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- Oct 14, 2012
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Hi everybody, this is my version of a 638nm build using sinner's beautiful "MS-SSW" host.
This host is his "stubby" version, and as everybody knows, being called stubby will probably lead to having a complex... so instead of using a pretty single mode diode,
I've installed a big, nasty Mitsubishi 500mW bad boy!
Hey, we all know that the Mits. isn't the prettiest dot/line on the wall, but nobody calls it "stubby" anymore!

Posing with my uranium marbles.
The components I've used for this build are as follows:
- sinner's "MS-SSW stubby" host
- Mitsubishi 638nm 500mW diode (ML501P73-02), and module W/G-2 lens (DTR)
- AMC 7135 1400mA 5 mode driver, modded to 1 mode (Fasttech)
- 26650 KingKong battery (Hakzaw)
- Copper discs for heatsinking driver (homemade)
- PVC battery sleeve (homemade)
- Arctic Alumina thermal epoxy

Components of MS-SSW as received from sinner- Host, pill, contact board, and tailcap.

Driver side of pill, all polished and pretty.

Driver side after modification to recess the AMC driver.
Pill was relieved 17mm x .5mm deep for -contact on driver,
and 12mm x 1mm deep for clearance of +contact on bottom of driver.

Battery contact side of pill with added -neg. attaching screw.

Pill/driver assy. with copper heatsink discs attached.

Pill with battery spring and positive wire attached.

Front of host with added "knock out" holes for easier pill removal, if needed.
Glad I put them in, I needed them!

Pill with modded knurling; needed for extra length in batt. compartment.

Finished laser, all assembled and ready to go.

Focus knob with polished brass insert at the aperture.

26650 KingKong battery with added PVC sleeve.

Turning the PVC sleeve in the lathe.
The machinists out there may see something a little odd with this pic.

Added labels showing battery direction. All my lasers get them.

Average mW reading (60 sec. run).

Maximum mW reading (60 sec. run).

Entrance to the mouth of the dragon!

Looking back at the apeture.

Posing with Survival Laser's "EaglePair" glasses.
I know a lot of you are looking for the low divergance, high beam/dot quality diodes, but IMO, you've got to have a few monsters in your arsenal!
Sorry about some of the pics quality, all were taken with my phone. Also, will try and get some outdoor beamz!
Also, last but definitely not least: A big +1 to sinner for providing me with this wonderful host!!! :wave:
:thanks: for taking the time to look through all the pics.
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