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Nichia to Ship Green Diode Laser

Dec 6, 2008
Nichia to Start Sample Shipment of Green Diode Laser

Jul 8, 2010 - Tadashi Nezu, Nikkei Electronics

Nichia Corp will finally commercialize its green diode laser for use mainly in pico projectors.

The oscillation wavelength of the laser is 510nm, which is a little short for green color. But the company claims that the laser looks green.

Nichia has been engaged in the development of a diode laser that directly emits green light. But this is the first time that the company will commercialize it. Nichia will start sample shipment in August 2010, aiming to start volume production in the summer of 2011.

Currently, most of the green diode lasers commercialized for display devices convert the wavelength of infrared laser light by using SHG (second harmonic generation). In other cases, some green diode lasers convert the wavelength of blue laser light by using fluorescent materials.

Because the new diode laser directly emits green light, it may reduce the sizes of pico projectors and costs.

The optical output of the green diode laser is 50mW when driven at 200mA and 5V (case temperature: 25°C). The life of the laser (the time until its current increases to 1.3 times the initial current value) is estimated to be 10,000 hours if it is used at the optical output of 50mW and at a constant output (APC) under continuous operation (case temperature: 60°C,).

The color has a little more blue than I would like ...
but direct green diodes are here.


Blue/Green laser diodes sounds pretty good to me I can think of all kinds of cool things to make ;)
Seriously, when I'm running my 515 ArIon green -- you really have to kind of "look hard" to find a hint of cyan. It's really green. Sure, 510 is just a little bit less so but it's not going to be like 488 or anything. Next to a 445 it'll look green as grass.
Thanks for posting that! I'm thinking of all the multiline colors available from an argon laser. Are we finally going to get that argon laser look for peanuts, compared to the heavy duty cooling and current needs of an argon? Just kidding really, the argon laser is one beautiful beast.
Anyone know how many of these will be in a projector? Or just one? Thanks for all the above posts. So.... how soon Yellow at affordable price? prolly never as is asaik is not needed in a projector.
One thing to remember is, even though 510 might look green, it's not gonna be as bright as 532nm. In photopic vision 510nm should be about as bright as yellow lasers (about 590nm).
Even though its not as green as a 532nm laser, i still think this color is gonna look awesome coming out of diode.
Sure hope we find a goldmine source of these like the Casio projectors, I can just imagine how extravagantly expensive these will be, even at group buy quantities... :whistle:
This sounds extremely promising. Any new visible wavelength of laser diode is a significant plus in my book!

With any luck they will at some point enter into the realm of affordability for hobbyists like ourselves!

They probably won't be anywhere near as strong as the 445s, which sucks...

I got to compare 445 to 473 today, and 445 looks purpleish next to 473. The 515 line in an argon defiantly stands out as green though, I actually prefer it to 532. Some say 635 looks orange when next to 660, but it always looks red to me. :D
Honestly, I'm ok with them not being anywhere near as strong. Less chance of another "Craze". After the gadget crowd got a taste of 1W, they won't see the value in 510nm green. We will though... 100mW would be fine for me.
Sadly though, since 50mw is the expected operating output, it's not really possible to get higher than that with this wavelength at the time of its release (I mean, drive it harder but...). Not that it's needed, 50mw is great for viewing ;)

A very nice addition for those of us that can't get enough of the spectrum! We keep getting these summer gifts, it seems :D
