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LPC-826 graphs

Feb 23, 2008
ive asked cyparagon to graph these diodes so we know a bit more about them. hope this helps..

2 diodes were tested ill see if he can post the details of his methods of testing.

Cyparagon said:
Here are the new graphs.

Cooling them raised the voltage drop and lowers the wavelength. The red drops about 4nm when cooled to ~35F and the violet drops about 3nm when cooled to ~35F. The reds start at 657nm and rise ~0.015nm/mA. The violets start at 406nm and rise ~.040nm/mA.

The "series 1" of the violet graphs was cooled but many things were changed throughout the test such as duration of each current step, TEC voltage, TEC heatsink fan voltage, and lens. Better to take "series 2" as a reference.

the violet diodes he mentions are the PHR-805. you can find the graph for those here: http://laserpointerforums.com/f38/phr-805-graphs-63868.html#post913904


  • LPC826Powerwtmk.png
    13.5 KB · Views: 2,102
  • LPC826Voltagewtmk.png
    11.7 KB · Views: 1,757
  • LPC826Wavelengthwtmk.png
    14.6 KB · Views: 3,384
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im not quite sure. im sure he'll chime in soon to shed some light on his testing methods. i just paid him to make the graphs since i dont have the time.
So why is it that we want these kind of diodes? I don't understand.
Hopefully these diodes can safely output around 50-70mw's over the LOC's
Were these thing properly heatsinked during the tests? The wavelength seems to shoot up at a rather alarming rate, probably making it look dimmer rather than brighter once you go over 400 mA or so.
im not sure if he used the heatsink i sent him or the rig he already had but they were heatsinked
Hopefully these diodes can safely output around 50-70mw's over the LOC's

They can't. They've been fairly well tested at PL, and I seem to remember them getting maybe an additional 20mW.
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Oh well, I guess our only options for higher powered reds are C-mounts and multiple diode arrays
Well.... I've supposedly got 300 diode "chips" on their way which I take to mean emitters-only, in the 635 to 660nm range, that do 1W. I don't believe these claims to be true, but it's not going to stop me from giving Die4LASER technique a try or two (or three hundred), and hopefully transplant one of these emitters into a 9mm can.

I'm really dying to have a high(er) visibility red portable laser. Even the 200mW HL63133DG just doesn't get me there.

If I could afford it, I'd grab one of the CNI 635s that does high power. But I can't afford it :(
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Yes, I used the heatsink that mister ndrew send with the diodes. It is a block of aluminum 1.5x1.5x1.5 inches with 8 fins. It never rose above 75F. The wavelength graph looks rather linear to me, especially when you average the two. There are "steps" in the graph because my spectrometer has a tough time resolving further than 0.5nm. Therefore, data points are rounded to the nearest 0.5nm.

Yes, the voltages are accurate. I have no reason to distrust my multimeters.

The currents are +/- 10mA times whatever the typical inaccuracy of a multimeter is since the decimal accuracy was only to 0.01A.
