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FrozenGate by Avery

Post your 445nm vs 473/405nm thread

Sep 16, 2007
There is a lot of discussion going on about what color 445nm is.
For clarification, I'd like to start a thread comparing different wavelengths of "blue."

If you have pictures you'd like to share, please do.

I'll start:

To my eyes, 445nm appears as what I would call "indigo." It is deep blue with a tinge of violet. Diffuse reflections and the beam appear very close to violet. It also has the "haze" we have become accustomed to with our 405nm lasers, however it is less pronounced with the 445.

Click for larger size.

473nm ~100mW; 445nm 375mW; 405nm 450mW:

This time in direct sunlight; the 405nm spot is in the top left:

This time with 1W 445nm:
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445 is nice, but 473 or/and 488nm (sad you don't have to compare) looks much better, this is why I bought 10mW 473nm lab module, still waiting it to arrive :P
I want to buy 488nm aswell, but not as argon laser (my avatar is made using argon laser and galvos), because it's sux, I would get a DPSS one.
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Maybe this will Help.

380nm - 430nm = Violet
430nm - 450nm = Indigo
450nm - 500nm = Blue
500nm - 520nm = Cyan
520nm - 565nm = Green

I just posted in the 473nm thread in another section, but Ill say it again. I just received my first 445nm laser. It outputs 865mW average so its much more powerful than my 16mW 473nm. I will say IMO 445nm is purple, and 473nm is blue. There is also a big difference between what my eyes perceive, and what my camera and just about all the other pics I have seen on lpf look like except this one.

DJNY posted this in another section of the forum and I think there great beamshots. Notice the color of the splash on the back wall, and the obvious diff in color between the 2 beams. At the end of the beam in this pic it starts to look blue but in the flesh this does not appear the same way.

excuse me... but there is so much difference in the beam's visibility... from 405 to 445?
...just to understand.... if a boy bought a 400mw of bluray.. and would have 400mw of 445.... how much can it compare? about 3X at same power?

the DOT.... is REALLY better on 445... and vsible by far... or is near invisible or difficult to see over 200 meters.... like it hapens with bluray? i can't see good bluray spots.... so bluray lasers are USELESS FOR ME.

i an thinking to buy a 700/800mw of 445 and i would know if i COULD SOLVE the problem of the dot visiblity. i think that 445nm dot is blue... and that blue is a lot better to see at distance......( the dot)
I will say IMO 445nm is purple, and 473nm is blue. There is also a big difference between what my eyes perceive, and what my camera and just about all the other pics I have seen on lpf look like except this one.

Totally agree with you. before I got my 445nm I was looking at all the pictures here and thought the beam was blue, now I've got one it is most definitely purple.. seems some cameras can pick up the real colour while most can't, mine included.
NOT Trying to Offend Anyone, but if you see 445nm s purple get your eyes checked. No Offense.

I have posted these before.
This video is All 3 of my 445nm laser and my video camera shows the identical color you see in rel life:

This looks Purple to you.??? Look at the Glow in the room. Its Blue.

Another video of mine showing clearly that 445nm is not Purple but blue:

After watching these videos and you still think its purple then i dont know what to tell you.

I see 445nm as a Deep Royal Blue that has some purple. The only Purple i see is the outer part of the beam and its very small amount.
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This is a while back but the 445 looks to me like it does in this pic.
I'll upload another in a second, there are some decent icicles outside, might look cool with a laser through them.


This one looks a bit more purple (and not nearly as cool) in the pic compared to the way I see it but it is pretty dark out so the cam was struggling (no tripod)
*2 steaks for a midnight snack*
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Maybe this will Help.

430nm - 450nm = Indigo


NOT Trying to Offend Anyone, but if you see 445nm s purple get your eyes checked. No Offense.

I see 445nm as a Deep Royal Blue that has some purple. The only Purple i see is the outer part of the beam and its very small amount.

Maybe my eyes are a bit screwed up, but so must my girlfriends cos she said to me when she first saw my 445 'I thought that one was blue'. it must be the fact that 445nm falls just within the indigo band that some of us see it more purple than others.
I find the purple of 405nm hard to focus on.
If I focus the 405 on something 50 feet away I can walk up to the dot and it is small/round but from the laser it looks blurry.
445nm doesnt's give any of that effect for me, the "dot" from 50' away just looks like a ~2" line
445nm is 'technically' indigo, however it's close enough to blue that that's what most people call it without any other reference. However to me, when side by side with 473nm, 445nm is definitely more indigo than blue.
