm in the past but if the formula changes they may not do crap.

Test yours out and see what you got
Like pointed out by a few people including myself; they say they are not for lasers since they need to be certified in order to claim that. To get certification it is expensive and they need to follow strict regulations. These are orange tint protective glasses and they can change the formula at any time they like. They may have protected against 445-532nm in the past but if the formula changes they may not do crap.

Test yours out and see what you got

I figured it was something along those lines, with the reasoning for saying not to use with lasers.

Yes, as stated above, as soon as I get my laser from the group buy I'll update this. I just had some free time, and figured I'd post what I've gathered so far. :beer:
As of January 1st, I'm awaiting my 300mW 532nm laser. Seeing as how I got it from laserbtb, and was involved in the group buy where I'm told our lasers are kind of "cherry picked", it should be overspec. So, if these glasses can stand up to it when it arrives, I'll give them the thumbs up for 532nm use. I'll update this the day it arrives. :beer:
I have those same glasses and they are great for blue but don't trust them for 532nm DPSS. Read more about these in this thread: http://laserpointerforums.com/f52/c...test-uvex-s0360x-ultra-spec-2000-a-73484.html

Yeah, that was the one I was reading, but I realized it was dated 2012, and since then has had some people coming back saying it doesn't protect against certain wavelengths as it was originally tested to do, so mine is basically intended as an update now that it's 2014. :beer:
