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A different kind of spiro...

Jan 12, 2008
I've been soldering and hot glueing like a crazy b!tch with this thing! It first started as a LED project, then I made one for my X-125, and now I have one for my Aries-200. I don't know if it has any real potential, some people might have problems with laser beams going EVERYWHERE... but you decide. I used: two DC-motors, two PWM-dimmers, HDD-platters for mirrors and a bunch of vcr-scrap and other junk. The alignment was a pita and my fingers are burnt but it was worth it.


YouTube - 360° Laser Spirograph


It's ghetto allright.




There's a high and low gear, but unfortunately it spins itself out of control with the high gear.








I've looked for attention for this before but no one listens or share interest with it so that's why I posted. I guess it's just something 'interesting' to watch.

Wow, now that is unique... Not sure I'd fire it up myself without eye protection but certainly very cool effects.
Yeah, I looked through the camera, but at a distance of >2m I believe it's safe. It is VERY important not to turn the laser on or off without one of the motors is spinning. You never know where the beam will be when it stops.
Way Cool you have hit the grass roots of inventing here with all the solder and hot glue CUDOS dude ! that ranks right up there at the top of the chart opereates realy cool too would love to see other colors in ther and I just bet that won't be to far off.
Keep inventing !!! always learn !!!

Peace All Pyro...
Wow thanks. I can try to point the RGV in there but I think the beam is too fat.
:topic: Nice job FML, I thought I had seen it before but worth another look!

Regards rog8811
Look good ..... had a similar idea, times ago, but with a completely different principle (mine was a normal 2 motors spiro, with a rotating mirror that was rolling slowly the out around, drawing the beam all around the room in slow cycle, you instead put one motor on the rolling castle, and apparently used a videorecorder head assembly with a tube as axis for pass the beam, right ? ..... good idea :beer:)

Wondering about the effect if you put also the second motor on the rolling castle :D

Anyway, i suggest you low power ..... no safety corners, with that assembly :D
Naah ..... it looks like some of my experiments ..... i see nothing strange, in his assemblies.

Uh, being sincere, also his work table, looks a bit like mine ..... the only difference, is that he have less material on it, and it's more ordinate :whistle: :p
^ no , i haven't problems at all ..... i feel myself at home, there :p

I just said that your table is more ordinate than mine :D
VERY NICE! i wouldnt worry about any kind of "ghetto"ness... 90-95% of DIY projects/prototypes are just peiced together from what people have.(you should have seen a few of mine...) usually the only time ive EVER seen a really clean looking project is from someone who has machining tools. either way +rep for ingenuity and originality.
The effect at 2:00 in the video where it projected an encompassing ring that ascended to the ceiling was really cool.

Very cool spiro btw, i've never seen anything like this before :D
oh wow that thing is intense! You might add some fog to the room and post another video if I may suggest anything... :D
