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FrozenGate by Avery

REVIEW: another O-Like 400mW Blu-Ray!

Feb 18, 2010
Hello guys, here goes my review for the O-Like 400mW Blu-Ray, there are already a few around and maybe it is old news for the forum but i'm so happy i could not resist :D.


First of all, this was my first time dealing with O-Like and i was not dissapointed at all!;

I placed my order at 16th
They shipped it out at 21st
Received it today! (24th)

So yah i went for the DHL express shipping ;)

Ok, back to laser this is what package was like:


Battery was not included because of DHL policy but since i have already some so that was no problem, here are some pics for size comparison with batteries and another featuring the holes for the wrist strap on the tail:


Asked Susie if this host supports protected batteries and the answer is no, unless u like a half screwed tailcap :p:


I am not expert but... i noted it comes with a nicely yellow coated lens!, even the waterproof lens is coated too, green in this case.

I tried to take pics but since i cant take it apart i only managed to get some from the waterproof lens:



Altho blu-ray lasers are the dimmest for human eye and i was in a very lit room with some sunlight present, this thing is very scary!! :eek:, can only imagine how a 1W 445 would look like, not to mention 500mW of green :evil:.

Anyway...next are some dot comparison pics with my newwish pen and my blu-ray dilda:


Now these are focused to infinity and unfocused pics and how they do look like wearing the googles i'm using currently...dont worry i have 2 pairs of them so i was always wearing a pair during the whole process:







And finally some beamshots! :lasergun:.
Dilda on left and O-like on right, pics may suggest they have similar power but thats not the case... in person there is no comparison at all!:



As i mention above, this laser is scary!, not only cuz of its brightness despite being a 405nm but also because it burns almost everything even focused to infitnity and from some distance! :scared:

These are the white folder i used for dot pictures and one old sweater i used when took the beamshots (distance was about 6 meters and still poked 2 holes throught it):



Right now i am waiting for nightfall and see if i can add some beamshots and maybe starpointing pics too! :rolleyes:

Overall i am very very happy with this purchase, price is very nice, it feels good quality and the shipping was real fast! (3 days with DHL).

Also i believe mine is from a new batch, according to O-Like's website they were out of stock for 1 or 2 days and then suddenly had 100 new pieces in stock, that was when i placed my order, so lets see and hope this model has a long lifespan :angel:

My favorite color is blue but until i see 445's and 473's, my favorite wavelenght will be 405 so this was a must-have for me :)

:wave: And finally, hope u liked the review and thanks for reading! :thanks:

aww man this is great!
Thankfully I just ordered one! This laser as we have now all found out is pushing +600mW.
Simply incredible!

Nice shots btw!
I love mine. I like it quite a bit better then my 1W 445. The 1W 445 is just a crude "non-true" laser. The brightness is great at ranges less than 100M, but the beam quality is sub par IMO. My next purchase will be an Optotronics RPL 300+. Collaminated lens, IR filtered, and a beam you could lose sleep over.....

Enjoy the 405. I lit a red tipped wooden match from 35 feet away in under 5 seconds the other day. The Ultrafire 18650 2600mah cell mine came with has awesome runtime.
Thanks guys!, glad u liked it! :yh:


Yup i also have read that 445's have an "ugly" beam and that but i still dying to get one, not cuz of the power but the color (not to mention a 473), i wish they were available in generic newwish pens too... that would be good enough.

But there are other issues and hobbies to attend so for now my 445 will have to wait a little more, until then maybe their price will go a lil bit down or even find some time to finally start and decide to build one :beer:
I am glad that your review makes this laser look awsome! I ordered mine the other day and I am super excited to try it out.

Lighting a match at 35 feet! :evil:

This laser seems to have some incredible power. Nice review but it makes my having to wait a lot harder.
Nice review, I'm ordering one tonight can't wait! I take it you haven't tried it under water yet?
Thanks, yup this model has VERY good burning capabilities and dont worry the waiting is definitely worht it :p

Nah, im sure it will do perfectly fine underwater but the reason i havent tried it is because i dont want to have to clean the lens after it, im always a mess cleaning lenses so i dont wanna risk to mess it up and have a lot of scatter around the dot later :toilet:
So I see its been a coupons months since anybody has posted in here which is good in a way. Is everybodys o like 400mw stol working god I would like to know that they last a while before spending my money thanks in advance
He probably meant couple months but he probably typed it on his apple device and autocorrect "corrected" it
How much better would this 1 w unit be?

Power Rock 1W Blue laser torch /Focusable/ waterproof [OL-PRBL1000] - $152.99 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

Do this O-Like lasers have problems heating up and burning out?

You really cant compare that laser to the one in this thread. Its a 445nm laser as opposed to the 405nm in this thread. Very different beasts!!

Is it better? Yes, if you want true blue, and a VERY visible beam, and much more power.

No, if you want a VIOLET 405nm laser like in this thread.
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You really cant compare that laser to the one in this thread. Its a 445nm laser as opposed to the 405nm in this thread. Very different beasts!!

Is it better? Yes, if you want true blue, and a VERY visible beam, and much more power.

No, if you want a VIOLET 405nm laser like in this thread.

Then this is the laser:

Power Rock 400mW blu-ray 405nm laser torch/adjustable/waterproof [OL-405T-400] - $102.99 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

It looks like it has a slightly different host with the threaded end for the diffraction caps. I guess the tighter beam shows up in violet instead of blue.

I'm wondering if he'll have problems with it like this guy: (might be a heatsink problem)


And if the beam is adjustable in the host of the 2 I posted? It says above it's adjustable but I don't see it in the design or in the specs list.
Then this is the laser:

Power Rock 400mW blu-ray 405nm laser torch/adjustable/waterproof [OL-405T-400] - $102.99 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

It looks like it has a slightly different host with the threaded end for the diffraction caps. I guess the tighter beam shows up in violet instead of blue.

I'm wondering if he'll have problems with it like this guy: (might be a heatsink problem)


And if the beam is adjustable in the host of the 2 I posted? It says above it's adjustable but I don't see it in the design or in the specs list.

Its not the tighter beam that makes it show up purple.

A 405nm laser is a VIOLET laser, verging on ULTRA VIOLET, regardless if the beam is 1mm, or 100ft ,which has the ability to fluoresce certain materials. The fluorescence in certain white objects make it appear blue.

If you want a blue laser, then you want a 445nm like in your first link.

You will be disappointed in the 405nm if you want blue, as it only looks blue when pointed at your bleached white socks, or a piece of paper containing a bleaching agent etc. At all other times it appears VERY purple.

The 445, is true blue light, so it appears blue at all times.

Also, most cameras pick up the 405's as blue, they are far from it in actuality.
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