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OK, one of my MSN buddies decides to send me a link to some Goggles for his laser. I looked at the goggles and thought to myself.. Ok just another fly by night laser shades that aren't up to snuff. I then noticed the location for the seller was in HELENA, MT and got confused. Why were they showing my location there instead of the location of the seller?
I asked my friend "what is the location show for you?" He says "HELENA, MT your town." That did it. There was no way that someone from the Netherlands was going to see the same town unless it truly is located in my home town. I decided contacting the seller was warranted and I sent her an email indicating I was a laser fanatic and was interested in truly testing her glasses to see if they were up to snuff. If they were, she was pretty much assured a continued sale as a result of my contacts and review at LPF.
Later that evening I received a call from her indicating that she had no problem whatsoever letting me do a review and that she was quite interested to see if the laser goggles themselves were truly up to snuff. I told her I had the laser equipment to truly test out the shades and she would get a direct link to this review as well as any videos of testing I did on them. Not a few hours later, we had a lengthy conversation in my driveway as I explained my expertise and she asked me questions. She handed me 2 pairs of glasses to review, one for red, and one for blue/green and I showed her the Arctic 940mw I have and how effective the glasses were in just a few seconds at filtering the laser beam. She was impressed and went on her way. Now for the nitty gritty.
Setup: Kenometer original (known to be calibrated against a coherent fieldmate TO-II.
Wicked laser Spyder III pro (Arctic) rated at 940mw average 445nm
Kryton prototype 280mw 660nm red laser.
Eagle pair glasses rated for 200-540nm at OD4+ (case and cleaning cloth included)
Eagle pair glasses rated for 190-400nm & 580-760nm at OD4+ (case and cleaning cloth included)
Testing setup will be a test of the output power with the laser and no glasses, then moving the lens of the glasses into the beam and seeing the difference in output power registered on teh Kenometer. I will video this.
The real testing:
Ok lets start with the orange pair designed to block from 200-540nm at OD4+
the test laser is the Arctic metered at roughly 940mw prior to testing.
The laser itself is shown in the video of outputting the specified output. it does drop pretty quickly as a result of the nature of the laser.

With a significant power drop with the goggles in place, these shades are pretty doggone good at almost COMPLETELY stopping the light. There were some burn marks from my first test off camera when I held the laser in place for too long. It does damage the lenses, but it's supposed to protect our eyes, and it did that even with the burn.
Against the green these shades did fairly well as well. Not a single mw was allowed through either.
On to the red blocking lenses.
The ebay auction states that the shades protect against 190-400nm & 580-760nm at OD4+ however nowhere on the glasses do you see the wavelength so what they do protect against, I cannot conjecture to say. What I can speak on is the laser used in the test. The laser is 270mw of 660nm and this is the result:

As you can see, the same as the blue blocking, there was little or no light allowed through.. this will definitely protect against accidental reflections.
Conclusion: Overall I think these shades will protect VERY well from accidental beam reflection or even direct exposure to high powered lasers of the specified wavelengths. I do have one minor beef in that the glasses themselves are constructed of pretty light duty plastic in the frame portion itself so mishandling of the glasses could easily result in breakage of the glasses. You would have to make sure that they remain in the protective case when not in use and handle them with a little care when they are in use so as not to break them. However given the overall positive results of the tests thus far, I'd say that they are a very good investment for the price. You might see the price going up shortly as the prices the seller gets them for will be going up soon and they have no control over the prices they purchase them for. Still, even if these were under $40 that would still be a good investment in my estimation.
Pros: Completely blocks the specified wavelengths. You need not worry about any eye damage as a result of the beam hitting the glasses.
Cons: Little bit flimsy construction and quality of plastic in the frame section of the glasses. However since they are only going to be used for laser playing and not day to day regular usage, this is not a significant con.
I would like to see the glasses actually tested by whatever lab tests need to be to actually be CERTIFIED. I know however that if they do, this will drive the price of these up considerably. So this is a trade off. Good glasses that provide good protection with no certification for a cheap price or, the same quality glasses with the certification and a elevated price... I'd pick the cheap.
eBay My World - powerfulpurchase
I asked my friend "what is the location show for you?" He says "HELENA, MT your town." That did it. There was no way that someone from the Netherlands was going to see the same town unless it truly is located in my home town. I decided contacting the seller was warranted and I sent her an email indicating I was a laser fanatic and was interested in truly testing her glasses to see if they were up to snuff. If they were, she was pretty much assured a continued sale as a result of my contacts and review at LPF.
Later that evening I received a call from her indicating that she had no problem whatsoever letting me do a review and that she was quite interested to see if the laser goggles themselves were truly up to snuff. I told her I had the laser equipment to truly test out the shades and she would get a direct link to this review as well as any videos of testing I did on them. Not a few hours later, we had a lengthy conversation in my driveway as I explained my expertise and she asked me questions. She handed me 2 pairs of glasses to review, one for red, and one for blue/green and I showed her the Arctic 940mw I have and how effective the glasses were in just a few seconds at filtering the laser beam. She was impressed and went on her way. Now for the nitty gritty.
Setup: Kenometer original (known to be calibrated against a coherent fieldmate TO-II.
Wicked laser Spyder III pro (Arctic) rated at 940mw average 445nm
Kryton prototype 280mw 660nm red laser.
Eagle pair glasses rated for 200-540nm at OD4+ (case and cleaning cloth included)
Eagle pair glasses rated for 190-400nm & 580-760nm at OD4+ (case and cleaning cloth included)
Testing setup will be a test of the output power with the laser and no glasses, then moving the lens of the glasses into the beam and seeing the difference in output power registered on teh Kenometer. I will video this.
The real testing:
Ok lets start with the orange pair designed to block from 200-540nm at OD4+
the test laser is the Arctic metered at roughly 940mw prior to testing.
The laser itself is shown in the video of outputting the specified output. it does drop pretty quickly as a result of the nature of the laser.

With a significant power drop with the goggles in place, these shades are pretty doggone good at almost COMPLETELY stopping the light. There were some burn marks from my first test off camera when I held the laser in place for too long. It does damage the lenses, but it's supposed to protect our eyes, and it did that even with the burn.
Against the green these shades did fairly well as well. Not a single mw was allowed through either.
On to the red blocking lenses.
The ebay auction states that the shades protect against 190-400nm & 580-760nm at OD4+ however nowhere on the glasses do you see the wavelength so what they do protect against, I cannot conjecture to say. What I can speak on is the laser used in the test. The laser is 270mw of 660nm and this is the result:

As you can see, the same as the blue blocking, there was little or no light allowed through.. this will definitely protect against accidental reflections.
Conclusion: Overall I think these shades will protect VERY well from accidental beam reflection or even direct exposure to high powered lasers of the specified wavelengths. I do have one minor beef in that the glasses themselves are constructed of pretty light duty plastic in the frame portion itself so mishandling of the glasses could easily result in breakage of the glasses. You would have to make sure that they remain in the protective case when not in use and handle them with a little care when they are in use so as not to break them. However given the overall positive results of the tests thus far, I'd say that they are a very good investment for the price. You might see the price going up shortly as the prices the seller gets them for will be going up soon and they have no control over the prices they purchase them for. Still, even if these were under $40 that would still be a good investment in my estimation.
Pros: Completely blocks the specified wavelengths. You need not worry about any eye damage as a result of the beam hitting the glasses.
Cons: Little bit flimsy construction and quality of plastic in the frame section of the glasses. However since they are only going to be used for laser playing and not day to day regular usage, this is not a significant con.
I would like to see the glasses actually tested by whatever lab tests need to be to actually be CERTIFIED. I know however that if they do, this will drive the price of these up considerably. So this is a trade off. Good glasses that provide good protection with no certification for a cheap price or, the same quality glasses with the certification and a elevated price... I'd pick the cheap.
eBay My World - powerfulpurchase
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