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Project overkill... not what you think!

Sep 10, 2014
So I was bored and had some parts laying around and had my usual off key idea!!

I have a 685nm diode and driver(lighting stalker Miniar) that I set to put out a HUGE 15mW.
So I have a vast assortment of hosts right now. So you guys... quit posting hosts in the B/S/T section.

Hmm what host to choose...! Notice the full copper module and heat sink on the driver... nothing spared here!
I think I'll choose the death mace! Why not... why... not!!!

I cannot get good pic of the beam dot. This diode has the most minimal divergence I have seen. I didn't measure I am just looking.

I have also had it running for the past half an hour.. driver and diode are not really heating up...imagine that.

AND for those of you witty enough to read the entire post before critiquing my build, welcome to a well devised laser nerd joke.


  • death1.jpg
    61.3 KB · Views: 494
  • death2.jpg
    42.3 KB · Views: 512

A 100 dollar host for a 10 bucks diode? I don't see why not! You will need a conservative duty cycle though, don't want that monster diode overheating. I would say, just for safety, 1 hour on, 3 secs off. :D
But in all seriousness, me likey! :)
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The red Mace of Doom, it certainly qualifies as overkill. I think you can expect good battery life.

Well thanks guys!!!
Those are only a few of those hosts Ive bought recently. I got a few c6's, a box full of 501bs, zaser host, and more.
The mace of doom I would like to put a 1w 520 diode in. I am just waiting for thejoker group buy.
who ever said "the best things in life are free" never owned a laser
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So many beautiful hosts! :eek: +rep and
just saw thread featuring my drivers :) !
They have grown up now gone out into the
world on their own to exotic places and all
still working AFAIK, feel like a proud father

685nm diodes have such tight divergence and
beautiful color

Have another Super Miniar™ ready for you
10fenny if you like, or else if not then
whomever calls next dibs :)
Yea my friends think im retarded when i pull that one out. My 1w 520 will be going there soon. I replied to you sale thread also. Im on mobile so ill check my pms after work... Stupid cars!!
