If you're using a large chunk of ND:YVO4 rather than a YAG rod, you'll probably end up needing an even more complicated "ring cavity".
This allows you to pump the crap out of the vanadate on both sides. 10W is a serious, serious venture. You're looking at a lot of money in parts. Do you just have one HR and one OC mirror? Or do you have several HR's (with a couple that fold) and one OC?
I would aim for maybe .5 or 1W in a linear cavity before going right for the z-fold or ring cavity.
To give you an idea, even a healthy laserscope will only do around 15W CW of green and they are built very very well... so you can see how big of a deal 10W CW will be.
I'm not saying you wont be able to do it, but just realize that you're going to have to invest a couple thousand dollars into this to get it going correctly. DIY DPSS is usually not much cheaper than just buying a commercially available system, and if you count the time you put into it, it's usually a lot cheaper to buy a commercial system, BUT it is very rewarding in the end.