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.it is my first review....
i bought 2 kaleidoscopic per 30mw from DX one from focalprice.Now i only received the DX pen.
the laser pointer is well's my first green laser,i also have one dilda from susie true 200...and i HAD a 100me red laser pointer from dx...but i have not it XD i ship back because it was defective..and now there are some problems with the italian it is LOST XD.
However....i thought to buy this 30mw because i tell myself....that if the laser HAS a kaleidoscopic....the beam SHHOULD BE more precise and checked by factory. To have a good effect the laser should be well aligned an centered. is so!!! the beam is al 98% centered......and has a very small diameter,,,,about 1 mm!!!!perfect. The divergence is not as good as the dilda settet at his optimun mrad.. but is quite good calculating that is is a FIXED point.
mmmm well i have some photo of the inside of this laser
it wans't so easy to take apart it......but i won ! the diode saw also attacked with the silver plated head where is possible to screwdriving the kaleidoscopic module.
i tryed 2 MODS. firstly to change the divergence....theorically POSSIBLE...but practically IMPOSSIBLE..because the point there you can you the screw of the lense.. is HARDLY GLUED. in fact i've broken the cut there you must insert the screwdriver and turn. BAD MATERIAL?(seems in every diode..or i am wrong?) ? divergence has not changed ok....but then i tryed to turn the pot!! i marked with a black marking pen the upper(nord) head of iy. then i rotate it firstly on the left... and gradualy the power *decreased like a 5mw laser. then.....i tryed to turn RIGHT...and the power....seems the same... but a bit better.
but there is a strange thing... that i don't know if is normal for a potentiometer. there was a point... turning on the left....that STOPPED the power. 4 example. if i turned in a point on the right... the laser didn't work. i SLIGHTLY turn it on the left(---so...a bit near the defcault mode)..the laser WORK.
so...i decided to check if there was more power by fefault...(marked black point on NORD)...or in the potmodded point ( EST point).i didn't see a lot of difference in power... but MAYBE... the power is a bit higher of 15% i DON'T know how work a potentiomenter.. but i thoungh...."if i turn left power decreases..... if i turn right...power seems normal or a bit better...if i turn a bit more right... the potentiometer STOPPED. so i think that the CURVE OF POWER is ALL TIME creasing..... and there is not a a vawe!! do you understand me? if turning right.. power was decreasing like torning left.. i could think that the NORD point(default) was the optimum peak. but...seeing that turning right.. the power rest the same ...and maybe seems to be better... i left it so. i think my laser is a bit potmodded now....but.. a bit.
battery: i am using this battery
they should be the best on the marked.....regarding the old generation of nimh(NO LSD). they should be TRUE 1000mah if not a bit higher...and for a laser pointer i chooe a 1000mah....instead a lowSELFdischarge that are about 800mah max.batteries lasts very long!!!i didnt notive a lot of difference using this nimhs instead 1.5 alkalines batt! baybe a BIT beter with fresh alkalines. but not a visible difference.
the laser does not requires warming period... maybe 2 sec to reach the stable power.... but it is really stable i think.
IMPRESSIONS: wow......i sayd and i am also saying woooow now!is is bhrigher than my dilda!!!!2...3 times brigher!!!the beam is beru visible on night.. an a bit visible in daytime.i can see the dot in daytime at 200/250 meters (tested with google earth meter) the night...i went in a place where i coul see all my city.....i brought with me a binoculars...and i shined the point in a palace ...and a mole sea that are 4,8 kilometers far!!! woooooooooooooow!! for a cheap lp is incredible!! to chech correcly if the laser arrives in that point i had to see o nthe binocular tha correct place.. and.... USE THE LASER....with one hand as far as POSSIBLE by the binocular....because if i used the laser near the binocular.. the effect was that the light beam... could arrive on infinite. but....distanceing the laser by me about 60/70 centimeters(my arm) the dot war better visible...and ture checked if arrives or not in the building!.....and i think that this laser choud do also 5 kilometers.

([highlight] i must calculate and update the reviewwith *the mRad of this laser.[/highlight]..i would make a perfect job i ncalculating it)
it has NO buring capability.........mmmmh...but this makes me worried!!! if the beam is so shining and strong.. and reaches 4kilometeers....i have about 30mw. but....i can't imagine how could be a real 100mw.. or 150mw!!! i can't imagine!! i tryed with a lense.. but it does not burn anything.....mmm how could be an optotronics 150+ laser PEN?......
i use contact lense because i am myopic...and i had a lot of problem to see the eam of my 200mw dilda....but my fiends and parents... see better than me the beam. bho... maybe i am not LESS sensitive in red.. ahahah i am NO SENSITIVE in red!!! ;D but comparing the beam...and light of this 30mw or the dilda.....i just say you that i forgot to have a dilda now seems a chinese 3$ laser comparing this green laser
i am very happy of my purchase. good laser...shining green...far distance.. good beam specs... i have only ONE PROBLEM NOW............ i had some problem with the oise near the point. i think that the sense is not very clear. i tryed a lot of time so clean it... with a cotton fiock used to clean my ears
now... seems to be acceptable with low noise around the dot...but using the caleidoscope ..stars are not perfect. however it is acceptable....but u qould know a way to clean PERFECTLY my lense...without the need to buy something else that could cost more than my laser XD please 
i am seruosly thinking t buy the powerlull laser PEn in the market.. tnat seems to be tne dradon/nova/CNI laser pen... but seems to be the optotronics...that use a 1watt diode( cni uses 500mw diode). it is only 200dollars+shipping now... mmm but i think that if i have this pen i go CRRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! i dont know how to test the power of my laser.. but i think that i have not a 40...50mw.. because 50mw should burn A BIT...on a dark plastic....right?mine doesn't. [highlight]UPDATE[/highlight]: my laser burn a bit....!!i tried 5/8 seconds on my hi-fi remote control unit XD but only within 50 centimeters...better within 10cm!it is not a big smoke.. ecc...but in the light i can se little dot burned on the remote control. good. could this be an indicator that it is ALMOST 30mw? a 20mw could not burn...i know...
see you boy....i hope you read and like my first review.
.it is my first review....

the laser pointer is well's my first green laser,i also have one dilda from susie true 200...and i HAD a 100me red laser pointer from dx...but i have not it XD i ship back because it was defective..and now there are some problems with the italian it is LOST XD.
However....i thought to buy this 30mw because i tell myself....that if the laser HAS a kaleidoscopic....the beam SHHOULD BE more precise and checked by factory. To have a good effect the laser should be well aligned an centered. is so!!! the beam is al 98% centered......and has a very small diameter,,,,about 1 mm!!!!perfect. The divergence is not as good as the dilda settet at his optimun mrad.. but is quite good calculating that is is a FIXED point.
mmmm well i have some photo of the inside of this laser

i tryed 2 MODS. firstly to change the divergence....theorically POSSIBLE...but practically IMPOSSIBLE..because the point there you can you the screw of the lense.. is HARDLY GLUED. in fact i've broken the cut there you must insert the screwdriver and turn. BAD MATERIAL?(seems in every diode..or i am wrong?) ? divergence has not changed ok....but then i tryed to turn the pot!! i marked with a black marking pen the upper(nord) head of iy. then i rotate it firstly on the left... and gradualy the power *decreased like a 5mw laser. then.....i tryed to turn RIGHT...and the power....seems the same... but a bit better.
but there is a strange thing... that i don't know if is normal for a potentiometer. there was a point... turning on the left....that STOPPED the power. 4 example. if i turned in a point on the right... the laser didn't work. i SLIGHTLY turn it on the left(---so...a bit near the defcault mode)..the laser WORK.
so...i decided to check if there was more power by fefault...(marked black point on NORD)...or in the potmodded point ( EST point).i didn't see a lot of difference in power... but MAYBE... the power is a bit higher of 15% i DON'T know how work a potentiomenter.. but i thoungh...."if i turn left power decreases..... if i turn right...power seems normal or a bit better...if i turn a bit more right... the potentiometer STOPPED. so i think that the CURVE OF POWER is ALL TIME creasing..... and there is not a a vawe!! do you understand me? if turning right.. power was decreasing like torning left.. i could think that the NORD point(default) was the optimum peak. but...seeing that turning right.. the power rest the same ...and maybe seems to be better... i left it so. i think my laser is a bit potmodded now....but.. a bit.
battery: i am using this battery
they should be the best on the marked.....regarding the old generation of nimh(NO LSD). they should be TRUE 1000mah if not a bit higher...and for a laser pointer i chooe a 1000mah....instead a lowSELFdischarge that are about 800mah max.batteries lasts very long!!!i didnt notive a lot of difference using this nimhs instead 1.5 alkalines batt! baybe a BIT beter with fresh alkalines. but not a visible difference.
the laser does not requires warming period... maybe 2 sec to reach the stable power.... but it is really stable i think.
IMPRESSIONS: wow......i sayd and i am also saying woooow now!is is bhrigher than my dilda!!!!2...3 times brigher!!!the beam is beru visible on night.. an a bit visible in daytime.i can see the dot in daytime at 200/250 meters (tested with google earth meter) the night...i went in a place where i coul see all my city.....i brought with me a binoculars...and i shined the point in a palace ...and a mole sea that are 4,8 kilometers far!!! woooooooooooooow!! for a cheap lp is incredible!! to chech correcly if the laser arrives in that point i had to see o nthe binocular tha correct place.. and.... USE THE LASER....with one hand as far as POSSIBLE by the binocular....because if i used the laser near the binocular.. the effect was that the light beam... could arrive on infinite. but....distanceing the laser by me about 60/70 centimeters(my arm) the dot war better visible...and ture checked if arrives or not in the building!.....and i think that this laser choud do also 5 kilometers.

([highlight] i must calculate and update the reviewwith *the mRad of this laser.[/highlight]..i would make a perfect job i ncalculating it)
it has NO buring capability.........mmmmh...but this makes me worried!!! if the beam is so shining and strong.. and reaches 4kilometeers....i have about 30mw. but....i can't imagine how could be a real 100mw.. or 150mw!!! i can't imagine!! i tryed with a lense.. but it does not burn anything.....mmm how could be an optotronics 150+ laser PEN?......

i use contact lense because i am myopic...and i had a lot of problem to see the eam of my 200mw dilda....but my fiends and parents... see better than me the beam. bho... maybe i am not LESS sensitive in red.. ahahah i am NO SENSITIVE in red!!! ;D but comparing the beam...and light of this 30mw or the dilda.....i just say you that i forgot to have a dilda now seems a chinese 3$ laser comparing this green laser

i am very happy of my purchase. good laser...shining green...far distance.. good beam specs... i have only ONE PROBLEM NOW............ i had some problem with the oise near the point. i think that the sense is not very clear. i tryed a lot of time so clean it... with a cotton fiock used to clean my ears

i am seruosly thinking t buy the powerlull laser PEn in the market.. tnat seems to be tne dradon/nova/CNI laser pen... but seems to be the optotronics...that use a 1watt diode( cni uses 500mw diode). it is only 200dollars+shipping now... mmm but i think that if i have this pen i go CRRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! i dont know how to test the power of my laser.. but i think that i have not a 40...50mw.. because 50mw should burn A BIT...on a dark plastic....right?mine doesn't. [highlight]UPDATE[/highlight]: my laser burn a bit....!!i tried 5/8 seconds on my hi-fi remote control unit XD but only within 50 centimeters...better within 10cm!it is not a big smoke.. ecc...but in the light i can se little dot burned on the remote control. good. could this be an indicator that it is ALMOST 30mw? a 20mw could not burn...i know...
see you boy....i hope you read and like my first review.
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