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Violet Purple Blu-ray Laser Pen (3), retail $6.65
Manufactured by: (Unknown; but possibly Melea {aka. New Wish}) (www.newwishlaser.com)
Last updated 03-28-11
Manufactured by: (Unknown; but possibly Melea {aka. New Wish}) (www.newwishlaser.com)
Last updated 03-28-11

The Violet Purple Blu-ray Laser Pen is a violet-emitting, directly-injected laser. That is, it produces violet laser radiation directly, without the need for messy, fragile nonlinear crystals like those green laser pointers and the amberish-yellow and blue ones as well. It uses two AAA cells -- the same power source used in most other "pen-style" laser pointers and laser modules.
It is advertised to output less than 5mW of laser radiation at ~405nm.
It actually measures 53.70mW at 404.65nm!!!
It comes in a handsome brass body with a black finish and chrome colored bezel, tailcap, and pocket clip.

To get the laser to turn on, first be certain that there are a pair of AAA cells installed. If there aren't, then install them (see directly below), and THEN you can go irradiate something.

Aim the laser well-away from your face first.

To change the batteries in this violet laser, unscrew the laser near the center, and set the front portion aside.
Tip the two used AAA cells out of the barrel and into your hand, and dispose of, recycle, or recharge them as you see fit.
Insert two new AAA cells into the barrel, nipple-end (+) positive first. This is the opposite of how batteries are installed in most flashlights, so please pay attention to polarity here.
Screw the front portion of the tube back on, and be done with it.
Unable to measure current use due to how this laser was constructed.
This laser has a fair amount of {vulgar slang term for male nads} to it (measured at 53.70mW), so you ***DEFINITELY*** do not want to shine it into your eyes, other people's eyes, pets' eyes, for that matter, the eyes of any person or animal you encounter.

And for Christ sakes (and for heaven sakes and for Pete sakes and for your sakes too) do not shine this laser at any vehicle, whether ground-based like a motorcycle, car, or truck, or air-based like a helicopter, airplane, or jet. And if you shoot it at a person in the dark and he turns out to be a police officer, he may think he's being targeted, unholster (whip out) his gun, and hose you down with it.
From somebody who knows their {vulgar slang term for caca; rhymes with "spit"} about lasers, comes this information:
More on 50-60 mW violet lasers:
The spot is not safe to stare into from close distances. At 60 mW,
assuming a perfectly diffuse-reflecting white wall and fully dilated
pupil, the spot is at borderline between Class I and Class II at a little
over 7 feet. This wavelength also has the extra ill effects of blue and
a bit of the ill effects of UV.
Usually a yellowish dye that naturally exists in the lens of the eye
significantly attenuates deep violet wavelengths. However, this is not
completely reliable. You probably do not want to stare at the violet spot
for more than a couple seconds from distances within a couple feet.
If the spot or your eyes keep moving, then things are OK.
Does this evaluation look an awful lot like the one I made for this laser?
Thought you'd say so.
That's because they're functionally (and virtually physically) identical {apparently differing only in the color of the warning label}, so I was able to use its web page as a template for this one.

Beam terminus photograph of this unique (well, perhaps "not-so-unique" any more) laser on the test target at 12".
Beam image bloomed ***SIGNIFICANTLY***.
That white & blue color does not really exist; the spot appears to be a very deep royal purple to the eye.
Digital cameras have a tough time at these wavelengths.
And yes, I know that the colors purple and violet are two different critters, but the phrase "royal violet" would not make very much sense; however, most everybody knows what "royal purple" looks like.
Purple is a mixture of red & blue; violet is a spectral color, encompassing wavelengths of ~390nm to ~410nm.
Measures a quite hefty 53.70mW on a Sper Scientific Pocket Laser Power Meter # 840011; using known-new AAA cells.

Beam terminus photograph on a wall at ~10'.
Again, beam image bloomed ***SIGNIFICANTLY*** and that white & blue color does not really exist.

Spectrographic analysis of the Blu-ray laser diode in this product.
Wavelength appears to be ~405nm, which is within specification for the type of laser diode used in this laser.

Same as above; but spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 400nm and 410nm.
This shows that the wavelength is in fact 404.65nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the fluorescence of a uranated glass marble when irradiated with this laser.
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Beam cross-sectional analysis with beam widened (x-axis).

Beam cross-sectional analysis with beam widened (y-axis).
That slight but noticeable "flattening" of the lower beam edge in this
analysis was caused by the lens housing shifting slighly during the test.
It does not exist in the actual beam, and does not in any way queer the test.
These charts show the somewhat ovoid beam profile;
this is consistent with directly-injected diode lasers.
Images made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.
Test unit was purchased on Ebay on 03-20-11 (or "20 Mar 2011" if you prefer), and was received at 3:33pm PST on 03-28-11 ("28 Mar 2011").
I have decided to rate this wonderful little laser four stars!!!

If something happens down the road, I can always derate it if necessary.
UPDATE: 00-00-00
Color is very radiant & unusual for a handheld laser
Uses inexpensive and readily available batteries
The price is right!
Color is very radiant an unu...o wait, I said that already!!!

Just the usual suspects for laser modules/pointers - nothing that affects rating...actually, there is one little thing: it is advertised as a <5mW laser, but outputs over 53mW of laser radiation.
That's what lopped that last star off.

MANUFACTURER: Unknown; but possibly Melea
PRODUCT TYPE: Violet-emitting laser
LAMP TYPE: Sony Blu-ray laser diode
BEAM TYPE: Very narrow spot
SWITCH TYPE: Momentary on/off button on barrel
BEZEL: Metal; laser & lens recessed into its end
BATTERY: 2x AAA cells
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
WATER- AND URANATION-RESISTANT: Light splatter-resistant at maximum
WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated