You bought this diode.. Sweet. I was actually going to buy it for back up.
I own 2 of these Based diodes but mine came with the actually correction lab mount they where used in.
First you must run this diode with TEC at all times.! No Exceptions. The Diode is Mounted on a TEC not a Heatsink the for the heat has no where to go. THe TEC is what is keeping the diode cool and nothing else. You will LED your diode in a Matter of seconds if you power it on at even threshold.
Next you will need some serious correction optics to even think about getting a working beam out of these. Even the Prism set up on min is not enough. Its about as Good as a 635nm diode Multi mode with G1 lens. So I can only imagine how bad it is without Correction optics. Its Probably 2x worse
Anyway if you want anything remotely as good as at least a 635nm Multi mode laser your going to have to use a Prism set up or C Lenses. If you want better you will need to use both.
I plain on using Both.

But this Project is on the Back burner now. Iam No where near started on it.
SO After you figured out what optics you want to use your going to have to worry about heatsinking which Is Not that bad for this diode.

Really it doesn't take much.
Its a Small Tec that IIRC runs at ~1A. A Heatsink ~200g will keep it cool for a few minutes. If you look at the labby i have you can see there is not much there. However it is suppose to be mounted on a block so....
You dont even need to run this diode at 1A.

Thats the cool thing. At least for mine i dont.
I was running mine at 850mA the TEC at 1A and i was getting 550mW.:wave: SO iam sure yours is right on or around there too.
Here is a Video i shot of it. Just beam shot for the color but yeah you can see a difference.
Only running it ~330mW.

at 550mA.
Oh and i have added C Lenses. Without the C lens added its was a Wide beam with Just the Prisms.
PM me Mitch if you have any questions.

I did a Little messing around with these so maybe i can help out.:beer: