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FrozenGate by Avery

My Argon Ion Laser

Feb 21, 2008
I recently got an argon from Dave, and it has been working perfectly, so it is time to post some photos and video.

Some pics ...

The multiline beam has been split with a dichro, greens in one beam, blues in the other.


Here the lines have been separated with a prism.

Here is the multiline beam itself, a beautiful peacock blue.

The beam split up with the prism again.


Fog was used in the above photos to enhance beam visibility.
Laser is Lasos ML-02 head and Cyonics Uniphase 2102 PSU.
Running at 30mW in the photos and video.

Finally, the video :

YouTube - Argon Ion Laser



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Lookin' GOOD -- Welcome to the gassy side and a ML at that!
Be sure to run it at least once a month.
Dave does OK sometimes :-)
I think that this laser will be run a little more often than once a month ...
It's good to be gassy !
Wow, 30 mW of blue-cyan light...

I bet that it looks 10x times more beautiful in person than on photos!

I like the fly-through-the-beams take... makes it look very cool!

Bill, you also mentioned some green and orange HeNe lasers you have, when will those be featured on your youtube channel? I'd love to see THAT!
Awesome laser, there is nothing more beautiful that a nice argon beam :) gonna get mine out tonight.
That's beautiful. I'd love to pick up an Argon from Dave once the time for my next laser buy rolls around.

twhite828 - Getting an argon is a decision that you will not regret, especially a multiline.
Eudaimonium - At the slow rate that I produce and process video, probably another week plus before I get anything more up on youtube. I'd also like a video with fog and all gas lasers running.
Nice pics and video. Very nice argon.

Have to invest in a dichro for the green and blue lines. I like the effect.

My prism keeps the lines close together. How did you get the spread on the lines?

Take care
I tried various prisms and only one gave good separation of the lines over a short distance. It is triangular, base is 13.5mm and is frosted, sides are 16mm. The sides are AR coated. Seems to have an extremely high refractive index.

Pic of the prism used.


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Multiline argons are great aren't they? :)

Shame the cameras can't capture the difference between the blues and violets, it's really something you need to see first-hand
