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Directly-Injected 515nm Green Diode Laser Module, retail $61.60 (www.instapark.com...)
Manufactured by (Unknown) for Instapark (www.instapark.com)
Last updated 12-02-13
Manufactured by (Unknown) for Instapark (www.instapark.com)
Last updated 12-02-13

This is a green-emitting diode laser.
But it's not DPSS (Diode-Pumped Solid State) like those now-common green laser pens -- no, this one uses a new technological advancement that allows green laser radiation to be produced directly, without the need for those messy, fragile nonlinear crystals!
It's rated to produce 5mW of laser radiation at 515nm in the bluish-green part of the spectrum (these values were measured at 9mW with a wavelength of 513.38nm).
This is part # 594SD52005 on Instapark's website.
Because this is a laser, you should not shine it into your eyes, other people's eyes, pet's eyes, etc. Just use a little common sense here, k?

To use your new (and yes, as of late-2013 this technology is NEW) Directly-Injected 515nm Green Diode Laser Module, affix the heatsink first (it simply slips over the metal part of the laser) and hand-tighten the plastic screw on its side. This screw can be manipulated with the
fingers (no tools necessary); please do not use a screwdriver or else you'd risk overtightening and/or stripping the threads on it.
Feed the laser anywhere from +2.5 volts to +5.5 volts DC from any convenient source -- this could be two or three AA cells connected in series, a product like the Aixiz Diode Laser PSU, or even a lithium-ion 18650 cell like the type that powers the 2 Watt S3 Spyder Arctic G2 445nm Blue Laser w/SmartSwitch™.
As usual, red wire is (+) positive and black wire is (-) negative.
If you wish to have a power (on/off) switch, you'll have to procure & install it yourself. The two wires on the switch go to the laser module's red wire and the battery (+) positive.
My Aixiz Diode Laser PSU was used to power the laser module for all of the measurements, analyses, and beam photographs present on this web page.
The Directly-Injected 515nm Green Diode Laser Module is not water-resistant or submersible (it's a laser module for Christ sakes!!!), so please keep it away from water.
The published specs on this laser module are as follows:
o Emission Wavelength: 510nm to 530nm
o Optical Dot Power :4.0mW to 5.0mW (Top* = 77°F (25°C)
o Operation Temperature Range: 14°F (-10°C) to 122°F (+50°C)
o Operating Current: <265mA
o Operating Voltage: +2.5 volts to +5.5 volts DC
o Beam Size @ 15m: 9mm (slow axis) X 15mm (fast axis)
o Operation Temperature Range**: -4°F (-20°C) to 140°F (+60°C)
Below, you'll find my power output and spectrographic findings (both measured with instruments specifically designed for this purpose).

Tops out at 9mW on a LaserBee 2.5W USB Laser Power Meter w/Thermopile.

Mid-term (2,185 seconds) stability analysis.
Laser temperature was measured at 104°F (40°C) at 2,170 seconds into the test.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12".

Beam photograph on the test target at 12"; the other (the yellower one toward the top) green spot is coming from my Evo Smartphone-Controllable Green DPSS Portable Laser outputting the same power.

Beam photograph on a wall at ~10 feet.

Spectrographic analysis of this laser.

Spectrographic analysis of this laser; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 510nm and 520nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 513.38nm.

Spectrographic analysis of this laser; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 800nm and 874nm to check for the presence of a pump laser -- which none exists (I irradiated the spectrometer's sensor quite well in effort to capture this!)
The raw spectrometer data (tab-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at http://ledmuseum.candlepower.us/44/515green.txt
USB2000 Spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.
A beam cross-sectional analysis would normally appear here, but the computer that hosted the ProMetric 8 Beam Cross-Sectional Analyser was destroyed by a lightning strike in July 2013 (the monitor had this big-ass hole blown right through its viewscreen); although a replacement computer is already en route (it just came several days ago actually), there's a fairly significant chance that the beam cross-sectional analyser itself was also taken out because both the computer & test instrument shared the AC power at the same outlet on the same power strip.
Test unit was purchased on Ebay on 11-13-13, and the wrong unit was received on 11-18-13; the correct one was received on 11-25-13.
*Top = ambient operating temperature
** Yes, this value is stated two times in the operational materials; two differing temperature ranges are given.
UPDATE: 12-02-13
Just a subjective observation here...this laser module makes all 532nm green DPSS laser modules and portable lasers look much more yellowish than they used to.
Very unique beam color -- 515nm is very radiant and unusual
Beam is clean with no unwanted artifacts or speckling in it
Seems to run a bit warm
None that I've yet to discover

PRODUCT TYPE: Laser module
LAMP TYPE: Directly-injected green-emitting diode laser
BEAM TYPE: Very narrow spot -- it's a laser, remember?
CASE MATERIAL: Fiberglass (PCB) & metal
BEZEL: Metal; laser diode & collimating lens recessed into hosel for them
BATTERY: N/A (uses any source of +2.5 V to +5.5 V that can source 265mA)
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: 150.380 mA at +3.860 volts
ACCESSORIES: Toroidal (doughnut-shaped) heatsink
SIZE: 26mm L (incl. driver circuit) x 5.50mm Dia.
WEIGHT: 1.20g (0.040 oz.)
COUNTRY OF MANUFACTURE: Unknown/not stated
WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated

Update 11-27-13: Performed spectroscopy again to check for the presence of a pump laser operating at NIR wavelengths.
Update 12-02-13: Added a subjective comment that this laser makes DPSS laser pens look downright yellowish in comparison.
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