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50mW 405nm Handheld Ultra Powerful Violet Laser Pen 1010, retail $18.09 (www.dinodirect.com...*)
Manufactured by: (Unknown)
Last updated 04-07-12
Manufactured by: (Unknown)
Last updated 04-07-12

The 50mW 405nm Handheld Ultra Powerful Violet Laser Pen 1010 (hereinafter, just called a "portable violet laser") is a violet-emitting, directly-injected laser. That is, it produces violet laser radiation directly, without the need for messy, fragile nonlinear crystals like those green laser pointers and the amberish-yellow and blue ones as well. It uses a single CR123A lithium cell -- most commonly used in cameras and high-end flashlights.
It is advertised to output 50mW of laser radiation at 405nm; it actually produces 36.00mW of laser radiation at a wavelength of 403.920nm.
This is the reason I call it a "portable laser" on my website instead of a "pointer". Lasers designated as "pointers" must -- by US law anyway -- have a power output that does not exceed 5mW.
It comes in a handsome aluminum body with a black finish.
* This URL is no longer valid; however it is the one I originally made my purchase from.

To get the laser to turn on, first be certain that there is a CR123A cell installed. If there isn't, then install it (see directly below), and THEN you can go irradiate something.

Aim the laser well-away from your face first.

To change the battery in this violet laser , unscrew & remove the tailcap, and set it aside.
Tip the used CR123A cell out of the barrel and into your hand, and dispose of, recycle, or recharge it as you see fit.
Insert a new CR123A cell into the barrel, flat-end (-) negative first...
{this is how it was designed; my particular unit though requires one to place the cell into the barrel nipple-end (+) positive first, and use a small wad of household aluminum foil to allow the flat tailcap to make contact with the cell's flat (-) negative terminal!!!}.
The normal installation procedure is the opposite of how batteries are installed in most flashlights, so please pay attention to polarity here.
Screw the tailcap of the tube back on, and be done with it.
Current usage measures 144.0mA on my DMM's 4A scale.
This laser has a fair amount of power to it (measured at 36.00mW), so you ***DEFINITELY*** do not want to shine it into your eyes, other people's eyes, pets' eyes, for that matter, the eyes of any person or animal you encounter.

And para los motivos de Cristo (and for heaven sakes and for Pete sakes and for your sakes too) do not shine this laser at any vehicle, whether ground-based like a motorcycle, car, or truck, or air-based like a helicopter, airplane, or jet. And if you shoot it at a person in the dark and he turns out to be a police officer, he may think he's being targeted, unholster (whip out) his gun, and hose you down with it.
This laser feels wonderful to hold and use; the only real reason that it did not rate five full stars from me is that it is significantly underpowered (under spec).

Beam terminus photograph of this unique (well, "not-so-unique" now) laser on the target at 12".
Beam image bloomed ***SIGNIFICANTLY***.
That white & blue color does not really exist; the spot appears to be a very deep royal purple to the eye.
Digital cameras have a tough time at these wavelengths.
And yes, I know that the colors purple and violet are two different critters, but the phrase "royal violet" would not make very much sense; however, most everybody knows what "royal purple" looks like.
Purple is a mixture of red & blue; violet is a spectral color, encompassing wavelengths of ~390nm to ~410nm.

Measures 36.00mW on a LaserBee 2.5W USB Laser Power Meter w/Thermopile.

Beam terminus photograph on a wall at ~10'.
Again, that white & blue color does not really exist, and beam image bloomed a bit.

Spectrographic analysis of the Blu-ray laser diode in this product.
Wavelength appears to be ~405nm, which is within specification for the type of laser diode used in this laser.

Same as above; but spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 400nm and 410nm.
This shows that the wavelength is in fact 403.920nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the fluorescence of a uranated glass marble when irradiated with this laser.

Spectrographic analysis of the fluorescence of the 2009 NIA Commemorative Insulator in uranated glass when irradiated with this laser.

Spectrographic analysis of the fluorescence of the transparent green plastic body of a disposable cigarrette lighter when irradiated with this laser.
USB2000 Spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Beam cross-sectional analysis with beam widened (fast axis {x-axis}).

Beam cross-sectional analysis with beam widened (slow axis {y-axis}).
Images made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.
Those irregularities you see in both beams that queered these tests

Test unit was purchased on DinoDirect website on 06-07-11 (or "07 Jun 2011" if you prefer) and was received at 2:22pm PDT on 06-27-11 (or "27 Jun 2011" if you prefer); it appeared to be deader than a doorknob until 12-10-11 (or "10 Dec 2011" if you prefer) when I discovered that the CR123A cell goes in "backward"; only with the aid of a small wad of kitchen aluminum foil between the battery (-) and the tailcap did it miraculously spring to life.
I consider this to be a rather unfortunate fluke however; this laser will not be derated because of it unless I hear of other purchasers who's laser has a backward battery installation (and the subsequent need for metal foil to obtain operation) as well.
UPDATE: 00-00-00
Color is very radiant & unusual for a handheld laser
The price is right!
Labelled properly for wavelength and power output
Power output is somewhat under spec (this is what nocked that last star off its rating)
Not very water-resistant and definitely not submersible -- this is par for the course with most portable lasers though and will not affect rating

PRODUCT TYPE: Violet-emitting laser
LAMP TYPE: Directly-injected 405nm violet laser diode
BEAM TYPE: Very narrow spot
SWITCH TYPE: Momentary on/off button on barrel
BEZEL: Metal; laser & lens recessed into its end
BATTERY: 1x CR123A lithium cell
WATER-RESISTANT: Very light splatter-resistance at maximum
ACCESSORIES: 1x CR123A cell, small lanyard
SIZE: 112mm L x 25mm D (barrel) & 39mm D (head)
COUNTRY OF MANUFACTURE: Unknown, but likely China or Hong Kong
WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated

Update 12-13-11: Performed spectroscopy of fluorescence of a uranated glass marble when irradiated with this laser.
Update 12-14-11: Performed spectroscopy of fluorescence of the 2009 NIA commemorative insulator in uranated glass when irradiated with this laser.
Update 94-07-12: Performed spectroscopy of the fluorescence of the transparent green plastic body of a disposable cigarrette lighter when irradiated with this laser.
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