Thanks for your complimants and support everybody!
I will be adding some custom anodizing-patterns and colors to my production heatsinks and obviously we can do anything custom now. I have not worked-up prices for custom jobs yet, but the production-stuff will be no extra-charge.
I am still exploring the set-up and capabilities, but I will say I can make any of the custom-patterns you see available such as fades, splashes, marbles, etc.
I need to upload some more picts from yesterdays tests, they turned out even better!
Electrically, all needed connection points will be left "bare", just as before, the heatsink is your ground-path.
As for heat-transfer, yes, the anodizing is non-conductive, but the loss of thermal-transfer is negligible, especially once you factor in that any unanodized aluminum will oxidize over time, and wind-up there anyway, just not as pretty.
No C-mount stuff yet, but we have lots of products coming, now in pretty-colors.