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FrozenGate by Avery

What's next after REKE500?

Dec 27, 2011
I'm about to pull the trigger on a REKE500. Before I do, is there anything better in the same general price range, or even let's say under a grand?

I just want to make sure I'm not overlooking a better option.


Probably not. Even if you do get a projector with a higher power, the beams will likely be bigger and they will look the same in terms of brightness. The REKE has pretty small beams, and the 50mW 532nm module in it is almost as bright as the 300mW in my other projector. I doubt you'll see a big difference if you get a 1W projector from ebay.

The only thing worth upgrading for is a better scan speed.

Edit: The next step up would probably be something like this :eg:
5W RRGBB. You'll have to upgrade the mirrors to 5mm to get the most out of it though.
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IIRC Reke makes an analog 500(or 600) that one REALLY is FULL color~$860-iirc-
but for me the increase in price did not make it worth the extra$$

so for me at least- the 'next' was a second reke 500 rgb ttl & I must say having two seems to be around 4X more fun- you can run up to 6 pjs from one QS FB3 using splitters- more splitters are needed if you must have none 'mirrored'- thats the only way around that(afaik)- for me I just rear project the mirrored one on a skrim so its the same- and being mirrored is mainly a problem with text so for graphics and abstracts thats N/P.
having more than one allows me to stack images, overlap, & have more going on for other walls/ceiling etc. and by using the pattern size knob I can do more with two PJs-- I did a private BDay party in a room with vaulted ceilings so my two rekes crossed to opposite sides of the ceiling- and that was neat.

With so MANY cues and frames if you know the songs that are playing well you can do a decent show on the fly using the PC keyboard. tapping frames to the beat etc. some of the complete free songs at the Pangolin Show portal can be run with other music than what they were done for and still look OKay. The QS can also be ran via a MiDi interface and a Kasio keyboard.. I need to find mine and give that a try...

one more cool thing .......that can be done wiha second REKE is to reduce the output into a small dot and scan thru lumia glass that is slowly rotating- so the image smoothly morphs and the PJ changes the colors for you.. I am working on an add-on
so I can do lumia quick and easy by just attaching the lumia motor & glass in front of all three (4 counting my 91G reke db25/PC green only pj)

hope this helps------len
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If you're going to spend more, you might just consider building your own, or retrofitting the lower-end Reke with better lasers and scanners. The main benefit, to me, in the Reke is that it is "all in one" and pretty decent for what you get. Beyond that, however, and you're probably better off rolling your own system.

A grand is a bit to play with and you could do pretty well:

Metal is pretty cheap: $45 for 12"x12"x0.5" (Exactmetals on eBay)
The lasers can be inexpensive (well, relatively ;) ) : 1000/500/1000 2.5W for $1000 prebuilt (Lasever); make your own for less (500+/500/1000 is very doable for $500).
Mounts/adjusters: $100 ($50 for knife-edge type pair + dichro set from Lasever)
Galvos: $100-200
PSUs: $50-100

All of the above would be superior to whatever you'd get from a Reke or imitator. All you'd need after that is a drill-press, screws (get 'em from Amazon) and enclosure to make it happen.
I have 2 REKE 500mW's and with the amount of hot-glue in them and having out-of focus lasers and misalignment issues (at distance), I will not be buying another projector from REKE.
If you want to go to that tier, I'd rather get this: 1w FULL COLOUR RGB ANALOG ILDA stage light lasershow30k | eBay while you're at it.

It's got better scanners, and meierlight has pretty on-spec modules ime, and best of all, it has analog modulation, which makes it so much more fun to watch.

Well, that's another tier to me. From $788 to $1,099. Sure looks nice though... :drool:

Let's play "what if..."

What if I was going with Meier-light but trying to stay under $800? Is there anything in that category worth skipping the REKE to go with?

Would it be worth nearly double the REKE500 to go with this unit at $568?

580mw RGB DMX512 ILDA dj Laser stage light lasershow20k | eBay

^^^ 20k 580mW RGB ^^^
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Those premade projectors at that tier are all going to be practically the same. The one you linked to doesn't even compare that differently to the 500RGB (the non-Reke one) I got from Dino Direct for $350 or so; it had the same galvo speed, and even more output power (a 635nm laser too). It did lack ILDA, but that's not hard to retrofit in anyway.

You should think about whether dropping $600 now on something relatively mediocre is going to be wasting money you could be spending on something you really want later. I'd just get the Reke500 instead, as you're not going to see much improvement really.

Another option is to get something like the Reke500, and then just swap out the galvo for a better one from SpaceLas or some other company (DT? eBay galvos?). That would cost you roughly the same thing and you'd have a better system than pricier $600 one. Plus you could use the galvos in future rigs.
I have 2 REKE 500mW's and with the amount of hot-glue in them and having out-of focus lasers and misalignment issues (at distance), I will not be buying another projector from REKE.

The hot glue is required to retain aliment during shipping.

The glue is fairly easy to pick off though, and they use proper mounts so adjustment is a breeze.

I do agree about the unfocused part though, my 445nm module is out of focus (but not by much), and I can't get it to focus properly.
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My non-Reke 500RGB used some terrible form of glue that is hard enough to pick away with wire snips. I'll probably have to find some acetone to melt that shit off as it binds to that aluminum quite well. Even the Mini-10RGB was better built (though the mounting plate was thinner), even if the galvos were inferior. The dichro mounts of the Mini-10RGB also didn't have shitty screws that strip the non-Reke one did (because you have to deal with the poor alignment and the glue prevents major adjustments).

So if you're going to buy any budget projector, do stick with Reke.
Ok, so I was leaning towards meierlight, now you've got me leaning back towards the REKE500.

My head is spinning! Lol!

P.S. Acetone = nail polish remover I believe.
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The hot glue is required to retain aliment during shipping.

The glue is fairly easy to pick off though, and they use proper mounts so adjustment is a breeze.

I do agree about the unfocused part though, my 445nm module is out of focus (but not by much), and I can't get it to focus properly.
Thanks. Yeah. Makes sense, but I wish the sweatshop workers worked a little harder getting the lasers focused and aligned properly before gluing everything in place. :yabbmad:

Although, If you get a projector directly from REKE, they offer a 1 year warranty, the shipping back and forth to China would hardly make it worth it for a $300 projector.

Check this new product list I got from them (attached). ;)
Their calculations (or powers) are off on their 10W for $6,900.
The laser powers listed are the same for the 5W. :wtf:


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from my reading most all descriptions from both makers and re-sellers are a joke.
and dont waste your time trying to help them improve the accuracy- They will not even change calling a projector a 'pointer' W T F ??? or calling a ttl rgb 'full color'.
This is why most never sell via FeeBay- 'as described' NOT.

If you want to DIY build and have a good point to start from go to 'techood' on Eekbay and see thier RGB mounted on thick Al plate module set-up ~$400 for ~1W.
you may want to upgrade the dichros and mounts but the rest is 'good to go' [from the appearence]- just add fair-quality scanners, buy or build a case add fan(s)- and your break-out ilda and you are almost there and still under $1000. link coming


^^^^ this one has a 635 red


^^^^^ the 1W version & analog too but red is 660...


^^^ thier cheapest $209- and only ttl but still not bad-- a time saver and hard to beat that price just for the three modules---- my 2 cents
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Thanks Len, I will check those out.

I got the BE today. Thanks for getting the screws sorted out. I will pm you about the "solar eclipse" deelio. Not sure what that is and what to do about it.

I really appreciate your help in getting this sorted out. I sent you a check for the Pango QS and FB3, should be there ASAP.

Thanks for the goodies in the box too. :)

You are a big asset to the forum! +1 when I can!
yall definitely need to check out Laser Light-goldenstarlaser.com ....we've been using them over at PL for awhile for a good source of cheap projectors and parts... email them and winni will custom build to your specs. ...just ask her to upgrade the mounts and get it with the DT30 or better scanners and you have a professional projector :)


definitely better than that reeke

here is a sample...

Starting at: $312.00
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