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FrozenGate by Avery

How do I clean my laser lens?

May 17, 2009
I have a green laser from amazon and I dont know how i Should clean it.
I tried a q tip but it just makes it worse! What way can I clean it perfectly?
It's a stupid thing that I also cannot actually reach it its just deep down under the cap.
(not unscrewable)
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Hello Fredo52 and welcome to LPF. This is a great place to learn about DIY lasers. There is a wealth of information to be found here if you are willing to look for it.

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Here is a direct link to the Advanced Search page.

Good luck and have fun!

PS: look here for the best way to clean a lens
Go to any store selling camera equipment, & buy a lens cleaning kit that contains AR (ANTI-REFLECTIVE) Fluid & a MICRO-FIBER cloth, & follow the instructions. If anyone has anything to add, feel free to chime in...............rob
Acrylic lens is so easily damaged, I suggest most folks never touch them, just blow with dry air from rubber bulb. If you use a cotton swab, you may smear oils around and then it's nearly impossible for most folks to get it clean with no damage. -Glenn
Blowing off dust is preferable, but obviously doesnt work for all contaminants. If it doesnt, a lens pen would be the preferable next tool.

Using this like microfibre cloths can work really well for cleaning glass surfaces, but only if you can reach them properly. Most laser pointer lenses are not removable (in the sense of getting only the glass lens out, without a metal/plastic thread right around it).

If you can get the lens out, microfibre cloth and a little bit of 50% isopropanol in distilled water can work miracles. Be careful with coated optics though - the solvent doesnt damage the coatings, but the mechanical action can.
If it can be helpful, i use a pair of microfiber (the one for photographic lenses) cloths, one for wash and one for dry, and a diluited solution of a cleaner called DG7, (at least, it's sold with this brand here, no ideas at all how is called in other countries ..... it's a light blue colored detergent, that is so efficent that, in 1/10 solution, clean printer inks and "unerasable" felt pens from plastic and office furnitures, without need to brush it) ..... with 1/20 solution, i usually clean both acrylic and AR coated glass lenses without problems ..... only, remember to use clean microfiber for optic, and never push too much on lens surfaces, cause too much pressure, or dirt on the cloth, can easily damage the surfaces, both the acrylic and the AR coating
Lens paper works great. It's commonly available from photography and laboratory supply companies..
^ yes, but only if you don't have dirt like sand oiled on the lens (oiled, i mean also just the "oil" tracks that come from fingerprints)

In these cases, you need first to melt all away, then photo cleaning paper can be ok, too, but be careful, if you try to take away sand directly from lens without wash it away, you risk to scratch the lenses.

I ruined an AR coated acrylic one, doing that, times ago.
