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FrozenGate by Avery

ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyChimp

Jan 24, 2008
A short while ago I posted a thread in here asking for some laser goggles for high powered lasers at different wavelengths, FrothyChimp quickly repiled about a pair of broadband goggles from OEM Laser Systems (www.oemlasersystems.com). The pair recommended to me are the new NOR-ML7-EN207 for just over $US150ea (http://store.oemlasersystems.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=32_7_17&products_id=246)

Specs are
OD 5+ @ 190-400nm
OD 2.5+ @ 532nm
OD 1.5+ @ 630-655nm
OD 3.7+ @ 795-1070nm
OD 4+ @ 810-1064nm
VLT = 13%

I order 2 pairs from a small selection of styles, 1 hi tech looking the other looking more suited for a lab.

So less than a week after shipment and they arrive in Australia in a huge box packed with foam nuggets. They each are in protective cases. which contain neckstraps and a wipe cloth for each of them. The hi tech pair also has a clip on attachment for those who use glasses.

These glasses look great out of the box, and putting them on I was surprised with how much I could still see, they are just like very dark sunglasses.

Next are some photos I took using them. I didn't get a red laser with and without goggles because my phone camera couldn't get a decent shot.

The lasers used were a DX35mw green module and a homemade Sony VL <160mw


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Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

another pic


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Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

These goggles block out green great, through both pairs this laser looks like a dim yellow dot.


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Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

They block out red very good, takes the edge of the brightness and the dot is still clearly visible (good for burning), you can see the beam of each laser vaguely only if your looking at the aperture at an angle, but it is hardly there.
This is showing the reflection of the goggles and what passes through.

And that sums it up. I'm very happy with these goggles and I'm glad I spoke to Frothychimp before getting goggles from WL or something. Thanks. Would definitely recommend OEM for laser goggles.


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Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

Thanks for the review nvmextc. I'm glad they suit your needs. We have most of the common laser protective glasses on our site but we can provide many combinations of protection.
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

Why is protection from UV so important? o.O
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

I don't know for lasers, might offer "some" BR protection?? (I don't know if it would but it does make my 10mw 407nm slightly less brighter.) but I do want to experiment with some SW UV lights soon so these will be great.
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

Hmm. I'm sure Frothy will come up with a detailed answer in the form of a 1200-page novel containing words such as vis-a-vis, ergo, and concordantly. All words I have no idea the meaning of. :(
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

Nice goggles! A bit on the expensive side , but I guess it's justified.You can even use them as sunglasses with 13% VLT and UV protection. ;D

http://youtube.com/watch?v=GW5SUC4dODA :D
Vis-a-vis is french for "across the street".Of course , in the architect's context probably means "in relation to" or something.I have no idea how to explain the other two, I haven't even heard of ergo before the matrix :P
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

man why can't the architect just say "which means" or "meaning" instead of ergo and crap. >:(
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

Thats it... I need to buy some of these. I'm building a 2w 808 monster soon, and I hope to retain my vision in the process.
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

Frothy was nice enough to initiate a discount for LPF members here. So you can save some $$$s as well.

Now is the time to buy! :)
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

Sorry for the "bump" on an old thread, but a couple of months have passed since you recieved your ML7s, do you still like them, or have any issues?
I am considering hosting a GB for these. Any additional information would be very helpfull.
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

Dark_Horse said:
Sorry for the "bump" on an old thread, but a couple of months have passed since you recieved your ML7s, do you still like them, or have any issues?
I am considering hosting a GB for these. Any additional information would be very helpfull.

I like that idea!
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

Switch said:
Nice goggles! A bit on the expensive side , but I guess it's justified.You can even use them as sunglasses with 13% VLT and UV protection. ;D

http://youtube.com/watch?v=GW5SUC4dODA  :D
Vis-a-vis is french for "across the street".Of course , in the architect's context probably means "in relation to" or something.I have no idea how to explain the other two, I haven't even heard of ergo before the matrix :P

"ergo" is Latin, and it means "thus" ;D. Ref. to the famous sentence of Cartesio: "Cogito ergo sum" ("I think thus I am", intended in the sense of existing).
Re: ML7 laser goggles from OEMlasersystems,FrothyC

If the goggles were a $100 i would get them.
