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FrozenGate by Avery

>80mW 473nm handheld laser from Lasever

Feb 4, 2010
Okay! So Today I finally received my >80mW Lasever portable laser.

Lasever? Yes. Not many people really know about this company. It's based in China, and well they sell lasers. More in depth, they sell GOOD (quality) lasers CHEAP. Their Website
Here's my story behind Lasever. Around the time StyroPyro found a >100mW 473nm portable laser I knew I needed to have one. "It was probably CNI" I thought. I wasn't aware of the fact he was selling it on the forum. About a day after it sold I discovered the thread about it, and found it rediculous he was selling it for MUCH less than CNI does. That leads me on some (rather hilarious) escapades through google and alibaba.com. Then a sparkle of hope shows up, I see pretty much the EXACT same model he had, and the exact same labeled price. Same safety features, etc. I assumed the prices would be through the roof like some other sellers. That night, I get an e-mail. $350 + $40 shipping. :drool:
I kept the site a "secret" except for one member on the forum, the first to personally ask me about it. I trusted him so I felt "safe" saying where. After some intense decision making (not really), this HAD to be the source. I didn't want to put it in the wild quite then because I had some sympathy for styro, if this was his source for money I wasn't going to deprive him of it without his permission. After maybe two days he responded and gave me the OK to post a thread about it.

Anyway, Here's MY review of the Lasever >80mW LSR473HD portable blue DPSS laser.
Review based on: (ten points each)

- Communication
- Price
- Shipping
- Laser quality
- Power

Starting with communication:

David is the owner of Lasever. He has personally responded to each of my messages with more "content" than any other supplier that I've written to. You don't feel like you're just another customer that'll buy this laser here that they have to painstakingly type in the price and ask the same "where is your location, what will you do with the laser" and etc. Just a response with more "thought" and to me, it felt good talking to him. There was only one instance where he hasn't responded to me: on a Sunday.


Next up is the price.
$350 for a >80mW portable DPSS blue laser. Can you honestly expect LESS? The price on this literally made my jaw drop.

Why can't I give him an 11 on this...

I ordered the laser Saturday, February 25, and I was told it would be shipped on Wednesday, February 29th. It shipped Wednesday, February 29th through DHL express. By March 4, it was already in the US. It arrived in my mailbox on March 5. Better and faster than anything else China ever sent me.


Laser Quality:​

The laser itself feels pretty sturdy, I don't think it'll be breaking anytime soon.
The laser has a few safety features, including a pin, front aperture twisty-type-thing, and a 2 second delay, and a key switch.
This thing LOVES to be cool (actual temperature to be tested Wednesday), and it LOVES fully charged batteries. (actual battery specs coming, yes you guessed it, Wednesday)
The host is about 25cm long (including key) and about 22 1/2 cm without. It is about 3 3/4cm wide at the aperture and about 3 cm wide near the tailcap.
On the laser, it came with a power sticker... "Peak power <500mW wavelength 473nm-532nm"... I think I'll make myself a more proper sticker. Anyone have any suggestions as to how?
And finally, It is also missing the "included" battery, safety key, and safety pin. Either it is not included, or is shipped seperately. I have my own spare key so that wasn't an issue, and a paperclip works fine for the safety pin temporarily. -1 point here.


Laser Power:

It peaked 127mW and had an average of 90mW


Oh, did you want pictures too?



Comparison with labby (labby on right)


Beamshots! (without smoke, that's for the weak!)


Again, sorry for the lack of a power chart. Coming soon! Along with a video, planning on doing a side-by-side comparion of the power chart with the laser pointed at the meter.

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That is a good 80mW 473nm Laser ! With the power going up and the price going down it becomes very affordable for us. +1
@n2stuff Thanks for the link, that's a thread I was in need of.
@Blord Cheap 473's are on the horizon! Give 'em a year or two still... But I'm sure they're coming.
Peak power: 120mW
Takes about 60 seconds to "warm up"
Likes to hang around >100mW for a minute, then the power starts to drop and after two duty cycles (2 mins) When it reached that I shut it off. Outside of the laser wasn't too warm on this run.

Edit: It's best to keep it within this duty cycle, 1 1/2 minutes on, 3 minutes off. Kept it on for two and a half minutes and the power dropped below 50mW haha


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Peak power: 120mW
Takes about 60 seconds to "warm up"
Likes to hang around >100mW for a minute, then the power starts to drop and after two duty cycles (2 mins) When it reached that I shut it off. Outside of the laser wasn't too warm on this run.

Edit: It's best to keep it within this duty cycle, 1 1/2 minutes on, 3 minutes off. Kept it on for two and a half minutes and the power dropped below 50mW haha

Thats awesome :D I don't really care about the duty cycle being two mins because if i wanted it to have a longer duty cycle i would buy a labby :wave:

:thanks: for the review i think lot's of people are getting their 473nM portables here ! Too bad there other goodies are super expensive (mailed with them)

Their 1.5W green labby wasn't too expensive IIRC, that's one I plan on buying after I get a yellow.
$390 for a well above 80mW 473...

AWESOME, that sounds like something well worth saving for. +1 just for finding this out!
I was originally saving for a yellow, blew my money on this thing though. Well worth it IMO, though I really should stop getting distracted from what I'm trying to buy haha
That´s why I´m asking. Never saw any 473nm handheld with such a power with a near as "low" price.
No, the laser is IR filtered. Can't notice any residual IR with my camera filtered through goggles whereas on my other lasers I can (well... the DPSS ones like my labby and my greenie. Speaking of... I should meter the IR on both.)
No, the laser is IR filtered. Can't notice any residual IR with my camera filtered through goggles whereas on my other lasers I can (well... the DPSS ones like my labby and my greenie. Speaking of... I should meter the IR on both.)

Test the IR on your LPM.
