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FrozenGate by Avery

First "Build" 100mW Greenie

Mar 19, 2012
So this was my first "build" and I put build in quotes because I didn't really put every bit together. Started off by ordering a 30mW disco laser from eBay. I saw a review of it on here somewhere, but it's the one that is in a little case, you can flip a side switch and it makes a mirror come out, to reflect it onto another mirror so that it draws way cool designs.

That's all besides the point. I ended up taking the driver out of there, bought a "80-100mw" diode from eBay, and soldered it all up into this Husky flashlight I have.

I was able to take my soldering iron, to melt a nice hole in the lens that went over the top of the flashlight, to fit the laser module through. It looks kind of snazzy. So everything works really nicely...

Check out the pics, they are all auto exposure.





Good to see a green first build ..instead of noobs going straight for crazy 2W 445's these days i like this approach..
Nice one! :) My first one looked really ugly, it was just a module in a plastic housing ^^.
But this on looks really cool!

btw: I think you bought a DPSS module from ebay not a diode ;)
Nice work! :beer: my first build was a greenie too :)

Good to see a green first build ..instead of noobs going straight for crazy 2W 445's these days i like this approach..

better then them asking for 4w lasers to blind someone.
better then them asking for 4w lasers to blind someone.

LOL I don't know what to say to that. A 500mW, can easily blind someone...a 4W, hm , who knows what that can do, burn a hole through your skull.
Looks better than my first "build", which I still use to align mirrors and such :>

Assembled it into a dice box :o, good thing it was only a 5mw red and did not require heat sinking.


I would have loved to have had a visible beam like yours :( Maybe next time :eg:


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