Let me made a supposition (just for the fun

We're basically using these diodes for, what ? ..... 200 % or more of the tag rated power ? ..... probably more, right ?
Now, basically, when a direct reflection happens, we can imagine something similar (the beams are ofcourse the same color, i just drawed them different for differentiate the paths) ..... the coming out light, focused from the lens (with still a little divergence), become reflected from an object (in the example, a mirror), that bounce it back through the lens, that focus it approximatively in the middle of the chip, or in any case, inside it (cause the beam is still having some divergence also if bounced, so the focusing point is a little bit more far than the emitting face of the chip)
remembering that we're using these diodes already at 200% or 250% of their rated powers, i can imagine at least 2 good reasons for which the chip die, in this conditions:
1) The resonant face of the chip, just cannot handle the additional power, and fry (remember, if the diode is rated at 100mW continuous use, and you use it at 250 mW, the face is already working at 250% of the rated value, managing 150% more power of the one for which is made, and if the reflex add also just other 150 mW, it become 400% of the rated value ..... and i guess that almost anything, handling an overload of 300% more of the rated value, first or after die (and laser chips are just extremely fast and sensitive

2) also in the case that the resonant face resist, the chip itself in this conditions is managing the same overload, that can rise the structural temperature inside the chip over the limits where the chip can work , so it just collapse, going in short circuit in fractions of secons, and melting all the rest(remember that the reflected power is focalized
inside the chip ..... where is possible that the focus point of it, for short chips, is rear them, causing less damages, and this can also justify the more "resistance" of the short chips).
And yes, also the wires can be melted for an off-axis focalization of the beam, as Benm said ..... after all, those wires are already working in overload, and being overheated from the high power you're using, so also if the gold is usually a good reflective material and heat conductor, in these conditions is easy to damage it, too.