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"Genuine NewWish" 5mW CR2 Green Handheld from DX

Jun 13, 2007
"Genuine NewWish" 5mW CR2 Green Handheld from DX

The Basics
This laser is powered by one CR2 battery. Advertised power is <5mW, so this meets FDA regulations. That means DX can ship this laser to you unlike most other lasers on their site. This laser is really only meant for pointing around and stuff, so don't expect it to be able to so burning tricks. Switch is a forward clicky so that means you don't have to keep pressing the button down to keep the laser on. This laser feels good in the hand and is overall well built.

Shipping took about three weeks from China, but shipping was free so I'm not complaining. It came in a very nice looking black case with white padding.

As you can see, it has a spot for the laser and a CR2 battery. It came with a primary 3.0v CR2 so you can use it out of the box. I don't know about the quality of the battery, but I don't really care if it is good or not because rechargeables cost only a couple bucks a piece. The laser and CR2 battery fit in the case quite snugly so it sometimes can be difficult to get the laser out. ;D

Overall Appearance/Feel
This laser's design looks nice overall. The beefy head of the laser makes it look a lot bigger than it really is.

The laser did come with two little scratches on the tailcap, nothing huge though.

The switch on this laser seems cheap like the switch on the KD50, I hope this switch doesn't fail like my KD50. I haven't had any real problems with it yet though.

As you would expect, this laser is not too bright. Because it is 5mW, it can be used as a presentation pointer without blinding your audience with a sun-like dot. The beam is visible at night, it isn't like a lightsaber but it would still be useful for pointing out stars without ruing your night vision. The dot always stays in a clean TEM00.

Here is a long exposure shot I took, it came out blurry because my camera is busted.

Here is a shot of the aperture while the laser is on:

The laser easily unscrews into three pieces, the head, battery tube, and switch.

Here are some shots of the PCB on this laser:


You can unscrew the little brass ring and pull out the module:

Here is the head of the laser that the module fits in for good heatsinking:

There is a pot on this laser, I'm sure you could fiddle with it but I wouldn't risk it, you can get much higher powered lasers for the same price. A possible worthwhile mod could be to swap out the the module in this laser with one from o-like, these modules look exactly the same! Here are some more pics of the module:


Overall this is a great presentation pointer, and for only $20 you can't go wrong.

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Re: "Genuine NewWish" 5mW CR2 Green Handheld from

You have great reviews styro, awesome pics and videos ;) +1 ;)
lol i thought what the hell does styro want with a 5mW pen? :p then i saw necroposting :p ohwell i made that mistake too when i wasnew here ;) i didnt know that the thread woulde on top again


To Lasermodder:

I do not know what is so funny on my post about IR filter. I know it sounds funny for someone but I am REALLY interested if it does have an IR filter. Because some cheap chinese pointers have and some haven't. So I want a normal answer instead of some stupid smileys. So, can you give me a normal answer please? Because it will be great for that low price if it does have an IR filter.
