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FrozenGate by Avery

100mW 589nm & 80mW 473nm

Nov 5, 2007
Well these two are great lasers. My new twins. I am not going to write much of a review. TEM00 on both, nice tight beams and good divergence. Great power output. The 589nm IS noticably more yellow than 593nm, see picture for comparison.


Wow those are two very nice (and expensive) lasers you've got there. That yellow looks gorgeous!
I love the yellow. It is Friggen way bright. Hard to look at. The blue is not as bright as I would like but oh well.
Yeah, I couldn't wait. I ordered the 589nm as soon as I saw them on their website. It was expensive for shipping and such so I added a blue as well.
is your title, "100mW 589nm & 80mW 473nm", the rated powers of these lasers? Or are they your measured powers?
Max CNI ratings for PGL III's are 589nm >80 mW and 473nm >50 mW, & 473nm for the "pen" GLP 60 mW -Glenn
Damn MAn that looks very nice!!! Hopefully I will own such a beautiful 589nm portable in the future.. You should post some more beam shots when you get some time..
Wow, Yellow has come a long way in the past year!

Congratz on two most excellent lasers! :beer:
Holy mackarel now I want 589's as well !!!
I've never seen a yellow that bright ; Now I'm so jealous I need to burn stuff. Pics of 593.5 vs 589 ?
