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FrozenGate by Avery

NEW at AixiZ Houston-- white laser modules

Apr 2, 2009
saw just one sample- nice looking in every way-
severa; powers to choose from
price TBA very soon

when i return from SELEM a complete review will follow

mrad- graph of power- pics etc

all should arrive well aligned and will be tested before shipping

allows a very quick projector or other build
all will be TTL and I 'assume' some will also be analog modulated

sub this thread and also see the one on new scanners at AixiZ(GB section)
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Watch for these at aixiz.com
under new items maybe-
I will post prices the second i get them


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Oooh a RGB module? I wonder what the price point is.

AixiZ does this to me too often-

I always let him know about the ones at techhood and lland- O-like but they not only pay less for them they do not need to import either-

so if its a close price point to them--consider ship cost & the wait etc and real warranty service most will go with AixiZ- ship your broken china laser back to China just once and you will go with AixiZ- ship it cheap and you are lucky if it arrives-

opened by china Customs and oops! they want $$ to finish the delivery

JETLASER had to pay $300usd to get 'release' of some lasers-

random inspection--

I will personally meter and inspect these when I next get to AixiZ and am not rushed- for time.

He fired one up as i was leaving- very thim beam- looked white to me..

He sent me the pics to post so feel free to contact Chuck at aixiz.com
and ask the powers, wavelengths, and price--

IF he sends one with me to SELEM you will see more very soon.

the door prize drawing is sat so i can play with it til then.

Thanks for sharing Hak!

There's a good chance I wouldn't be able to resist getting one.
Do you think we'd get a better price in a GB? :)
^^ no --at least not from AixiZ-because they buy in bulk the retail at aixiz.com is about as low as they can go--

BUT if you accept my invite to meet up i can bring one and my LPM so you can see in person its enclosed so should have less dust problems and one driver runs all three so the foot print gets smaller ..

I will graph them all when I can-- that way AixiZ can provide an accurate output reading AFTR losses--

IMO its possible to build a RGB projector - a Lumia, a tunnel and a spiro all using the same white laser- just swap into the others--

I will see if I can get some price ASAP on the new stuff

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Seeing as I MAY want to build a small projector, this may be the ticket. As long as it is analog, I am good to go !! A 520nm for the green would be the Cat's A$$ !! But not demanded ! We will see. I want to go with a very compact projector unit, with about 1.5 to 2W total RGB out the front door.

OR...If I go with three (3) separate modules, then: An optically corrected P73 will kick out 1W. So, if we go with the traditional balance, being 4:2:1 ~ R:B:G Then, 1W red, 500mW Blue and 250mW ( Like the PLP 520 )Green.

I have built my own DYI projector before. If I do a DIY projector, I will do a build thread, but, I want a small unit this time. The LD's are cheap. The scanners are the big cost...about $600....and then you have the optics....which add up in cost...Mmmmm possibly do the DIY 1.75W RGB for under a grand !!Maybe $1200.00

But then...If Hak can offer up the RGB module in one neat small package, THAT is a great advantage !! BUT, it must be analog, 532nm is still good for the Green, but the drivers MUST be analog.

Keep us posted Mr. Hak ! Thanx !!
Only one aixiZpriced ATM has 650 red and of course 532 G- before losses 350mW total
and TTL only for $135 4/23/16 update new batch arrived price now $145
I pass along every request the best i can BUT if yoiu guys contacted Chuck via AixiZ he may move quicker on our requests--AixiZ never has done GBs-

about the scanners AixiZ said : ' not very cheap but the best I could find while in China'
30K $230- all but show card- drivers- ampPSU- dip switches DMX in & out wires and engines in a mount-//biz has been off ~20% for a few years and getting al these PJ parts is how AixiZ hopes to get the numbers back up.

But in spite of the current biz AixiZ continues to support us in many ways- donating some great door prizes to the SELEM event prize pool=and same for TEXLEM 2012
sole supporter of laserpointersafety.org corperate sponsor for ILDA- even a sponsor of my cook-off team 4 years now and they have yet to attend- no worries i make a big to-go box for them to enjoy at home --ribs - brisket- chicken and more....

I try my best to make all things in my life win-win -win
and that is how i see AixiZ and JETLASERS -- I do not need the 'haters- ' they harm themselves with so much negitivity..
i think many are just jealous of my good fortune -- Too bad--

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long overdue review.

For pics see OP
price $145

Got one-- HAD to get more-oh no sold out- but back for now,
in the time passed I have put a lot of hours on #1- another is already inside another Lumia= just test time- the 3rd is still in box-
I got the first one more for just a proof of concept project but for my uses more power is a waste I class mine as 2. no beams can leave projector except thru my glass. Videos soon- plus more review,,

AixiZ got email from a buyer with cred. and he composed the following:


RGB kit 650-150 / 532-80 / 450-120 TTL with optics 12VDC, AixiZ


review of aixiz RGB open module 12vdc 400 mA
by Terry Lyon
AXIZ LLC RGB Kit 650-150 / 532-80 / 450-120 TTL with Optics 12VDC

DISCLAIMER. The author of this "customer comment" assumes no responsibility for the unsafe use of this laser kit and the following assembly and use information is intended to help prevent potentially harmful eye exposures. The visible and invisible laser beams emitted by this kit must be terminated in a backstop that is within a controlled area to prevent human access. Further review of current laser safety standards is advised. This author has volunteered to create these comments without any financial compensation and they need to be used with caution.

This RGB kit exceeded my expectations considering the low cost, small size, light weight (less than ½ pound) and it even contained sophisticated optics to combine the three beams into what appeared as white light. I remember 50 years ago when multi-wavelength lasers were a thousand times more expensive and larger in size. Back then, no federal standards and only a couple safety standards existed. Many safety standards exist today for manufacturers and users. I installed my RGB kit into an opaque enclosure to largely block extraneous radiation (secondary beams and near-infrared laser pump emissions).

The kit arrived without any connection instructions, safety instructions, or schematic/layout. It contained a laser module connected to a controller module and four sets of wires with connectors. The controller module was insulated from the mounting holes with a plastic frame so it could be mounted in a conductive aluminum enclosure. Four basic connections were made between each loose wire set connector to the blue, red, green, and white sockets along one end of the controller module. Power was connected through that white socket with red as positive 12 VDC (which should be controlled with an ON-OFF SPST switch) and black as ground. The other three wire sets are used to disable individual lasers (TTL lines) so they could be connected to three individual SPST switches. Miniature toggle switches work well. When a TTL line was open, there is about 2 VDC present, and when closed each line drew about 0.5 mA which turns off one diode laser. Keep these lines separated electrically from each other as when they are combined some undesirable operation can occur.

I used a 7812 (RS 276-1771) 12VDC positive voltage regulator fed from an unregulated power adapter that was rated for 1A. The RGB kit should also work OK with a regulated 12 VDC adapter or a 12VDC battery. I inserted a 1 ohm 1% resistor between the adapter and a 1000 microF filter capacitor ahead of the 7812 regulator input to ground and a 0.1 microF capacitor on the regulated output line. Voltage developed across the resistor can be used to determine the operating current. The 7812 was bolted to an aluminum enclosure which was a box approximately 2 x 3 x 5 inch (RS 270-0238). This enclosure required some trimming of the controller module plastic mounts to fit in the enclosure. It is really important to enclose the laser module in an opaque box with a single aperture to transmit the combined beams as this will block many other potentially harmful laser beams. Also, I would recommend against using a black plastic enclosure as many transmit invisible NIR radiation from the 800 nm and 1064 nm laser beams that are often present in the 532 nm output of green laser diodes. I found that the aluminum enclosure was adequate for cooling the laser module and the 7812 for non-continuous operation, dissipating about 7-8 watts for a few minutes. Continuous operation may require a heat sink with a fan for which there appears to be a separate connection on the controller module.

The following list contains some measured results for my completed "AXIZ LLC RGB kit 650-150 / 532-80 / 450-120 TTL with optics 12VDC." Radiant power was when operated in continuous wave (CW) mode and were measured at the output where the beams were combined. Data below are listed by operating mode, peak wavelength (nm), applied voltage VDC (volts), operating current (mA), and radiant output power (mW) in the main beam:

white beam, (441.7, 531.9, 659.8, NIR1, NIR2), 11.40, 490, 308
red beam, 659.8, 11.98, 130, 134
green beam, 531.9, 11.98, 205, 69
blue beam, 441.7, 11.98, 212, 122
NIR beam1, 804.4, green mode, green mode, ~1.4
NIR beam2, 1064, green mode, green mode, ~0.18

Some other comments follow: The kit weighted about 193 gram or 6.8 oz. Peak wavelength measurements were made with an ILT950 spectroradiometer, voltage measurements were made with a Fluke 87 DMM, and radiant power measurements were made with a Scientech disk calorimeter and a calibrated Thorlabs photodiode. The output beam may have had some slight clipping at the laser exit aperture. Many green laser diodes contain a NIR pump laser (such as 808 nm) and are frequency doubled to 532 nm from a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser. Two NIR wavelengths leaked into the output beam but were largely reduced by the beam combining optics.

This laser had a hazard category of ANSI Class 3b which can result in an immediate and permanent eye injury from momentary viewing from within the beam (intrabeam viewing) or a specular reflection of the beam. Reflections from diffuse surfaces at this class are not considered to exceed safety limits. Also, skin exposure is not considered harmful. Laser safety eye wear is advised and I added a permanent 2 x 2 filter holder at the laser exit aperture so that I could use a removable neutral density filter to reduce the output power when full power was not needed. I also added a ping-pong ball diffuser to a 2 x 2 metal plate with a hole that can be placed into the laser beam for laser demonstrations. This combination double diffused the beam with 2 ping-pong surfaces to further reduce the laser output and is considered safe for any viewing condition. I also added warning labels to the laser housing to show where the laser exit aperture was and a laser DANGER label.

My analysis was an abbreviated safety study but it did provide some estimated optical densities for safety filters that are listed below. These are the approximate optical densities for an attenuating filter to reduce the laser output to below ACGIH intrabeam laser "point-source" viewing safety exposure limits. Viewing through such filters would still be very bright and not advised. Data below are listed by operating mode, peak wavelength (nm), and optical density (OD) for ACGIH to 8 hours:

white beam, (441.7, 531.9, 659.8, NIR1, NIR2), 3.6
red beam, 659.8, 2.6
green beam, 531.9, 2.3
blue beam, 441.7, 3.5
NIR beam1, 804.4, ~0.3
NIR beam2, 1064, none

Some other comments follow: Greater NIR levels existed within the extraneous beams created by the combining optics and these must be blocked with an opaque enclosure or barrier such as a flat-black painted metal surface.

[5 of 5 Stars!]


I have been in contact with him and mentioned my LSO classes and he said I must have a book is friend co-authored... I had it in my hands when I opened the email..
small world..(btw my used copy cost me $100 at Scamazon..)Textbook for many laser safety fields- not just laser shows..

as Terry states its best to place some beam blockers/enclosure around this 'sled' if used in the open- no IR filter either. all my PJs will have fans and IIRC there is a spot on the driver board for a fan..

Dr. Chuck
713 240 4929 for CCard orders over the phone weekday mornings Houston time-refer to me.

It is preferred by AixiZ that we go thru the store NOT Greedbay or scamazon

^^^ tell me!!
EVEN our 'MASTER" reviewer 'LED Museum' would be impressed..
It is that kind of review that makes sellers want to send samples..
did Terry leave ANYTHING out??

pics I guess.
my avatar was made with one.

Got questions?? please do me a favor and give AixiZ a call the 713 number at aixiz.com is Dr Chuck's personal CELL. Tell him I support AixiZ.. sales are down..

he appreciates us and especially those who avoid GreedBay and Amazon. (& PP too)

so... mention the forum and hak
thanks len
Geeezzz Len....Epic review... LED museum x 10 !!! :drool:

Great price too !! Thanx for providing !!!:D

I tried mentioning the forum and you when I made a purchase from Aixiz last month in hopes to get a deal in shipping, as I've heard that's possible. But I still got charged in full. No big deal really, but is this no longer the case? I didn't actually call him, just left him a reference message through his site.
