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FrozenGate by Avery

four motor spiro

nice... finally someone other then me who made a 4 motor...

do you have 3 motors spinning one way n 1 the other?... or 2 each direction?
i can change the direction on all 4 motor's at any time and controll the speed . ;D it's hour's of fun . i'm working on a 8 motor but i think i'm going to scrap it
i made mine into a 5 motor right after i took pictures... takes a lot of aligning to get it perfect.. even harder if all you have is 1 inch circle mirrors like me... ill eventually redo it... ive had 6 different versions
[ch12290 said:
]Well... once you reach a certain amount of motors it gets pointless...

very true 6 and up you get alot of junk some will cancle other's . and the alignment is a pain

thank's rog8811 my fav is @ 7:05-7:25 :o . there is also a defraction grating that can drop down to make it look "burnt" . the whole video was made live music and all no editing this is just a peice of it . it's 45 minute's long :D
Its funny how there's no scattering and whatever its pointed at "a wall" isnt lit up to???
Must be awesome mirrors and excellent laser with no divergense in the beam. Nice work.
jnrpop said:
Its funny how there's no scattering and whatever its pointed at "a wall" isnt lit up to???
Must be awesome mirrors and excellent laser with no divergense in the beam. Nice work.

lol the mirror's are crap . the dot on this true green 50mw is tight tho . ive used a black sheet before and work's real good . this was in my kitchen at the wall w/ flat white paint
Awsome Video, [highlight]Kind of hypnotic to an extent.[/highlight]....

this thing as made me vomit from playing with it . tooo many beer's and spiro = vomit town
Cool is ther a shutter or something like that?
In the beginning from the vid the lines are cutted.

Full manually operated or chip?


it's manual control the "cut's" are from it spining very slow ;)
