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445nm Laser Experiments

I wonder if it pop balloon.
Well, the matches light on fire in the middle... wtf?
I'm not sure, I only run it for less than a minute or so. Though the heatsink was pretty warm after I was done with the video.
From what I've read it should be close to 1W. I don't have a power meter to confirm though.
Nice videos / tests!

Most I done was 700mA for 8 minutes and the diode can was 78F. Room temp 75F.

I was surprised because I'm not fanning the heatsink, its just 3x4x1" big XD These lasers are strong burners...they make a lot of objects just smoke like crazy! It's fun to light tooth picks on fire :)

@rangedunits: What, are we going to start a Laser burning show? Just like the blender guy who says "Yuck! Barbie dust! Dont breath this!"

Even with a 8mm wide mark at 7ft, i was still able to smoke red electrical tape with the cheap acrylic lens from AIXIZ
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I noticed you are focusing your beam (you can see the nicely focused beam, nice!).
How well does it cut/burn when focused @ "infinity"? Supposedly, the Nova and WL units don't have a focusing and a re set at infinity.

I mean... HOLY CRAP... if that matchhead ignited any quicker it might have exploded.
Focused 1W 445nm is phenomenal.
Poor LED. :cryyy: Once upon a time, in a land not far away, White LEDs where the coolest thing around.
