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FrozenGate by Avery

Am I missing something or....?

Jul 26, 2015
So I bought a DIY 100mW 532nm Green Laser Module from lazerer, and the package arrived yesterday. So I hooked it up to a 18650 battery and turned it on to test it.... and it works, but not at 100mw... It looks like it is <5mw. :( Am I missing something with the set up or is it just a dud? Reading through lazerer reviews here makes me think it was a bad idea to buy from them... should have searched it before buying...

I hope you did not do what you said you did.
Are you aware that these diodes are rather current draining?
Sure, you can run for a second that way but you really should not do that but either use a stable voltage regulator or a driver which regulates both the current and voltage.

BTW...how did you get in touch with him. I have PMed him and he never answers.
It comes with a driver, if you have a look at it on here you can see it on the back of the module. DIY 100mW 532nm Green Laser Module As I said the laser is still working, but at about <5mw. I hope I haven't missed something basic.... :/
I haven't contacted him yet about the problem, so I am a bit worried that he will not reply if I do...
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I apologize. Also, confused this company with a member.

I just bought a small 100 mw 232 that uses a cr123 for $18.00. It certainly looks nice...aircraft aluminum...for the price...question is will it work. If it is not 100 mw I won't get bent out of shape as long as it burn paper and lights matches :-) Wholesale Product Snapshot Product name is Focusable 532nm 100mW mini Green Laser Pointer/ green laser torch burn matches just got it but have not tried it out. I need to build a laser power meter and don't know where to get a calibrated sensor without spending an arm and a leg.

Speaking of power meter...I am new at this and don't remember all my physics from years ago....the output also has to do with the collimation...that lens you are using.

I wonder why you purchased from this company rather than from DTR here in the states?
I purchased from lazerer.com because I thought it looked good and because I'm in Australia so postage is going to be similar from the US and China. Interestingly I was impressed with the postage speed, as it came a bit earlier then expected. I will probably buy from DTR next time as they look more reliable.
... and it works, but not at 100mw... It looks like it is <5mw. :( ...

How do you know this? Do you have a 5mw pen to compare it to? Do you have a meter? Can you show a pic of your setup as well? Would help to know what current the driver was set to also.
I have a 1mW 532nm pen I bought off ebay and I have also seen a friends laser that was about 15mW if I remember rightly. It only looks a little brighter then the 1mW pen *edit, I should say it looks about 5 times brighter*, so definitely not 100mW. I don't know what the driver is set to, but I assume it is set right as the driver came attached to the module, but I may be wrong. ( I need to learn more about drivers I think...) No I don't have a LPM, but I want to get one soon.
You are going to think I am crazy with the set up but I just hooked up some copper wires to a 18650 battery to test it out and attached it to the module. I did that because I wanted to test it before assembling it in case it didn't work properly... I can take some pics later if you want.

Thanks for trying to help guys. :)

Edit - I did a little further testing and the dot feels warm to the skin at close range. I can see the beam in low light conditions only though.
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I have a 1mW 532nm pen I bought off ebay and I have also seen a friends laser that was about 15mW if I remember rightly. It only looks a little brighter then the 1mW pen, so definitely not 100mW. I don't know what the driver is set to, but I assume it is set right as the driver came attached to the module, but I may be wrong. ( I need to learn more about drivers I think...) No I don't have a LPM, but I want to get one soon.
You are going to think I am crazy with the set up but I just hooked up some copper wires to a 18650 battery to test it out and attached it to the module. I did that because I wanted to test it before assembling it in case it didn't work properly... I can take some pics later if you want.

Thanks for trying to help guys. :)

You could send the laser to someone that has a meter and see what it's true power level is. If it's under, as you suspect, then you have proof to get a refund/replacement. Glad we could help.
BTW just edited the post with a little more information. Do you know of anyone in Australia with a LPM that would be willing to test it?
Most of the modules ive had meter anywhere from 15 to 115mW. Also most of the ones in the pens are the same thing. The technology of DPSS makes this type of laser fairly hit or miss on the output. I feel very few companies make these module and driver setups.
Most of the modules ive had meter anywhere from 15 to 115mW. Also most of the ones in the pens are the same thing. The technology of DPSS makes this type of laser fairly hit or miss on the output. I feel very few companies make these module and driver setups.

So you are saying that the stores basically are making up their power ratings and selling whatever? I should have gotten a 520nm... more expensive but more reliable I guess...
If you want 532nm modules that are very likely to have strong output the answer is simple if they will ship to you. Fasttech.
Specifically the 3V or 5V ones for about $6 each. Their description says 5mW but this is beyond wrong. I've purchased over a 100 of them since joining and have only received one dud that I can remember. In general you can expect the drivers pot to be set to from .2 to .3 amps and the outputs to be 50mW+.
However, if you have the tools/meters to adjust the pots to .43A which I have found to give the most output on average they can go much higher. The last 3 5V ones I purchased about a month ago were all between 120-130mW at that setting which is a VERY bright beam. Most come bright enough already and I would certainly expect the life expectancy to drop with that kind of setting increase.
Of note I would personally buy the 5V ones. Why? Because the only difference between them and the 3V ones is that the 5V drivers can handle up to a 5V input which gives you the ability to run it on just a couple of AAA or a single 10440 or any other fully charged 4.2V battery.
I don't know why I have to continually explain this over and over but people just can't seem to grasp what I mean.
Both the 3V one and the 5V one will start outputting at the same voltage in. In other words you would normally use 2 AAA batteries with the 3V one for full output and it's the same with the 5V rated one. Anything over that and the 5V ones driver just takes that extra voltage and wastes it getting rid of it as heat and does not give the voltage to the diode. So, you just get the 5V one so you have more battery choices you can use with it.
There is however a length difference between them. The 3V one is a bit shorter. I believe they give the dimensions. Either one will fir I to a standard 12mm holed heat-sink. Just put the last 2 5V ones over 100mW in hosts a couple days ago;)
I read about people buying modules all over the place that they pay way to much for and it kills me. In general if you are looking to buy a module and see an ad from any of the zillion places out there that are not listed here as serious companies disregard any claims they make on their modules output and spend that same amount of cash on as many Fasttech ones as you can and be prepared to be shocked at what you get for the $.
For an extra treat, buy the little white 532nm laser that only takes a single AAA that costs about $10. Almost every e I've ever bought gives a nice bright beautiful beam and even comes with a removable star cap. These also have a pot that can be adjusted if you take it apart;)
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If you want 532nm modules that are very likely to have strong output the answer is simple if they will ship to you. Fasttech.
Specifically the 3V or 5V ones for about $6 each. Their description says 5mW but this is beyond wrong. I've purchased over a 100 of them since joining and have only received one dud that I can remember. In general you can expect the drivers pot to be set to from .2 to .3 amps and the outputs to be 50mW+.

Thanks a lot! Wish I knew that before I got the other one...
