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Focalprice 14$ 30 mw 532nm

Jun 1, 2008
i bought this recently at focal price for 13.92$.
Focal price link

First the internal picture :

Note the giant heatsink used for the crystal : almost twice as O-like module or other common greenie. The module is easily unscrewable.


The picture above show how the green module is put in the host : there is 2 big aluminium screw. Just put the FOCALprice module and it's done.


the focalprice picture don't show the "keychain" but it's not a chain, how do you say that in eng?

Ok now my feeling :

i bought this one at focalprice to have the host, a romisen style, much more ameliored. The price is really incredible low. The current is at 400 mA, so im 100% sure that's the same diode in the O-like module (not 200mW one).
The Host is VERY efficient ! a real kill ! i explain : i purchased a romisen style host on DX month ago, i put an o-like module inside it, but the output of o-like is not stable, it become more and more weak few minute later, because the heat transfert in the romisen is not very good.

The focalprice module is VERY stable, the output is constant several minute later (10). But the beam is fat, more than an o-like module : see this picture

the output claiming is 30mw, im agree with that, i would go for 40/50mW, but beam quality is not very nice, and the lens is no screwable (in o-like module, the lens is screwable, but heavily glued so it's useless). One point for focal is that we can remove more easily the final lens to put in other mod.

So i go back to my o-like module : not stable few minute later after on. I switched the modules : i put the focalprice module in my romisen style host, and the olike one in the focalprice host.... Magic ! my o-like module is very stable now, for 10 minute !!! ... and the focalprice in the romisen style host, is also as stable as in his previous host. Im sure that because it have a heavier crystal heatsink than the o-like module, that it is so stable; so everybody is happy.
To put an olike module in this host , just follow the picture :


(saw the end of olike module because it's a little long)
Conclusion : focal green module is at 400mA, o-like at 360 mA for the nearly same power. The focal one is less efficient (need more current=more hot), have a (fat) beam (but tolerable), but have an incredible stability !
The focalprice have the same dimension of the romisen, and have a nice "green laser pointer" in white inscription writed on it.
For the price, 14 $, you will have a very efficient host for o-like module (advantage : low current, fine beam, known output, but more $$$$.
Im happy with this purchase, but shipping time is very long, almost 2x longer than DX.
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So do you recommend this as a laser pointer or just as and o-like module host? Also nice review very detailed.

at greater distance, the spot of focalprice is a strong rectangular shape, wheres, a normal round dot for o like. Note the difference of brighness for 2 laser, i maybe have less battery in the focalprice one. The quality of beam of the focalprice is deceiptful.
So go for the host (and you will have a greenie to improve for the price), and go for olike for good beamspec
