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FrozenGate by Avery

Red Guidesman 635nm @ 1071mA *PIC HEAVY*

Feb 9, 2011
I been eying the Mitsubishi 635nm diode and I have finally completed my first red, and it's pretty satisfying! I had Jayrob machine me a custom heat sink for the guidesman and he did an awesome job! I purchased the host on ebay and the diode from DTR. I ran into one issue with the driver that cost me a diode so this is actually my second attempt. :o

Build Pics:


Using an acrylic AR coated lens for red:

Massive heatsink + focus ring:


The driver I used is a 3x AMC 7135 board set for 1050mA powered by 1 18650 battery. I lost a diode due to improper wiring on the driver, which was totally my fault for not double checking where the +/- were.

The picture below shows the proper set up for the driver. I initially soldered both the case pin and LD - pin to the Batt - which caused the diode to instantly flash and die.


Wrapped in polyimide tape to prevent shorts:

Driver is ouputting 1071mA:

Beam shots:

445nm vs. 635nm





Dot @ 10feet:

No lens:

Can it burn?

As shown in the pictures the beam is less attractive than the 445nm, as it makes a thin line when focused and resembles a square when you focus in more.

Be safe and always wear goggles! :beer:
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Re: Red Guidesman 635nm @1.07A *PIC HEAVY*


Making the heatsink off of a drawing, and then seeing what the build turned out like is cool.

I like them more flush with the host, but I can see that the focus adapter is very easy to handle like that. And also more mass for the heatsink... :gj:
Re: Red Guidesman 635nm @1.07A *PIC HEAVY*

Thanks Jay! I had it on for about a minute while taking pics and it barely felt warm at all.
Re: Red Guidesman 635nm @1.07A *PIC HEAVY*

Looking great. Good explanation how to connect the wires. +1
The AMC7135 tend to get hot. I don't know if you need to sink it for stable performance.
they are now floating in side the laser.
Re: Red Guidesman 635nm @1.07A *PIC HEAVY*

Very nice work. Thanks for showing the correct connections on the driver. And Jay did some nice work on that focus adapter as well.:beer:
Re: Red Guidesman 635nm @1.07A *PIC HEAVY*

Thanks guys!

I estimated the driver is dissipating around 1/2 Watt more or less so it should be fine since I don't plan on running it for long periods of time. The driver does get warm after a minute when I was taking pictures, but the diode stays pretty cool!
I like my 635 so much more than the 445 even though the beam isn't as visible. It's easier on the eyes. I can't imagine how sweet 1W of 635 is (mine produces just over 400mW @ 775mA)
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I have found the opposite. I kind of feel the 635 is harsher on my eyes.:tinfoil:
I have found the opposite. I kind of feel the 635 is harsher on my eyes.:tinfoil:


I think it has to do with the 445 being able to stimulate both cones and rods while 635 (like all red light) essentially leaves rods alone, keeping night vision intact. I definitely do experience more discomfort with the 445 though. Possibly exacerbated by its dot being a bit smaller.
I too feel the 635 is a lot brighter than my 445. The beam of the 635 might not be as visible as the 445 but the dot is a lot brighter.
I too feel the 635 is a lot brighter than my 445. The beam of the 635 might not be as visible as the 445 but the dot is a lot brighter.

Well your 1 watt 635 monster will definitely look brighter than any 445nm ever made, probably even brighter than a dual-diode 445 beam! Very envious I am of that build there...

BUT! I bet you can't play with it in the shower! Which I do practically every day. Because it transforms into a lightsaber.

Edit: Oh I just realized you are driving at 1 amp rather than it producing 1W. Still, a lot more than my unit.
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