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FrozenGate by Avery

"400mW" PGL-III-C Updated Re-Review (new Photo & Video)

Sep 16, 2007
CNI manufactured PGL-III-C 532: 400mW model
Follow up Re-review

This is a brief re-review of my PGL-III. I thought it would be useful to have a long-term performance assessment of some of the higher power units available. Also, I had some unused video footage I wanted to share.

I received the laser from Glenn (CNI GB) on the 22nd of August.
The original review results are here: http://laserpointerforums.com/f52/pgl-iii-c-400mw-43029.html

First power test :
Mean Peak power: 615mW Low: 582mW, High: 687mW
Mean Avg. power: 530mW Low: 486mW, High: 577mW
Updated power test (as of Oct. 01 2009):
Mean Peak power: 751mW Low: 699mW, High: 816mW
Mean Avg. power: 635mW Low: 598mW, High: 680mW
Highest Peak: 816mW Yes… Eight Hundred and Sixteen milliWatts.

These power measurements are the results from recording 8 periodic measurements throughout 4 weeks and averaging the results. Power test duration for each measurement was 90 seconds with 15 second “warm up” in 75 deg. Fahrenheit room temperature. My USB adapter is busted so I can’t get graphs from my Laserbee… It usually holds steady at 690-730mW for 10-15 seconds or so then settles between 500-650mW.
The beam starts out in a sloppy TEM mode (close to TEM10) but as power stabilizes the beam makes a nice, clean dot. With cooler ambient temperature, the beam maintains TEM00, but in warmer conditions the beam gets a little messy again, but never splits, and power doesn’t drop.
I usually run it for 1-2 minutes continuously with no heat issues. The heat-sink does a good job of keeping it cool.
There is no splash- the aperture shutter keeps dust out and the lens clean.
Divergence is good. I measured over a distance of 58 feet… I calculated 0.8mRad.
The power seems to have increased since I first tested it… not sure why, but I don’t mind.
This unit could have been sold as a 500mW unit (hell, maybe even a 600) but I got it for an exceptional price. I don’t think there is any other portable laser in this size (that means excluding the Herc) capable of sustaining this kind of power. This is a MONSTER of a laser. It still continues to impress me and everyone that sees it.
I will probably do another review of this laser at or near the end of the 6 month warranty.

On to the fun part…
Video follows.

And you know what they say… A beam-shot is worth a thousand words…

Oh... By the way, I never use smoke/fog in my photos other than what is already present in the air from burnt materials... which still aint much.







Click image for video

Crappy youtube version:
YouTube - 500mW Green Laser

Another video with LG 10X beam expander-

NEW Power Test: 796mW peak... Almost 800mW.
Sorry for the short video, I had to run and grab the camera once I saw the output start to climb... by the time I got back the output was settling already... This was at the end of a 2 min power test. The laser stayed at 730mW -760mW for a full ~20 seconds, then climbed to almost 800mW!
This is the highest peak I've gotten on camera. As stated above, the highest peak I've witnessed is 816mW.
YouTube - 500mW Green Laser Output Test
Last edited:

wow that is absolutely insane. I was actually just thinking the other day, "I wonder how RA_Pierce's 400mW freak is holding up". That's so cool man. If yobresal's is also way overspec, I'll have to buy one!
Nice video. I sure hope mine can compare to yours. That is the best PGL I've heard of.
A 816 milliwatt peak is freaking insane.. You have an amazing unit. I like how in picture two you can see green light on the wall, even under the flash from the camera.
Try measuring divergence on 800 mW !!!! Better wear two sets of goggles because that's BRIGHT.........

<bryce007>: proto, did you see RA_pierces re-review of the PGL?
<Proto>: no
<bryce007>: 816mW peak
<game-genie>: O
<game-genie>: M
<game-genie>: F
<game-genie>: G
<game-genie>: O_O
<bryce007>: x2

Nothing else to add O.o
<bryce007>: proto, did you see RA_pierces re-review of the PGL?
<Proto>: no
<bryce007>: 816mW peak
<game-genie>: O
<game-genie>: M
<game-genie>: F
<game-genie>: G
<game-genie>: O_O
<bryce007>: x2

Nothing else to add O.o

I don't think much could be added to that statement, it's fitting. This is certainly an incredible laser, and it will be interedting to see how it acts over time.
Thanks for keeping us all updated on your purchase.
800mW thats double what they sold it as.
The exact opiset of what DX does to us:yabbmad:

Thanks for the comments guys.
This thing is BRIGHT.

This amount of power only can be achieved by perfect crystal alingment + the right Temparature of all parts. I guess the pump is 3w-5w.

I would assume that a 2.5W pump is used. That seems to be the standard for the higher end portables.
If the pump power is 2.25W, then 25% efficiency yields about 560mW, which is close to what this laser outputs on a regular basis. If the pump is driven at full capacity (2.5W) then the efficiency for 800mW would have to be about 32%. I don't think CNI drives their diodes beyond the rated limit.

This is just a peak reading though. With better thermal stabilization I'm sure this unit could do >700mW avg. no problem.

Duplicating >800mW has been difficult. I have seen ~780, ~790, and 799mW several times, but the next ten mWs are tough.
Just wondering but when are we going to see a video of this.... plus is your meter calibrated and are you using an IR filter at all? Can you try doing this test with the laser 10' away from the sensor so if any ir is their it's scattered by then plus this is better on your sensor as your mw/cm2 is lower
Just wondering but when are we going to see a video of this.... plus is your meter calibrated and are you using an IR filter at all? Can you try doing this test with the laser 10' away from the sensor so if any ir is their it's scattered by then plus this is better on your sensor as your mw/cm2 is lower

There is a video at the bottom of the first post. It only hits 751mW in the video, but that's still a lot of power. My meter is a LaserbeeI. It is pre-calibrated. It gives consistent measurements on the same lasers I had when I first got it.
Like I said, I can't get a graph yet, and the >800mW peak is hard to duplicate... you'll just have to trust me that I'm not a liar trying to be cool on the internet.
When I got the 816mW peak it was at 7:15 in the morning and I was getting ready for class. I didn't have a camera handy... my mistake.

CNI lasers have IR filters, by the way. If there is any IR spill it is likely <2mW.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the King of all portable greenies:
The awesome PGL-III-C von RA_pierce.

Could you measure the divergence?
How much did you pay for this?
Just comparing to a RPL-450.
