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This is a long post with at least 67 images on it; dial-up users please allow for plenty of load time.
S3 Krypton Green DPSS Portable Laser, retail $299.95 (www.wickedlasers.com...)
Manufactured by Wicked Lasers (www.wickedlasers.com)
Last updated 08-31-12
The S3 Spyder Krypton G2 532nm DPSS portable laser (hereinafter, probably just referred to as the "Krypton") is an extremely powerful self-contained, handheld laser. It has the SmartSwitch™ v2.0 which includes several additional modes that the original Spyder III Arctic did not have.S3 Krypton Green DPSS Portable Laser, retail $299.95 (www.wickedlasers.com...)
Manufactured by Wicked Lasers (www.wickedlasers.com)
Last updated 08-31-12

It is rated to produce up to 0.3W (300mW) of laser radiation at 532nm (spectrographically measured at 531.880nm) in the green part of the spectrum.
It comes in a very sturdy aluminum body that has been hard-anodized, and feeds from a single 18650 Li:ION rechargeable cell (which is included along with the charger).
It also comes with LaserShades laser safety glasses -- which must be used every time you fire up this studly little laser...you don't want to end up like this guy: --->

This may look funny, but I assure you folks, this is no joke!!!
This laser can produce up to 300mW (0.3 watt) of laser radiation at 532nm (bright green), and can cause instant and permanent eye damage from an accidental reflection or accidental direct exposure!!! You need to know what you're doing and have the appropriate safety precautions for a CDRH Class IIIb laser device in place before you energize this laser!!!

To use your Krypton, feed it the included 18650 Li:ION cell first (see directly below), and ***THEN*** you can use it.
To use the portable laser (it has multiple operational modes thanks to its SmartSwitch™ v2.0), follow these instructions:
1: Press the rubberised tailcap button until it clicks, and then release it.
The first LED on the barrel (a group of three arranged in a line on the opposite side as the SmartSwitch™ button) will begin flashing.
2: Click the SmartSwitch™. After the first click, the first LED will be steady-on and the second one will be flashing.
3: Click the SmartSwitch™ again. The first and second LEDs will be steady-on and the third one will be flashing.
4: Click the SmartSwitch™ a third time. Both the first and second LEDs will be flashing.
5: Hold down the SmartSwitch™ briefly and the second & third LEDs will be flashing.
6: Hold down the SmartSwitch™ briefly again. All three LEDs will flash three times, then go into battery status monitoring mode.
If you are not used to using a CDRH Class IIIb laser (and very, very few people really are!), you'll want to start out with the training lens in place.
The SmartSwitch™ prevents accidental and unauthorized activation of the laser by requiring a short sequence of clicks and click-holds to unlock the laser.
Once the laser is unlocked, the default operating mode for the laser is low power, pulse wave, constant on operation. This means the laser operates at 5% of the maximum power output, making it 20 times safer. When used in conjunction with the training lens, output power is further reduced 5 times, making the laser only 1% as hazardous to the human eye or skin than at maximum power.
Once you are ready to experience maximum 100% power, it takes only 2 clicks to change the mode and mere seconds to replace the lens. The SmartSwitch™ is the world's most innovative and safest laser system ever created.
The following modes are available:
o Low Power (10% of maximum) , Constant Wave, Constant On
o Low Power (10% of maximum) , Pulse Wave (6Hz / 50%) , Constant On
o S.O.S. (international distress signal)
o Beacon mode (laser blinks at 0.20Hz {1 flash every five seconds})
o Tactical hibernation (laser turns off; can be turned back on instantly in the last mode that was used)
o Max Power, Constant Wave, Constant On
o Max Power, Pulse Wave (6Hz / 50%) , Constant On
o Max Power, S.O.S. (international distress signal)
o Max Power, Beacon mode (laser blinks at 0.20Hz {1 flash every five seconds})
The laser starts off in low power, blinking.
To change to steady-on mode, click the SmartSwitch™ once.
To change to S.O.S. mode, click the SmartSwitch™ three times in rapid succession within two seconds of entering steady-on mode.
To change to Beacon mode, click the SmartSwitch™ once while you're in S.O.S. mode.
To cycle between full power and low power, give the SmartSwitch™ a short hold.
To activate tactical hibernation,give the SmartSwitch™ a longer hold (~3 seconds). When in this mode, pressing the SmartSwitch™ once turns the laser back on in the same setting you last used it in.
Before firing up this studly little laser, you *MUST* be certain that you have the furnished laser safety glasses on!!!
I simply cannot emphasise safey enough!!!

This is me with the LaserShades on.
I'd have normally used a "Phoam Head Phred" {a styrofoam wig modelling form} for this photograph, but I was forced to dispose of it in mid-October 2008 prior to our moving back to Washington state.
The Krypton has a safety interlock dongle built into the tailcap -- this helps it to comply with FDA/CDRH requirements for a Class IIIb laser product -- however, I've been informed by somebody who knows their s**t about lasers that the Krypton would never be approved by the CDRH due to its manufacturer.
This dongle (or "safety pin" as some have called it) can be removed by pulling it straight out. Doing so will completely neutralise the laser -- that is, the Krypton cannot be made to function even if a fully charged battery is left in place.
Restoring operation is as simple as pushing the dongle back into the opening in the tailcap for it; pushing in on it until it no longer moves.

To charge the battery in your Wicked Lasers S3 Spyder Krypton, unscrew and remove the tailcap, and set it aside
Tip the used 18650 cell out of the barrel and into your hand, and pop it into the included charger.
Insert a freshly-charged 18650 cell into the barrel, flat-end (-) negative first. This is the opposite of how batteries are installed in most flashlights, so please pay attention to polarity here.
Screw the tailcap back on, and be done with it.
Current usage measures 28.330mA (quiescent), 28.001mA (tactical hibernation), 396mA (minimum CW output) and 1,321mA (1.321A) (maximum CW output) on a known-fully charged 18650 cell.
To charge the 18650 cell, place it in the charging cradle, orienting it so its button-end (+) positive is on the same end of the chamber in the charger that has a (+) embossed on its upper surface (in this case, the end of the charger that the power cord goes in).
Plug the charger into any standard (in the United States) two- or three-slot 110 volts to 130 volts AC 60Hz receptacle.
A red light on the charging cradle should now come on; this indicates charging is in progress. When the 18650 cell has reached full charge, the light on the charging cradle will turn from red to green.
At this point, unplug the charger, remove the charged cell from the charging cradle, and install it in the laser as directed above.

This laser is a CDRH Class IIIb instrument, and the photons generated by it are much higher in energy than the photons generated by a red laser of equivalent power (not that you'd want to shoot your eye out with a 300mW red laser anyway!!!); so you definitely do not want to shine it into your eyes, other people's eyes, pets' eyes, for that matter, the eyes of any person or animal you encounter.

And ¡para los motivos de Cristo (and for heaven sakes and for Pete sakes and your sakes too) do not shine the S3 Spyder Krypton (or any other laser for that matter!) at any vehicle, whether ground-based like a motorcycle, car, or truck, or air-based like a helicopter, airplane, or jet. And if you shoot it at a person in the dark and he turns out to be a police officer, he may think he's being targeted, unholster (pull out) his gun, and hose you down with it!

This laser is water-resistant but not submersible, so please be careful around sinks, tubs, toilets, fishtanks, pet water bowls, or other places where water or water-like liquids might be found. However, you need not worry about using it outdoors when it's raining or snowing.
The case is made from 6061-T6 Aircraft-Grade Aluminum, and is treated with a black HA-III (hard anodized) finish.
The beam has a diameter of 2.00mm when it exits the product.
According to the web page on the S3 Spyder Krypton, it produces a TEM00 (transverse electromagnetic mode 00) beam - that is, it produces a beam with a Gaussian power distribution; circular with a central hotspot and dimmer corona. This is a typical laser mode, and is how many lasers (well, most lasers for consumer use anyway) are designed to operate.
Divergence is stated as 1.50mRad.
The high-power lens ("window" actually) is AR (antireflective) coated on both sides; this helps greatly with minimising loss of intensity due to reflective losses in the window.
Operating temperature range is between 32°F (0°C) and 100°F (38°C).
Using the Krypton beyond this temperature range is a rather severe no-no!!!

The Krypton is equipped with TeslaCool Thermostatic Regulation. It is the first portable laser to contain an internal thermopile detector. When excess heat is detected, the microprocessor gradually lowers operating current to ensure temperature stabilization.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12".

Low power.

High power.
Measures 114mW (low) and 412mW (high).

Power output of the Krypton on "high" with the NIR filter from the CNI GLP-473nm Blue Laser Pointer over the output aperture and the furnished LaserShades between the beam output aperature and the laser power meter's sensor face. Measures 0mW. So the NIR filter in the Krypton (and there always is one in Wicked Lasers products!) simply isn't doing the whole job. Most of it perhaps, but not all of it.
All measurements were performed on a LaserBee 2.5W USB Laser Power Meter w/Thermopile.

NIR radiation from the pump diode with the Krypton set to high; measures 22mW.
The amount of visible radiation impinging upon the sensor was very probably no more than 2µW (that's microwatts).

Beam photograph on a wall at ~8 feet.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12"; line effect lens used.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12"; cross-effect lens used.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12"; galaxy effect (starfield generator) lens used.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12"; focusing (burning) lens used.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12"; flashlight effect lens used.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12"; floodlight effect lens used.
All beam images except the lower two bloomed; the beam spot is also not white in the center like these photographs depict.

Photograph of a room taken using the Krypton as the only light source.
The beam was directed (aimed) at the ceiling ~4.50 feet away.
The image actually appeared significantly brighter in the viewfinder and the actual scene looked brighter too.

Photograph of the Krypton directed at a fairly distant (est. ~300 feet {~91.440 meters}); the albedo of the target is approx. 15.

Photograph of the Krypton (at maximum CW power) directed at a fairly distant (est. ~300 feet {~91.440 meters}); the albedo of the target is approx. 15. Photograph was taken at 11:28am PST on 02-27-12.
Ambient temperature when this photograph was taken was 28°F (-2.22°C).

"Blow-up" of the above photograph to more clearly show the beam terminus spot.

Photograph of the Krypton's beam terminus (at minimum CW power) directed at a fairly distant (est. ~150 feet {~45.720 meters}) target; the albedo of the target is approx. 28. Photograph was taken at 11:48am PDT on 06-28-12.
Camera was set to 6x telephoto.

Photograph of the Krypton's beam terminus (at maximum CW power) directed at a fairly distant (est. ~150 feet {~45.720 meters}) target; the albedo of the target is approx. 28. Photograph was taken at 11:49am PDT on 06-28-12.
Camera was set to 6x telephoto.

Photograph of the Krypton's beam terminus (at minimum CW power) directed at a fairly distant (est. ~150 feet {~45.720 meters}) target; the albedo of the target is approx. 28. Photograph was taken at 11:37am PDT on 06-28-12.
Camera was set to 24x telephoto.

Photograph of the Krypton's beam terminus (at maximum CW power) directed at a fairly distant (est. ~150 feet {~45.720 meters}) target; the albedo of the target is approx. 28. Photograph was taken at 11:37am PDT on 06-28-12.
Camera was set to 24x telephoto.

Battery discharge analysis: Beacon mode on low power setting.
Runs for 1 day 18 hours 2 minutes (42:02).

Battery discharge analysis: High-power CW mode.
Runs for 1 hour 39 minutes (99 minutes).
That "dip" in the chart is very likely due to the TeslaCool circuit kicking in; this helps to greatly extend the life of the laser diode by preventing it from overheating.

Short-term stability analysis of the Krypton, low-power CW mode, 10.5 minutes.

Short-term stability analysis of the Krypton, high-power CW mode, 10.5 minutes.
That droop in power output is again very likely due to the TeslaCool circuit kicking in; this helps to greatly extend the life of the laser diode by preventing it from overheating.

Long-term stability analysis at maximum CW power; operated until the freshly-charged 16850 cell pooped out.
Case temperature was measured with a CEM DT-8810 Noncontact IR Thermometer at 99°F (37.22°C) when the test was 4,090 seconds (~68 minutes 12 seconds) in progress.
Total duration of this test was 5,400 seconds (exactly 90 minutes).
A long-term stability analysis at minimum power output would be here now (02-29-12), however not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES I bumped something I shouldn't have and queered the test...I'm running it again for the third time (as of 10:24am PDT 02-28-12) so I sould have something up here by tomorrow morning.

Long-term stability analysis cum battery discharge analysis at minimum CW power; operated until the freshly-charged 16850 cell pooped out.
Laser temperature was 87°F (30.55°C) at an ambient temperature of 75°F (23.9°C); measurement was taken 13,515 seconds (225.25 minutes) into the test. Total duration of this test was 18,700 seconds (311.67 minutes; 5.19 hours).

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton.

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton; spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 525nm and 545nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 531.880nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton after almost two hours continuous operation at maximum power (now at minimum power) to check for wavelength drift; spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 525nm and 545nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 531.670nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton after almost two hours continuous operation at maximum power (now at maximum power) to check for wavelength drift; spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 525nm and 545nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 532.004nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton; spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 800nm and 830nm to check for NIR emission from the pump diode.

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton after almost two hours continuous operation at maximum power (now at minimum power) to check for wavelength drift of the pump diode; spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 800nm and 830nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 806.555nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton after almost two hours continuous operation at maximum power (now at maximum power) to check for wavelength drift of the pump diode; spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 800nm and 830nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 810.934nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton on low mode; newer spectrometer software settings used.

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton on low mode; newer spectrometer software settings used -- spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 525nm and 545nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 531.655nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton on high mode, newer spectrometer software settings used.

Spectrographic analysis of the S3 Krypton on high mode; newer spectrometer software settings used -- spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 525nm and 545nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 531.672nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the LED in the Krypton's SmartSwitch™.

Spectrographic analysis of the LED in the Krypton's SmartSwitch™; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 620nm and 670nm to pinpoint peak wavelength, which is 559.271nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the LED battery gauge on the Krypton.

Spectrographic analysis of the LED battery gauge on the Krypton; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 620nm and 670nm to pinpoint peak wavelength, which is 643.770nm.

Spectrographic analysis of the LED in the Krypton's battery charger.

Spectrographic analysis of the LED in the Krypton's battery charger; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 620nm and 670nm to pinpoint peak wavelength, which is 636.371nm.
Although this is a bicolor LED, the yellow-green die is simply too feeble to allow me to take a measurement of it.

Spectrographic analysis of fluorescence of a spray-painted rock that the utility company here uses to mark telephone wires and such so that they do not become destroyed while they're laying new natural gas service pipe.
USB2000 Spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Beam cross-sectional analysis (low mode).

Beam cross-sectional analysis (high mode); this laser is showing a slight tendency to produce a TEM01 beam, rather than a true TEM00 one.
When directed at a distant target (and set to maximum power), this laser most definitely produces a TEM01 beam; consisting of two ovoid spots seperated by a dark area.
Images made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.
Video on YourTube showing all nine modes of the SmartSwitch™ v2.0 on the Wicked Lasers Krypton DPSS green portable laser.
My voice sounds bad because of the brain surgery I had in 2002.
This video is approximately 31.399956348350 megabytes (31,621,528 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than one hundred fifty seven minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
Test unit was sent by Steve of Wicked Lasers on 01-30-12 (or "30 Jan 2012" if you prefer), and was received at 10:38am PST on 02-09-12 (or "09 Feb 2012").
UPDATE: 08-10-12
Took an outdoor beam photograph at 5:14am PDT on 08-08-12.
To wit:

EXTREMELY POWERFUL output for such a small, self-contained unit
Battery it uses is rechargeable; never have to find disposables for it
Timing for using the SmartSwitch™ is somewhat critical; if your timing sucks, you can't get this laser to fire off
(This is a crucial safety feature, and can rather easily be overlooked!)
PRODUCT TYPE: Portable DPSS green portable laser
LAMP TYPE: DPSS green laser
BEAM TYPE: Very narrow spot; it's a laser, remember?

SWITCH TYPE: Arm/disarm button & interlock dongle on tailcap; pushbutton on/mode change/off on barrel
CASE MATERIAL: Hard-anodized aluminum
BEZEL: Metal; has aperture (hole) for laser beam to emerge
BATTERY: 1x 185650 rechargeable cell; I believe 1,400mAh capacity
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: 28.330mA (quiescent), 28.001mA (tactical hibernation), 396mA (minimum CW output) and 1,321mA (1.321A) (maximum CW output)
ACCESSORIES: Belt holster, protective "LaserShades" laser eyewear, zippered pouch for them, cleaning cloth for them, training lens, 7 other specialty lenses, lens cleaning pen, 18650 cell, charger
SIZE: 35.80mm D by 257.70mm L
WEIGHT: 456.90 grams (w/ battery)
WARRANTY: 1 year

Update 02-11-12: Took a current usage measurement under quiescent conditions; e.g., not lasing at all.
Update 02-13-12: Performed add'l spectrographic & beam cross-sectional analyses & took another current measurement.
Update 02-14-12: Performed spectrographic analyses of the LED in its charger.
Update 02-15-12: Performed a power output analysis of the NIR laser line from the pump diode.
Update 02-16-12: Performed multiple short-term output stability analyses.
Update 02-17-12: Performed multiple power analyses (at both low & high power) of the laser with the furnished LaserShades and an NIR filter.
Update 02-18-12: Performed repeat spectroscopy to check for wavelength drift following neary 2 hours on "high".
Update 02-28-12: Performed a long-term stability analysis at maximum CW power.
Update 03-01-12: Performed a long-term stability analysis cum battery discharge analysis at minimum CW power after queering several of these tests.
Update 03-19-12: Added a photograph of the laser in its semi-rigid belt holster.
Update 04-12-12: Performed repeat spectroscopy with newer software settings.
Update 07-01-12: Added four photographs of its beam terminus spot (at min. and max. output) on a moderate-distance target.
Update 08-10-12: Added a photograph of its actual beam in the morning sky in Federal Way WA. USA.
Update 08-31-12: Weighed the laser on my new digital scale.
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