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FrozenGate by Avery

635 Copper plated Phobos build (pic heavy)

Jan 29, 2012
I wanted to share my new build with you guys!

I ordered a Phobos host from Eudiamonium a couple of weeks a ago and have just finished it. First up the shipping from Eudiamonium was quite quick (one and a half weeks) and exactly what he had stated when I ordered the host. I also had some minor issues, which he was very quick to address, so overall I was very pleased and I would definitely recommend him. :thanks:

I decided I would try for the "steampunk" look that I have seen on a few hosts, the sirius-1C to name one, but as the host was made from aluminium and not a mix of aluminium and copper, I decided a little electroplating was in order! I wont go into detail here, but if anyone wants details of how to plate, just send a PM and Ill forward the details.

The build used a Mits 300 mW 635 diode from DTR, with a Moh linear driver running at 756 mA and heat sinked to a small piece of copper and then to the host itself with arctic silver paste, two 16340 AW 750 mAhr batteries (black ones) and a 445 G2 lens.

Below are the pictures of the host with the plating and the front polished to a mirror like surface (still have to polish the rest ;)) and some beam shots!


Edit: Sorry about the first pic it was taken on a phone, but it was the only one I had of the freshly plated heatsink......


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WOW! That look's amazing! Don't underestimate how a something relatively simple like plating or anodizing can yield such amazing results! +1 for the great build and sexy wavelength :D.
WOW! That look's amazing! Don't underestimate how a something relatively simple like plating or anodizing can yield such amazing results! +1 for the great build and sexy wavelength :D.

Thanks! Im really pleased with the way it turned out. It took a couple of days to complete, but I think it was worth it! :beer:
Now you have me thinking of my Tank007 build and a silver dime. Silver plate would be supremely badass. . .

Thanks for posting! I'd totally forgotten about the possibilities of electroplating. What sort of electrolyte do you use? I've had decent results with salt water (I gave up on electroplating experiments after I managed to dump a glass of saltwater down the back of my N64. I was emotionally traumatized at the time, but it was totally fine after it dried out. That's a tough game system. . .)
Now you have me thinking of my Tank007 build and a silver dime. Silver plate would be supremely badass. . .

Silver would definitely be nice or even gold! Although these often require cyanide based solutions and are a little more difficult to handle, but having said that I may try next time ;)

Thanks for posting! I'd totally forgotten about the possibilities of electroplating. What sort of electrolyte do you use?

I chose copper mainly due to the colour, but also because it is quite simple and the chemicals are readily available. The solution was copper sulphate in water with a little sulphuric acid (Drain cleaner or draino) to make it acidic and enhance conductivity. Before anyone asks, there are 2 types of drain cleaner one is basic often in the form of pellets; NaOH and the other a conc. viscous acidic solution; 98 % H2SO4...;)

I've had decent results with salt water (I gave up on electroplating experiments after I managed to dump a glass of saltwater down the back of my N64. I was emotionally traumatized at the time, but it was totally fine after it dried out. That's a tough game system. . .)

Funny you should mention that! I had a near miss too, when I removed part of the host I was plating, some of the solution was stuck inside and when I tipped it up to look I poured it over my PSU!!! :tinfoil: Fortunately Id switched it off and was able to dry it in time!

If you do want more details on the plating I did (currents, voltages, solution concentrations, conditions, times and setup I can shoot you a PM? Just let me know. Anyway If you do decide to take it up again good luck and make sure you post! :beer:
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Wait...what? 445? :confused:

Yeah I have a red 3 element, but not a red G2 unfortunately.....Still out performs the red glass though by 100 mW ;) Oh forgot to mention getting just over 520 mW for this build :)
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Awesome looking host. Great work.:beer:

Wait...what? 445? :confused:

Yes the G-2 is coated for 400-600nm and works great with 635nm. It is only a small percent less pass than the 650-G-1/2.:)
