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1000mW 447nm Waterproof Adjust Focus Blue Laser Pen, retail $225.20
Manufactured by: OXLasers China
Last updated 05-31-12
users please allow for plenty of load time.
1000mW 447nm Waterproof Adjust Focus Blue Laser Pen, retail $225.20
Manufactured by: OXLasers China
Last updated 05-31-12

The 1000mW 447nm Waterproof Adjust Focus Blue Laser Pen (hereinafter,
probably just called a "blue portable laser" or even just a "blue
laser") is a royal blue-emitting, directly-injected diode laser. That
is, it produces deep blue laser radiation directly, without the need
for messy, fragile nonlinear crystals like those green laser pointers
and the amberish-yellow and slightly greenish-blue ones as well. It
uses a 18650 rechargeable Li:ION (lithium ion) cell -- you just charge
it back up when it poops out...never have to run to the store for
It is advertised to output 1W (1,000mW) of laser radiation at 447nm.
This is the reason I call it a "portable laser" on my website instead
of a "pointer". Lasers designated as "pointers" must -- by US law
anyway -- have a power output that does not exceed 5mW.
This laser can produce up to 1 watt of laser radiation at 447nm (royal
blue), and can cause instant and permanent eye damage from an
accidental reflection or accidental direct exposure!!! You need to know
what you're doing and have the appropriate safety precautions for a
CDRH Class IV laser device in place before you energize this laser!!!
You must also have the appropriate laser safety eyewear and *USE IT*
every time you fire up this studly little laser...you don't want to end
up like this guy:

This may look funny, but I assure you folks, this is no joke!!!
It comes in a handsome aluminum body with a rather nice looking blue

To get the laser to turn on, first be certain that the furnished 18650
cell is installed. If it isn't, then install it (see directly below),
and THEN you can activate it.
Aim the laser well-away from your face first.

tailcap button to turn the laser on; do the same thing to deactivate
The focus is easily adjustable from just a few millimeters from the
exit aperture to infinity by simply rotating the bezel (head). Unlike
some other focusable lasers, doing this does not leave the head feeling
"wobbly" or loose.

To change/charge the battery in your blue laser, unscrew and remove the
tailcap, and set it aside.
Tip the used cell out of the barrel and into your hand, and recharge
Insert a newly-charged 18650 rechargable Li:ION cell into the barrel,
flat-end (-) negative first. This is the opposite of how batteries are
installed in most flashlights, so please pay attention to polarity
Screw the tailcap back on, and be done with it.
To charge the 18650 cell, place it in the charger, orienting it so its
button-end (+) positive is on the bottom of the charger.
Plug the charger into any standard (in north America anyway) two- or
three-slot 110 volts to 130 volts AC 60Hz receptacle.
A red light on the charger should now come on; this indicates charging
is in progress. When the 18650 cell has reached full charge, the light
on the charger will turn from red to green.
At this point, unplug the charger, remove the charged cell from the
charging cradle, and install it in the laser as directed above.
Current usage measures 1,632mA (1.6320 amperes) on my DMM's 4A scale.
This laser has a very large amount of {vulgar slang term for male
nads} to it (measured at 891mW!!!), so you
***DEFINITELY*** do not want to shine it into your eyes,
other people's eyes, pets' eyes, for that matter, the eyes of any
person or animal you encounter.

faster than the blink reflex can protect them, regardless of what
species' eyes you irradiate with this laser. So just don't do it.

And para los motivos de Cristo (and for heaven sakes and for Pete sakes
and for your sakes too) do not shine this laser at any vehicle, whether
ground-based like a motorcycle, car, or truck, or air-based like a
helicopter, airplane, or jet. And if you shoot it at a person in the
dark and he turns out to be a police officer, he may think he's being
targeted, unholster (whip out) his gun, and hose you down with it.
Waterproofness is as advertised: The tailcap, bezel, and barrel all
held a good partial vacuum when they were suctioned (the tailcap held
the vacuum even while the switch was actuated a number of times); there
are O-rings present at both ends of the barrel as well. After being
submerged in the lavatory (bathroom sink) under ~10" (~25.40cm) of
water at 81°F (27.22°C) for a couple of minutes (to simulate somebody
taking it on a brief underwater junket), nothing untoward happened to
it, and no water was found inside when the ends were unscrewed &

I submit this as proof that I really did dredge it.
The biggest downside to this laser is the fact that while this is
clearly a CDRH Class IV laser (making it extremely dangerous!!!), there
are no safety features at all that are normally required in Class IV
lasers; e.g., there is no "emissions" indicator, no startup delay, no
interlock of ANY type, and no mechanical beam shutter. This laser
behaves like a Class IIIa laser pointer in this regard, which I believe
is a rather severe no-no!!!
Having said that, there is something else that pisses me off about this
It's that asinine duty cycle recommendation -- the instructional
material states the following (in typical "Chinglish" -- no changes to
grammar or syntax were made):
"It is suggested that continuous working time never more than 30
Seconds," {yes, a comma and not a period). No "cooling" (off)
period is shown; though I would presume that it would be no less than 1
minute (60 seconds).
Does this eval. look an awful lot like the one I made for
this laser?
Thought you'd say so.
That's because they appear to be optically and electrically identical;
differing only in case color. So I was able to use its evaluation as a
template for this one.

Photograph of the "business-end" with the collimating ass'y removed.
That shiny toridial (doughnut-shaped) thing is the front face of the
laser diode.

Beam terminus photograph of this unique (well, "not-so-unique"
now) laser on the target at 12".
Beam image bloomed ***SIGNIFICANTLY*** even though it was
daylight when the photograph was taken. That white color does not
actually exist.
"Not no way, not no how" as they say.

Beam terminus photograph of this laser on the target at 12";
collimating lens removed.

Beam terminus photograph on a wall at ~10'.
That white color does not really exist, and beam image bloomed a bit.
This is a nonsmoking household and nothing was on the stove when this
photograph was taken, so I'm a bit surprised that the camera caught the
actual beam (it's not all that visible in this case, but you can see it
coming from the left of the terminus if you look).

Beam photograph with laser itself positioned approx. 9 feet downrange.

Short-term stability analysis for 600 seconds (10 minutes).
I had been running a "balls to the wall" long-term stability analysis,
but the test got queered after the LPM and the computer somehow lost
the com link; and seeing how the laser temperature was so high, I
decided to not attempt to redo it.
Laser temperature was measured with a
CEM DT-8810
Noncontact IR Thermometer at 117°F (37.22°C) when the test was
2,455 seconds (24.25 minutes) in progress during the test; which
self-terminated shortly thereafter.
In light of this, I have decided to perform narrowband spectroscopy of
it to check for wavelength drift; see below for results of this

Photograph of this laser's beam in snowfall.
Photograph was taken at 5:58am PST on 01-18-12 in Federal Way WA. USA.

Power output with the collimating lens in place: 690mW.

Power output with the collimating lens removed: 891mW.
This shows that the lens housing is vignetting (cutting off) the beam;
this power differential is far greater than would be caused by merely
passing the laser beam through a lens.

After intentional ignorance of the duty cycle recommendation (powered
on for 5 minutes constantly): 817mW.

Spectrographic analysis of the laser diode in this product.
Wavelength appears to be ~445nm, which is ***WELL*** within
specification for the type of laser diode used in this laser.

Same as above; but spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between
440nm and 450nm.
This shows that the wavelength is in fact exactly
447.00nm and the spectral line halfwidth
is ~2.20nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the laser diode in this product; taken right
at lasing threshold.

Spectrographic analysis of the laser diode in this product; taken right
at lasing threshold; but spectrometer's response narrowed to a band
between 440nm and 450nm.
This shows that the wavelength is
445.85nm and the spectral line halfwidth
is ~1.65nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the laser diode in this product; taken just
below lasing threshold.

Same as above taken just below lasing threshold; but spectrometer's
response narrowed to a band between 420nm and 470nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the laser diode in this product after five
minutes of continuous opertion (intentionally ignoring the duty cycle
recommendation of 30 seconds on, 60 seconds off for cooling). Exterior
temperature of the laser head after this test was 123°F (50.55C°);
ambient temperature was 69°F (20.55C°)

Same as above; but spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between
445nm and 450nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 447.30nm. Spectral
line halfwidth is ~2.20nm.
Wavelength drift was only 0.30nm longer -- somewhat less than expected.

Spectrographic analysis of the laser diode in this product after
approx. 25 minutes of continuous operation to check for wavelength
drift; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 444nm and
449nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 446.247nm. Spectral line
halfwidth is ~1.42nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the laser diode in this product; newest
spectrometer software settings used.

Spectrographic analysis of the laser diode in this product using the
newest spectrometer software settings; spectrometer's response narrowed
to a band between 444nm and 449nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is
446.930nm. Spectral line halfwidth is ~3.33nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the fluorescence of a uranated glass marble
when irradiated with this laser.

Spectrographic analysis of phosphorescence of the
405nm Violet Laser
Phosphor Target while being irradiated with this laser.

Spectrographic analysis of fluorescence of a piece of green plastic
(part of the latch for the
Flashlight / Tool
Box) while being irradiated with this laser.

Spectrographic analysis of fluorescence of a piece of peach-colored
paper while being irradiated with this laser.
Spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Beam cross-sectional analysis with beam widened (collimating lens
removed; fast {X} axis).
That "dip" to left of center that queered the test

ProMetric's sensor that cannot be compensated for.

Beam cross-sectional analysis with beam widened (collimating lens
removed; slow {Y} axis).
Images made using the ProMetric System by
Radiant Imaging.
Video showing this laser (well, an
identical laser save
for the case color!) being focused -- a task which is rather easily
accomplished by simply rotating the bezel (head).
This video is approximately 3.19642346176 megabytes (3,389,893 bytes)
in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than sixteen minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
A video showing this laser attempting to nock the
Syma S107G R/C Coaxial
Helicopter out of the sky by overloading its IR sensor...you can
very likely figure out who the victor is here...
If you guessed "the laser" then ¡¡¡PARA NO DE LOS MOTIVOS DE CRISTO!!!
The heli wins this one!!! :-D
That music you hear is the song "Régéneration" by
Kraftwerk. This heli is not
sound-sensitive; the audio may be ignored or even muted if it pisses
you off.
This video is approximately 7.59946523476 megabytes (7,790,163 bytes)
in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than thirty eight minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
Test unit was purchased from
DinoDiorect.com on 06-08-11 (or
"08 Jun 2011" if you prefer) and was received at 3:07pm PDT on 06-28-11
(or "28 Jun 2011").
UPDATE: 07-04-11
The "starfield projector" from the
Dapper Stage Laser Light
Show screws into and fits this laser if the thin white toroidal
(doughnut-shaped) "sticker" over the output aperture is removed.
To wit:

This is the laser with the starfield projector affixed to the end.

This is a photograph of but one of many patterns that can be generated.
And this is a video on YourTube showing a holographic starfield
projector actually in use on the 1000mW 447nm Waterproof Adjust Focus
Blue Laser Pen. The starfield projector from the Dapper Stage Laser
Light Show properly fits & screws into the laser aperture -- which does
indeed have a female threaded receptacle that this starfield projector
fits. The patterns change as I slowly rotate the starfield optic
clockwise (as though tightening it) -- it is actually designed to be
used in this manner.
That music you hear is the song "The Voice of Energy" by
Kraftwerk. This laser is not
sound-sensitive; the audio may be ignored or even muted if it pisses
you off.
This video is approximately 9.30147438955 megabytes (9,494,079 bytes)
in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than forty seven minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
UPDATE: 07-20-11
This is the "sticker" being removed so that the holographic "starfield"
projecting heads from other laser products will fit.

Color is very radiant & unusual for a handheld laser
The price is right!
Uses a rechargeable power source; never have to purchase disposable
batteries for it
Can directly use the "5 in 1" effects head that is commonly found on
other lasers
***SERIOUSLY*** underpowered; it is advertised as being a 1 watt laser
Shorter-than-expected duty cycle recommendation (published at 30 sec.
"on"; no "off" time stated).
No safety features required of a CDRH Class IV laser -- this is by far
what nocked the most off of its rating!!!

PRODUCT TYPE: Blue-emitting laser
LAMP TYPE: Unknown-type high-power blue (447nm) laser diode
BEAM TYPE: Adjustable from very narrow spot to medium flood
SWITCH TYPE: Click on/off button on tailcap
BEZEL: Metal; laser & lens recessed into its end
BATTERY: 1x 18650 Li:ION rechargeable cell; 3.70V 2,400mAh
SUBMERSIBLE: Yes; depth rating not known
ACCESSORIES: Battery, charger, hard-sided storage case, spare
SIZE: 142mm L x 25.50mm D
WEIGHT: Unknown/not equipped to weigh
WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


Update 07-03-11: Added a video of this laser attempting to nock
an IR R/C helicopter out of the air.
Update 07-04-11:]/b] Added photographs & a video of the holographic
"starfield" projector from another product being used with this laser.
Update 07-20-11:]/b] Added a photograph of the white "sticker" on
the end being removed to accomodate "starfield" projectors.
Update 07-25-11:]/b] Performed spectroscopy of phosphorescence of
the 405nm Violet Laser
Phosphor Target while being irradiated with this laser.
Update 08-14-11: Price has increased from $123.68 to $225.20.
Update 08-24-11: Performed spectroscopy of fluorescence of a
piece of green plastic when irradiated with this laser.
Update 08-25-11: Performed spectroscopy of fluorescence of a
piece of peach-colored paper when irradiated with this laser.
Update 09-17-11: Performed multiple spectrographic analyses of
this laser right at and just below lasing threshold.
Update 09-19-11: Performed multiple spectrographic analyses of
this laser after intentional ignorance of duty cycle recomendation.
Update 09-22-11: Performed a power output analysis of this laser
after intentional ignorance of duty cycle recomendation.
Update 12-06-11: Added a beam photograph with the laser
positioned ~9 feet downrange.
Update 01-23-12: Added a photograph of its beam in moderate
Update 02-26-12: Performed a short-term stability analysis for
600 seconds (10 minutes).
Update 03-04-12: Attemped to perform a long-term stability
analysis; performed spectroscopy of it after to check for wavelength
Update 05-31-12: Performed multiple spectrographic analyses
using the newest spectrometer software settings available.
Last edited: