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5mW 3xAA Cell Red Laser Pointer, retail $10.00
Manufactured by Laserlyte (www.laserlyte.com)
Last updated 11-12-11
Manufactured by Laserlyte (www.laserlyte.com)
Last updated 11-12-11

What this is is a very large pen-style laser pointer that can be packed into a briefcase or just carried in its foam-line hard-sided case.
It emits a red beam with 5.0mW of output power; making it "cat eye safe" -- that is, you can use it as a cat toy if the large size doesn't throw you.
It comes in an aluminum matte black finish body.
Because this is a laser, you should not shine it into your eyes, other people's eyes, pet's eyes, etc. Just use a little common sense here, ok? Just because its power output is low doesn't give you carte blanche to go around hosing people or animals down with it.
The emitted wavelength was spectrographically measured at 639.85nm, in the red portion of the spectrum.

Point the front end at whatever you wish to point out (inanimate objects; not people or pets!), and press & hold the large red button on the barrel down for as long as you need the laser spot. Release the button to turn the laser pointer off.
Yes, it really is that easy.

This button has a tactile "click" sensation to it. This click may also be audible to the user in a quiet location.

To change the batteries in your laser, unscrew and remove the tailcap, and set it aside.
Tip the metal spacer and the three used AA cells out of the barrel and into your hand, and dispose of, recycle, or recharge the cells as you see fit -- but hang onto that spacer because you'll need that shortly.
Insert three new AA cells into the inner barrel (this is a hollow rod inside the barrel that the batteries fit into), flat-end (-) negative first. This is the opposite of how batteries are installed in most flashlights, so please pay attention to polarity here.
Place the metal spacer in, orienting it so that its narrower end goes in first.
Screw the tailcap back on, and be done with it.
Current usage measures 29.10mA on my DMM's 400mA scale.
This product is properly labelled as to its wavelength and power output.
This is a laser, so for Christ sakes (and for heaven sakes and for Pete sakes and your sakes too) do not shine this laser at any vehicle, whether ground-based like a motorcycle, car, or truck, or air-based like a helicopter, airplane, or jet. And if you shoot it at a person in the dark and he turns out to be a police officer, he may think he's being targeted, unholster (pull out) his gun, and hose you down with it.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12".
Those artifacts really do exist; it isn't a cruel trick played by the camera this time.

Beam photograph on a wall at ~8 feet.

Power output measures 5.00mW on a LaserBee 2.5W USB Laser Power Meter w/Thermopile.

Spectrographic analysis of the laser diode in this unit.

Spectrographic analysis of the laser diode in this unit; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 620nm and 660nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 639.85nm -- yes, a bit shorter (oranger) than expected.
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Beam cross-sectional analysis (X-axis {fast axis}).

Beam cross-sectional analysis (Y-axis {slow axis}).
Images made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.
Test unit was purchased on Ebay on 10-28-11 (or "28 Oct 2011" if you prefer) and was received midmorning on 11-07-11.
I was not able to find this product on the Laserlyte website, but it must be of relatively recent manufacture as the wavelength is just 639.85nm.
UPDATE: 11-12-11
Three C cells can be used in an emergency; remove the inner barrel from the main barrel and carefully load three C cells in, flat-end (-) negative first, place the spacer in, wide-end going in first, and screw the tailcap back on.
Battery rattle will be *SIGNIFICANT*, but the laser should function properly unless it is dropped -- in such a case the thin wire going to the switch button ***MAY*** become broken, rendering your laser useless as a laser -- though I suppose you could bludgeon somebody over the head with it much like you can do with a medium- to large-sized Mag Lite

Uses AA cells instead of AAA cells like most other "pen-style" lasers
Properly labelled for wavelength and power output
Has a sturdy, hefty feel in the hand
Very large considering it power output (this is what nocked that last star off its rating)

PRODUCT TYPE: Large laser pointer
LAMP TYPE: Laser diode
BEAM TYPE: Very narrow spot
SWITCH TYPE: Momentary pushbutton on/off on barrel
BEZEL: Metal; laser diode & lens recessed into a hosel for them
BATTERY: 3x AA cells
WATER-RESISTANT: Light splatter-resistance at maximum
ACCESSORIES: Foam-lined hard-sided plastic storage case
SIZE: 254.50mm L x 38.50mm D
WEIGHT: Unknown/not equipped to weigh

Update 11-12-11: Three C cells can be used in this laser in an urgent situation.
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